DOOM 3 - second opinion


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I've had this game since it came out and was pretty disapointed by the framerate i could get with it, how it was so dark i couldn't even see what i was shooting at, and the way the demon type monsters burn up and disapear after you kill them, but mostly I didn't like the pistol, shotgun, and machine gun sounds. As silly as it may sound, that alone ruined the game IMHO

The way it ran (poor framerates) wasn't really the games fault. its a game that is intended to last forever, and Be played by people 10 or 15 years from now. I doubt anyone can play this game smoothly in ultra-resolution with shadows and everything turned up with current PC technology.

I kept trying to run it at 800 x 600 and was trying all kinds of things to get more performance, but never attained it.

Well, i turned off the shadows and lowered my standards to run it at 640 x 480 resolution and it of course it runs much much better. 19-60 fps depending on the area. Even at this low resolution the graphics are the best I have ever seen.

It's like a work of art.
I blew this monsters guts all over the glass door with a well placed shotgun blast. I will never forget that moment, that and running across Mars trying to get to the air-lock in time before running out of oxygen. These two moments basically sum up the entire game. Panic, often blessed with the satisfaction of a perfect shot.

I had downloaded a sound mod long ago called Old school sound effects, where they took all the sounds from Doom 1 and 2 and replaced many of the weapon and monster sound effects and put them in doom 3
I kind of liked it, at the time...

Well yesterday I removed that sound mod and downloaded a sound mod called FluffyInsanity Sound pack and Fraggers Chrome pistol mod

( (by the way I saw a movie download from tr0n on there called "with your pants down" LOL Is this the same tr0n from this forum?)

I have to say that with this sound mod, this is one of the very best games I've ever played. I always knew the sound effects in a game were a huge part of the game, but In this game the sound is half of the experience! Fluffyinsanity sound pack has a ****ing awesome shotgun sound effect. The pistol and machine gun are great too. He also improved the sound of reloading the handgun, which i thought was much needed.

Anyway, since yesterday I have been playing it a lot, I picked up where i left off when I got the game. I just got the soulcube. I still haven't found a BFG yet!! :(

At first I didn't like how it was so dark, but the darkness and the burn up effects I have grown to love. It really makes the game. The atmosphere, the unknown, the danger. When you walk into a dark control room you proceed with caution.

I have my PC hooked up to speakers that you can hear outside and down the street, and I play it at a volume where the guns are as loud as they would be in real life, and I played it in the dark, and It was ****ing cool. :D
I actually screamed with fear as I realized I was in a bad situation becuase I came down a ladder in pitch black I was surprized and beaten to death by two imps. I actaully yelled out in pain as they were taking me down :x ... love the graphic effect when they strike you!

This game is ****ing scary dude, I mean not "im going to have nightmares" type scary but just .. i dont know.. edge of your seat white knuckle scary. If you are a kid you might piss yourself though. I know a lot of people that say this game is nothing but cheap scares, like "BOO!" but not really, there are a few of them, but they don't do it enough that you expect it, and so the surprize is there - it works.

I have to say this is the most impressive game I have ever played.

You definately must get a sound mod for it though! Im not sure what the hell id as thinking when they used those handgun and shotgun sounds... .. i dont know, my oldest brother said he liked the sounds however

I was always getting stuck and lost when I got the game and it was frustrating. The thing thats interesting about this game is that the maps are just as hard - if not harder - in the begining of the game.

Every level is challenging. For a beginner, this is a tough learning curve (finding your way) This is actually a pretty good idea to keep the game fun even after you have completed it before. there are no super easy levels like for example in Doom 1 and 2 the first levels are basically shoot a few guys and press the exit button.

Since ever level is a challenge, this will be cool to play through the game again on a harder skill level so the monsters are even tougher this time. it would really suck if you could just breeze through the first couple levels in a few minutes, and not get a real challenge untill the last couple levels

I can't wait to play this game again in like 10 years where my PC is so powerfull i can run it in Ultra-Quality resolution, full shadows and effects. Thats going to be so awesome. The ultra quality mode is ****ing extreme

There are quite a bit of good looking mods for this game if you have a high-end PC. THere is one that has floor reflections, self shadows (so you can see your own shadow cast), reflections and light reflecting off of weapons, along with some other great additions.

Im definately going to buy the expansion pack as my next game.

this game is ****ing intense and high quality. I almost can't believe how much work they put into making this game. All of the computer terminals and interfaces are so impressive, and really make the game immersive.

Firing a rocket into a receptionist station and watching the monster, soda cans, lap-top computer, boxes, and crates get blown across the room is a great joy.

Originally I was disapointed, but now Im the biggest fan.

Anyone know some other good mods for this game?
some weapons mods are ok, change the ammo amounts and damage, and stuff, like fixking the bouncy grenades. Others, like the ungibbable mod, let the demon's bodies stay so you can marvel at the superior ragdolls.
Que-Ever said:
some weapons mods are ok, change the ammo amounts and damage, and stuff, like fixking the bouncy grenades. Others, like the ungibbable mod, let the demon's bodies stay so you can marvel at the superior ragdolls.

Yea I don't like the lame ass cheat mods where you can kill anything in 1 hit and crap but it will be cool to try some of the different mods where they change the weapons a bit, like i saw one that lets the handgun fire in bursts of 3, but to compensate for that they increased the time it takes for you can fire again. That might be cool to try.
I played it again recently, and this time I could play it with alot of settings turned up, instead of all of them lowest as possible. Still think the game sucks. As stated previously, too dark, lacking of a flashlight on your gun, rediculous looking monsters, the random 3rd person view *I play first person shooters, not first person to 3rd person, to first person again shooters* and yes, the shotgun sounds more like a rock in a can then a gun.
I liked it a lot. I didn't love it, it was no HL2, but I had a good bit of fun, and it definitely scared me in a few places. The major problem was that it got old- I beat the game without getting sick of it, but got bored after like half an hour of my second playthrough. Still, definitely a fun game IMO.
I enjoyed Doom 3 and I must admit I never thought the sounds were bad at all. Doom 3: ROE is a pretty good expansion it's not very long at around 1/3rd length of Doom 3 but it maintains good level design and pacing throughout.
The biggest problem is definitely the amount of light. In the coop mods I mentioned, my friend and I would always get seperated because of the lack of light.
I don't know, it never really crippled the game for me. I used the flashlight a lot, and my machine can play it fine with everything maxed, so it wasn't hard for me to see.
I can't wait to play this game again in like 10 years where my PC is so powerfull i can run it in Ultra-Quality resolution, full shadows and effects. Thats going to be so awesome. The ultra quality mode is ****ing extreme
A 1800XT 512 or Geforce 7800 Ultra can run it at highest because they both have 512megs of memory....
The only thing reaching the max settings what that it supported something that current public graphic cards didn't, 512megs of video memory. Now that they do...the game is a piece of cake.

I pesonally was dissapointed, I mean.... For me I just had a feeling and I could go through it and basically know where every monster was(first time playing). While my cousin who went through it got freaked out at every other thing, and liked it. I thought it was boring. It really matters who you are.

Recently I began playing Rainbow Six; Raven Shield, I Had bought it and never really liked it cuz I never really got the hang of it. But now I did, using the mission planner, my teams aresnal is all very important and well I just kick ass now ;).

There should be a mod where theres light.
Wait.. The engine actually suports light!! OMG!@
I have to admit that, the first time I played Doom 3, there were times when I stopped playing because I just didn't want to go into that next sector. I swear there were times when you could actually feel the cold of being in those dark corridors. Spooky.

Unfortunately, the whole "monster closet" thing spoiled a large chunk of it.
It has to be one of the most non scary games ever, no?
I barely jumped once.
Samon said:
It has to be one of the most non scary games ever, no?
I barely jumped once.
Same here :|

And in all those other scary games (RE, Dino Crisis, F.E.A.R.), I always used cheats for a good shotgun or an SMG because I was so freaking afraid of getting killed. Didn't even think of using cheats for Doom 3. Just go in with guns blazing and you'll survive.

That's not scary.

3,000th post :O
When I played Doom 3, I had a feeling that something was behind me all the time to the end of the game.

Doom 3 was quite enjoyable, although the switching from weapon to flashlight got quite strenuous after a while.
Cyberdemon was very sexy though, you can’t imagine how high my pulse was when I was about to face him.
you guys are aware of the mod that straps a flashlight to the shotgun and machine gun, right?
i've had the game for a while but only really started playing it recently, have to admit, it's given me some frights. nearly fell off chair once:o

great game though:thumbs:
Llama said:
T'was fun, but not a HL2 beater

no, but Halo 2 was....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOlololololollolololololololollolololololololollololollolololollollolloolololl....:| I kid, I kid....

Doom 3 was a very fun game. You really have to let yourself get into it. The atmosphere, the really sucked me in. I didn't really think it was "scary", but it had its fare share of scares if you know what I mean. The addition of a nice high quality 5.1 setup also enriches the it does with most games.

Overall: I gave Doom 3 a 90% and it stands to this day.
I wish it had the feel of the leakes alpha. that was so cool.

the game was way to long too. the "human" enemies look so stiff. they should have been left out.

first half of the game was a blast, then it got boring.
Loke said:
When I played Doom 3, I had a feeling that something was behind me all the time to the end of the game.

Doom 3 was quite enjoyable, although the switching from weapon to flashlight got quite strenuous after a while.
Cyberdemon was very sexy though, you can’t imagine how high my pulse was when I was about to face him.

I was like, "oh wo, its going to finally end...but in an awesome way! All this ammo, time to BLOW HIM TO HELL! (no pun intended)"

Then...I had to soulcube him :|
I had a nightmare last night. I woke up moaning something like "nn Nn NOO!!" and was scared as hell!! Breathing hard, heart beating fast... I've never woken up that scared before.. i was afraid to fall back to sleep so i just got out of bed.

It was a voice like the "USE US!" whisper from the soul cube at it was asking me something and it started to get mad and repeated its question even louder in that scary ass wisper voice.

I don't remember the images but it was some sort of Green light shinning through the fog and possibly some D3-like images

W00t, time to play doom3 Im getting near the end possibly. this is a long game!
VirusType2 said:
I had a nightmare last night. I woke up moaning something like "nn Nn NOO!!" and was scared as hell!! Breathing hard, heart beating fast... I've never woken up that scared before.. i was afraid to fall back to sleep so i just got out of bed.

It was a voice like the "USE US!" whisper from the soul cube at it was asking me something and it started to get mad and repeated its question even louder in that scary ass wisper voice.

I don't remember the images but it was some sort of Green light shinning through the fog and possibly some D3-like images

W00t, time to play doom3 Im getting near the end possibly. this is a long game!

Issues buddy.

VirusType2 said:
I had a nightmare last night. I woke up moaning something like "nn Nn NOO!!" and was scared as hell!! Breathing hard, heart beating fast... I've never woken up that scared before.. i was afraid to fall back to sleep so i just got out of bed.

It was a voice like the "USE US!" whisper from the soul cube at it was asking me something and it started to get mad and repeated its question even louder in that scary ass wisper voice.

I don't remember the images but it was some sort of Green light shinning through the fog and possibly some D3-like images

W00t, time to play doom3 Im getting near the end possibly. this is a long game!

I think you have brain worms.

You need to see a head doctor.
yea doom3 wasn't scary, and fear wasn't scary either. I got tired of walking into dooms traps, and how unrealisticly the monsters spawned. It's SO frustrating to toss grenades into a room, then take 1 step forward and like 10 people appear from where my grenades were.

I basically would just run into a room, trigger every event, then kill them. And fear, i only jumped twice, once in the demo with the ladder scene, and the other in the game when you're in the offices and you look into that one cubicle and 'she' is there, you know what i mean.
Doom 3 and F.E.A.R. scared me (the first time). Excellent fun. Flashlight mods (there are tons of them) are nice if you want to enjoy the single-player levels "stock". I played with some weapon mods, non-gibbable, bullet time, etc. As the game was intended to be more of a horror game than action (it's supposed to be dark, and the flashlight is separated for a reason), it's replayability has been limited for me. If I go back to the game, it's because I want to see some of the artwork, not necessarily for a fight or level that I particularly enjoyed. The Mancubus in Doom 3 and the Bruisers in the expansion are fun for a couple of go-rounds, but, again, it's meant to be more horror than action, which means that once you've been through it, the horror is not as fresh.

Shotguns should always have a very authoratitive report, I think.
xcellerate said:
yea doom3 wasn't scary, and fear wasn't scary either. I got tired of walking into dooms traps, and how unrealisticly the monsters spawned. It's SO frustrating to toss grenades into a room, then take 1 step forward and like 10 people appear from where my grenades were.

I basically would just run into a room, trigger every event, then kill them. And fear, i only jumped twice, once in the demo with the ladder scene, and the other in the game when you're in the offices and you look into that one cubicle and 'she' is there, you know what i mean.
Well i played the game for hours at a time for a couple days, so its only logical it would come into my thoughts while i dream, and you don't think it would be nice thoughts do you? lol

having a nightmare becuase of the game... after all a dream is convincingly real. so you can't blame me for being scared of being ripped apart by satans army if i thought it was really happening can you?

I don't find "scary"movies scary becuase im not as immersed as I am when playing a game.

Mostly i'm scared i'm going to get the shit beat out of me. Im scared to die. This game is hard. you make a mistake and you end up with 25 health or -25 health even. Not a good situation to save your game in.

When a monster is coming at you and he is 20 times bigger than you and then some imps spawn behind you its insane. If you care about living then you should be highly concerned.

If you were never scared, you should let yourself get into the game more. when dodging if your body does not dodge at your keyboard you aren't into the game. LOL act like its real! like you don't want to die.

Try playing it really loud with headphones on. there is no nice calm parts like horror movies, its all evil being streamed at you the whole time you play, Its non-stop sound comming at you. :)

I somewhat agree with you though, the way monsters are triggered and spawn is somewhat of a letdown, i truly miss going into a room and seeing 5 or even 25 imps come at you and dodging all their fireballs while blowing them back with the shotgun like in D1 & D2.

But them spawning behind you is how they surprize you, making you think fast and make it more of a challenge. This is also 1 way they allowed the environment to look so amazing, if there are never more than 3 or 4 guys on the screen at a time, they have like 150,000 or even several million more pollygons they can use for the environments. (Remember D1&2 used sprites) As you kill some monsters, more spawn. it keeps your weapons low on ammo, and makes it tough, and saves PC resources as opposed to a room with 30 imps like in D2.

in the old style doom games you could open the door to a new room, get them to see you and wait by the door so you can easily pick them off gets old too. Pretty easily beat D1 in and D2 in a couple hours on "hurt me please" skill level. D3 will kick your ****ing ass on "hurt me please" skill setting. Its leagues harder than previous Doom games. Im not sure if i have it on the easy or the normal setting, but after i beat satan im going to play through the game on normal. Im dying several times per level normally, so i guess i didn't pick the easy skill setting after all.. meh.
Doom3 was well, intriguing at first, but I hated the repeating levels and low lights + the sudden teleporting demons.

The PDAs were cool though.

"It's even better than Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3!"

"Increase your Pen0r size!"
I thought Resurrection of Evil was actually pretty good, though it was pathetically short.
The Hunters weren’t really anything special imo, they were not very fun to fight and I didn't like that they were some sort of Super Duper Hellknights. The bosses in Doom 3 was much more satisfying to fight, plus 2 of them was very cool (Guardian and Cyberdemon). Though the last boss in the RoE was pretty decent, and very hard.

I didn't use the Grabber very much in the game, only when I got it the first time. It was a pretty neat weapon though.
The best thing though about RoE was the... You guessed it, the DOUBLE BARRELED SHOTGUN! I mean the power in that thing is ****ing tremendous. You can blast one Hellknight into oblivion with one shot in the face. And combine that with The Artifact and you are like God on Mars.
Mesh pwns all, he is the perfect candidate for games like Doom 3.. I dont get people saying it didnt scare them one bit.. the kind of people who drink tea casually on a rollercoaster?. It was frightning in parts, erie with the lights out and the sound up. The only other games i remember that actually scared me were system shock, and F.E.A.R.
VirusType2 said:
If you were never scared, you should let yourself get into the game more. when dodging if your body does not dodge at your keyboard you aren't into the game. LOL act like its real! like you don't want to die.

that always bothered me, i hate playing GT4 with somebody and they keep turning there controller to try and not go off the track, or when i play halo and somebody quickly shifts their weight left to avoid a missle or something. It doesn't matter if your doing backflips the damn character isn't going to do anything so stop doing it!

and scary movies are't scary either, because they always do the same thing. If somebody is in a 'scary' house, and a door creaks open, then it's going to be a cat, but after they close the door when they turn around, THEN something will happen. Movies always build you up, let you down, then scare you when you 'least' expect it. If you think it's going to be something, it never is.
i find myself leaning to the sides when im dodging fireballs, cant help it. :o

the thing that bothers me most is the soldiers who are just standing in a tiny closet waiting for you to pass a certain spot before popping out

what the hell are they doing in there?
Coming out of the closet? :P

I did get a loan of DooM 3 from a freind ages ago, but I gave it back too soon, I never made it through Alpha labs (IIRC).

I'm going to buy it if it gets bundled with RoE, because what I did play, I enjoyed.
Great Doom3 MODs

I like the Trent Reznor Sound Pack (the chaingun sounds ****ing rule) but I like the Fluffy Insanity shot gun sound effect and the Soldier of fortune II impact sounds (bullets striking metal, stone, and wood)

I successfully merged (for personal use only without the creator's permision at this point) fluffy insanity pack and soldier of fortune 2 impact sounds by unzipping these files and hand selecting the sounds i like, but Trent Reznor pack uses some SNDSHD thing that unfortunately I have been unable to combine it with any other sound mod.

Any help would be welcome, I'm not sure i can sort this one out, i have tried a dozen things and wasted hours.

It's a shame becuase the Trent Reznor pack is pretty complete it changes many of the sounds in the game, so If i have to chose i would pick this one (all of the new sounds are great especially the player and the chaingun sounds.)

Here is a link to screenshots and/or Download pages for some mods I have tried and use and that I think are exceptional:

Trent Reznor Sound Pack
Long for the far superior sounds by Trent Reznor? Well look no further, for here they are! This mod changes the sounds for the imp, the pinky, the zombie, the fat zombie, the zombie commando, the hell knight, the pistol, the shotgun, the machine gun, the chaingun, the player, that's it!

Fluffy Insanity's Sound Pack
The sounds I have replaced are: Machinegun Firing, Chaingun Firing, Shotgun Firing, Pistol Firing, and Pistol "Reload" and "Arming" Sounds.

Soldier of Fortune II sound pack

Truely Awesome mod - most notably makes metal look metal (more processing required, likely to affect framerate if you are already pushing your PC to run this game)

(screenshots & download button)
- Bloom shader
- Parallax mapping
- RealMetal Ex (it's a new version of RM, not a revision)
- Self-shadows
- Weapons reflection
- Distance glow
- Simple effect like sparks
- Wall/floor reflection

It also includes the new Flashlight System, a gift from Green Tech. 1.3.

Self shadowing on all players and monsters
Trite Breeding Facility
Build : Completely Original From Scratch (No Remakes Here)
Build Time : About 3 weeks
Requirements : DOOM 3 Retail Install
Map Name : Trite Breeding Facility
Game Mode : Single Player
New Textures : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Music : No
Gameplay Time : 35 mins. (at least)
Recommended Adrenaline : Nightmare Mode, :)

Note: This is an original DOOM 3 map.
What the hell, throw this in

Fragger's Chrome Pistol Mod

*I am unable to find the download page for the lazer sight mod which I think is worth while* (it should be there somewhere)

I'm going to try these all new Single Player [SP] levels next:

Tower of Babel Redux A redux of the old Doom level, complete with a total visual overhaul and a custom mortal (but very deadly) Cyberdemon.

Refuling Base

And this mod sounds cool - supposedly replaces imps with vulgars 75% of the time -whatever those are (monsters from RoE expansion i think)

Like i said before please let me know if there is a mod I haven't tried that I am missing out on
EVERYONE must type this into their console when they play, r_gamma 1.5

Trust me, it makes the experience a whole lot better.
I can't wait to play this game again in like 10 years where my PC is so powerfull i can run it in Ultra-Quality resolution, full shadows and effects. Thats going to be so awesome. The ultra quality mode is ****ing extreme
I wonder if anyone said that about Wolfenstein 3D or D1?
carrera said:
ten years?:hmph:
Well I still play Doom1 & 2 sometimes, albeit with a mod that makes it twice as good. besides the hellacious sprites it actually plays just like modern games with the jDoom mod.

I would seriously love a completely redone texture mod or 3D monster mod if anyone knows of one for D1&2

that game came out well over 10 years ago..

My brother has a buddy with a several thousand dollar machine who plays Doom 3 n full everything. Max resolution, all special effects and shadows and it runs smooth as silk.

he said there were special effects he didn't even know were in the game. he said there was heat waves surrounding the imps fireballs, amazing particles flying around and heat waves on lots of things. He said it was ****ing amazing.

I never saw that shit on my PC. maybe in 5 or 10 years the very best graphics cards and processors of now will be cheap and ill have even better. I can't wait to experience it. right now i have to play it in lowest resolution and everyone knows that 640 x 480 resolution looks ****ing horrible.
I knew it wasn't ten years but you got what I ment, the default versions graphics are crap, the game is good.