Doom 3 Review *May be some spoilers*


Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
well Igot the game today and I ahve been playing it for the past few hours and I definitely say Ican't wait to try out Mulitplayer, the game is looking great so far.

Cinematics - 10/10

I love the scenes where you walk into a new area and then it shows some guy stuck to the ceiling with spear like objects sticking thorugh him with his stomach cut open and all of this organic stuff growing around him... and he started to scream, loved that :D. Or when you hear the girl crying and saying please, help me! then when you get in the room she turns around and her face goes crazy and then her skull and spinal cord come ripping out and its those fire things!!

Sounds - 9/10

The sounds are absolutely amazing, guns sound rather good and I love hearing monsters spawn and start roaring and those little spider things, but the only thing I didn't like is sometimes when someone is talking to you on the readio its a bit unclear beacuse the atmsopshere is blocking it out since it's so loud, like machinery and sutff.

Graphics - 10/10

Bump Maps, Normal Maps? I can't decide... the games flow is absolutely amazing with its graphics style, I thought farcry had uber l337 graphics but there's a new kid in town and he kicks farcry off the shelves, I love the way every characters body actually has muscle definition, not some poor no muscled zombie (except for the fat one, lol) but the textures and every are so smooth, I haven't found a problem yet and the particle effecst are amazing! Im still waiting to get to the "Hell" area where they say their graphics are the best, but what I've seen so far Im really enjoying them :D

Scare Factor - 10/10

You think that you are mister big shit and that no game can scare you and you say you are use to these kind of things, well not when a monster spawns after an area you've run by and then out of no where a slash goes across your screen, or your running and not paying attention when a zmobie gets off the floor and hits you... I don't know how many differnet things I can say theres way too many! The graphics and sounds tie together perfectly and really add to the touch, I find it a scary game especially in the dark :sniper:

Fun Facter - 8-9/10

Its a fun game but I find it a bit repetitive at some levels... well actually the past 3 levels I played were way to much the same, they all had the same mosnters, mutated soldiers I was getting a bit sick of it until the new flying heads came in, man they are a btich, its defiintialy a great game and I suggest you support ID and make a purchase of Doom 3!!!

Overall Score - 9/10

Like I said support ID and purchase this game, becuase I want to see another game better than this to come out in a yaer or so and Im very eager to see what happens, but if everyone downloads it and doesn't purchase it then we won't have any great companies left so like they say, Buy the game if you enjoy gaming!
I share your initial reaction as well. I wish there were more of those cinematics though! I haven't finished the game yet but am hoping for more of those horror scenes.
they are so fun to watch, what part aare you at?
I've just arrived at the Delta labs i think. I had to cross this area in the open, revenant was on some catwalk, took him down oldskool strafing plasma gun style, then had to jump up some stair type box things to get to the airlock.