Doom 3 Question...

Some people have already gotten it. So I'd say.. yes, some Gamestops are getting it tomorrow. And today (yesterday).
Now I wish my father went into the game industry instead of becoming an engineer.. pfff, who needs engineers anyways.
Shuzer said:
Well, technically, they *DO* have it then ;) even if they don't sell it

yeah i guess.
pple taking advantage of the fact they work for a gaming store and get these games ahead of everyone else and post screen shots..

damn show offs :p
Yes it's true , I got it 5 hours ago as I know the guy from Gamestop , he sended earlier to me as a special favour.
Can you send me a copy? er.. I mean.. ;) :p

But no, congrats.
Adrien C said:
Yes it's true , I got it 5 hours ago as I know the guy from Gamestop , he sended earlier to as a special favour.

i want screenies with watermarked in the corner!
Adrien C said:
he sended earlier to as a special favour.

Best Use of English ever.

Bonus points for the British spelling fo favour.

EDIT: But well done. I'm jealous.
Shuzer said:
You capitalized use.. you fail! :p

Old habit. I can't seem to get out of it. I always put random capitals in places.
I forgive you, simply because you've had such a hard forum life with people mispronouncing your name :)
Feath said:
Old habit. I can't seem to get out of it. I always put random capitals in places.

WhaT are you TaLking aBout? I seE Nothing tHe mattER!
"Go Advanced"
"Manage Attachments"

Don't post anything Spoilerish
Adrien C said:
I can't find what you say, damn I'm stupid.

When posting (not quick reply) scroll down and you'll see a button that says manage attachments
Ok for some reason when I want to edit it, it wont up-load
I'm runing on low setting, even my 2.4 is not enaught speed for it.
Ok here is another one , I took it real fast, getting way to scary for me, it's night, you know...
Do you guys want more, I can get more details if you want, but tell me now as I'll be leaving soon.
well, that second screen is a bit crap (not crap looking, can't tell, too dark.. and.. not a good shot)

Adrien C said:
Do you guys want more, I can get more details if you want, but tell me now as I'll be leaving soon.

I do, give us MORE! :D
Adrien C said:
Do you guys want more, I can get more details if you want, but tell me now as I'll be leaving soon.
Adrien, what you fail to realize is that you could give us a new screenshot every 5 minutes until the 3rd, and we wouldn't get tired of it :D
First tell me you love me!

I have another one, but there is this weird looking monster, do you still want it, the monster is kind of crappy thaugt.
I love you! :) a friendly way, not a gay way! ;)
I managed to put how many FPS pair minute, maybe this will help.
What video card do you have, and how much RAM, good sir?
I have an old G force 4 64 MB - 512 RAM

Here is another pic with FPS shown.
You're running it on a GF4MX!? :O

I suddenly have regained hope that I can run it on high with 800x600

We'll see.. but it DOES look great for such a crappy card. MORE SCREENS!