Doom 3 Mod - Recall To Hell (56K Warning)


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I've been following this mod for quite a while now. Until today, they haven't released any updates and I was almost convinced that it was dead. As it turns out, it's alive and kickin'. Check out the level design and the monsters.

Here's the site:

Here's the update:

The way was long and tiring until, at last, we saw the first twitches of our creations. This twitching has now become complete animation sets, which we will not keep to ourselves. Together with some new localities the whole team has gone to great lengths to spur on the progress.



Our mapper, Zizz, has been working pretty hard to make our Jupiter facility as uncomfortable and eerie as possible for your mind to accept. An old high-security prison complex constructed on a meteorite above Jupiter itself has yet to be explored, with fluctuations in gravity and cosmic anomalies to keep you occupied. New cybernetic lifeforms, made of blood and steel, are being created here. Created by assimilation of the steel structures and biological tissue of its former inmates in a maelstrom of uncontrolled, accelerating evolution.




These creatures, deemed Flesh-Crawlers, are blind but have a very different mode of sight: they can sense electricity. Every unfamiliar source of electricity grabs their attention. Any new moving source is met with frightening aggression. You'd better deactivate any tool or weapon that uses electricity. Even those with digital GUIs or the emanations of a flashlight can make you an easy prey.


Our pickaxe, being nonelectric, is completely safe. You'll find it deep within the mining tunnels and may use it as a weapon without hesitation. Three other weapons are also close to completion. Among them the Nailgun, which you can use to rain down rivets upon your enemies with tremendous speed. Next, the Oxidation Grenades, can disintegrate metallic enemies in seconds. The third is the Environmental Gun, which absorbs the particles of the environment, amplifies their characteristics, and puts them back out. So it becomes a flamethrower in hot areas, and a sort of Icegun in cold areas.




Meanwhile, our leadmapper Elusive has constructed a huge undersea base, diving passages and water-reflections included. This whole abandoned facility consists of over 60000 brushes and about 70% custom textures. Moreover it has got its own unique soundset, thanks to Dreyseth for that.




Each location has its own unique look and distinct characteristics. Starting with the texture sets over different styles of architecture, up to exclusive GUI-themes for each planet. The screenshots above are showing some huge storage-depot.



The Dark Beast skillfully uses its abilities to extinguish all electrical machinery, creating a large area of total darkness around itself. Even your battery-powered flashlight can't withstand the effect. The only thing you are left to rely on are meager magnesium flares and those heavy footsteps, echoing through the dark, growing closer by the second...




Psyschokiller presents his solid piece of work with the oppressive Moon level, full of mine tunnels deep beneath the surface. Valuable ores are mined here by the PTMI and processed on-site, until they are transported to Earth. Through the various caves and mining tools, the mine generates a distinctive atmosphere, with swirling fog, dark shafts, and dim lamps contributing to your feelings of unease.

These are Shadows. They have no fixed form and are always lingering in deep darkness. They will show their dreadful visage only when they are directly in front of you, grotesquely crawling towards you with terrible scratching noises, attacking from the ground or ceiling.

Extending the basic Doom3 engine by a couple of effects, our Coders Spuzz, Junkguy and Satan have created a unique look for RtH, suitable for a modern game. For example the atmospheric play of light and shadows is emphasized by simulated HDR and subtle LensFlare effects. Water surfaces cast realistic reflections on walls and ceilings. Details are highlighted by an exclusive version of Junkguy's Parallax Mapping. But special attention should be paid to our RtH-Bloom-Sharpening Shader, which adds a nice soft Bloom effect to the environment, but at the same time sharpens the overall display, including textures and objects. The mixture of both looks quite nice in-game and improves the whole optical experience by a level.

Of course we are also still in search of animators, modelers, coders [who are able to get our fully modelled, animated and textured monsters/weapons ingame] and shader artists [for nice water-, rain-, fog- and multiple weapon effects]. So in the following months we will be able to mod at least as efficiently as up to now. If you are interested, please post in the forum as usual.

I know there are some DOOM 3 haters out there but I think this mod team is doing a brilliant job thus far. Anyone else agree?

That's on the Doom 3 Engine?
Sweet jebus!
Almost worth installing Doom 3 again to check this out (once it's released)... freakin' amazing.




It almost looks like it's on UE3.
I don't think I've ever checked this mod out. Holy shit I'm speechless. Junkguy is a Doom 3 modder legend. It's interesting to find out he is on their mod team.

The third is the Environmental Gun, which absorbs the particles of the environment, amplifies their characteristics, and puts them back out. So it becomes a flamethrower in hot areas, and a sort of Icegun in cold areas.
Now that is a unique idea. I like it.

The maps look incredible. I like their textures. I haven't tried modeling yet personally, but I really like those beast models. The gameplay ideas are excellent. I hope they never get tired of working on it. With something like this to show for all of your work, you can never get sick of working on it.

This is going to be incredible.

Almost worth installing Doom 3 again to check this out (once it's released)... freakin' amazing.
You've got to be kidding me. Some of you act like installing a game takes more than 5 minutes and requires more effort than swapping a few discs while you wait.

I've been working on my mod day and night. I got some seriously kick ass things done today, and it really inspired me, not unlike this mod here. I can't wait until tomorrow, I'm going to grind and get a weeks worth of work done.


That's on the Doom 3 Engine?
Sweet jebus!
I know, it's awesome. :D
There is almost like no limit to what you can do with this game engine. It just takes a lot of work.
I figured you'd show up VirusType2. :) Why don't you see if you can join their team? You have some experience with DOOM 3 modding. Maybe you could do some sound work.
VirusType2 said:
You've got to be kidding me. Some of you act like installing a game takes more than 5 minutes and requires more effort than swapping a few discs while you wait.

No, but because I don't have space to install a 4GB game. I have no problem waiting for a game to install.

If this mod will play as good as it looks once it's released to the public, then I'm all set.
Loke said:
No, but because I don't have space to install a 4GB game. I have no problem waiting for a game to install.

If this mod will play as good as it looks once it's released to the public, then I'm all set.
I have enough space, but I have a problem with the CDs its on.


Definetly might have to reinstall this.
Don't mind reinstalling, just gotta get the discs back from the guy I borrowed em from originally ;)

Oh, and uhh... a computer that could run it (the mod).
I guess I can understand since I don't have HL2 installed right now (ran out of space before my 2nd HD, but I've never uninstalled D3, except to do a clean install.

I've got what seems like about 40GB of one of my hard drives filled with resources from working on my mod. I really need to go ahead and erase most of it... it's like sound effects, backups of everything, backups of the backups, random shit, and texture experiments for the most part.

My desktop is nothing but folders containing working folders from my mod, with clusters of other folders inside the folders, with more folders inside those. It's a total ****ing nightmare. I can't find any of the old stuff I was working on, so I start new shit, and the process starts all over again; the new stuff becomes the old forgotten lost material.

Ugg. Do you know how much that sucks to have to sort through all of that shit and decide for each file what I should keep, and what to erase? Torture.

Hahah, when I boot up windows my whole desktop is nothing but folders.. I never have space for any new folders or icons on my desktop. : X

**** that shit. Right now? I'm creating 1 folder to rule them all, and I'm throwing everything in it.
VirusType2 said:
I guess I can understand since I don't have HL2 installed right now (ran out of space before my 2nd HD, but I've never uninstalled D3, except to do a clean install.

I've got what seems like about 40GB of one of my hard drives filled with resources from working on my mod. I really need to go ahead and erase most of it... it's like sound effects, backups of everything, backups of the backups, random shit, and texture experiments for the most part.

I wouldn't erase anything until your mod's done and released... just incase the unthinkable happens.
Get two 700 gig drives,

Yes I know the pain of clearing out a hdd, Just go through once and remove the obvious stuff, then u can break it down into seperate folders and just take it a bit at a time :) well thats whatt I do.
satch919 said:
I figured you'd show up VirusType2. :) Why don't you see if you can join their team? You have some experience with DOOM 3 modding. Maybe you could do some sound work.
Well, I sort of have my hands full. I absolutely love what I see here, but my mod is my baby and I couldn't take my attention from it. I learn new things every day, I come up with new ideas every day, I make progress every day...

And when I'm done screwing around, I spend a few hours and apply all of that. It's like Grinding. You know how you grind for XP in RPGs? You really have to work for it, even if you know how, and you are good, you still have to actually do it, and it's not always the fun part, but the finished product is going to be the reward; when I look at it and go, "That is bad ass."
You know how you grind for XP in RPGs? You really have to work for it, even if you know how, and you are good, you still have to actually do it, and it's not always the fun part, but the finished product is going to be the reward; when I look at it and go, "That is bad ass."
So completely true. That is the best possible explanation I've seen anyone ever give.
Somebody give that mapper a ridiculously high paying job.
Holy crap, that looks better than a lot of professional games put out TODAY. Level design looks interesting as **** too, not this corridor shit that was in Doom3. I love it!
omfg, my PC cries digital tears at the very thought of running that. So amazing.
Wow... absolutely incredible! That thing looks like it will be a massively sized mod, though.
SERIOUS props to the mapper. Creatures look great and that weapon thing sounds cool.

I couldn't stand Doom 3 itself but I may reinstall when this mod releases to check it out.

*looks at site*

*realises you can't download*

:( :( :(

I'm glad I bought Doom3 even if it cost me $85 just to get it a day before release date, I was kind of dissapointed on the original game but here's a good reason why I spent so much on that game, can't simply wait for this to be released or even see a trailer.

The leveldesign is just nuts, much better than what I saw in Doom3 and the models, they almost look as good as they do in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Wow, this looks great, I dont usually download Doom 3 mods, but to this I am going to make an exception, its obvious that this team has skill and dedication to this project.
wow looks great, some of the level design is much bigger than that of d3, i hope it plays decently, the 'flesh crawlers'/'dark beast' looks great, i like how you have to battle him too, sounds like the battles will be pretty terrifying if they pull it off well.
Javert said:
Somebody give that mapper a ridiculously high paying job.

You never know, the maps could play like shit.

I never got Doom 3, but I may track it down to play over the long summer. Then I can play this mod when released. XD