Doom 3 Versus Half-life 2!!! Now for an intelleligeant Discution

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Oct 18, 2004
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People say a range of babble about this subject "You can't compare them, they're different games!" is among the dumbest. That's like "You can't compare the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the Matrix, their different movies!"

At heart, they are both (attempting in one case) epic action adventure movies.

Just like Doom 3 and Halflife 2 attempt to be entertaining action first person shooters!

They are comparable! Whoop de la shit!

As far as technology goes, I like the lighting in Doom 3 (I've played them both to completion and beyond!), it's quite an accomplishment in my opinion. And Doom 3 also has a lot of things going for it, atmosphere is of that I think the art direction was sort of dumb (Think an Iron Maiden album cover, quite stupid)


Half-life 2 has an incredible physics and materials system, the first even near it's caliber. Which alone sets it apart. In addition to that, the clevor story (If you can't find it, yer dumb. PLain as day!), great art direction and capable engine (It's not perfect, who cares. It's fun and varried) the list goes on.

I just find that Doom 3 is really just a REAL pretty game with no actual gameplay innovations or originality, and HalfLife 2's setting its sights higher then just that.

Don't call me a fanboy, please! I like all kinds of games, I just want people to actually talk about this with valid points and not just go Doom 3 > Halflife 2, or The Doom Marine would kick that pansy scientist's ass! Even though the Doom bullet-sponge can't find his own ass!

See what I mean? It's real mean out there!
In my opinion

Doom 3 has better lighting and shadows

Half-Life 2 has better .....well....everything else
Sparta said:
In my opinion

Doom 3 has better lighting and shadows

Half-Life 2 has better .....well....everything else

uh...this is addressing anyone who thinks the title is dumb...isn't it ironic I mispelled intelligent and discussion? Like, as in a joke?

Some people you have to walk up and slap them with a sack of doorknobs to get some brain activity.
Irony and sarcasm don't carry well over the Internet. If you misspelled the words intentionally, it'd be hard to pick. We see much worse unintentional mistakes here every day.
how is that sad idiot.

Some people are not english based. They have to learn, nothing sad. Some people have isseus that they never will learn to write good, even in there own langauge and you say it's sad. Please stfu, die and go in a 10 meter deep hole. Oh wait, they can also trow you in there alive than burry you. Would be fun to
Doom3 is teh suxx0rz!!1111oneoneeleven

joepjens, hou je klep... als ze een beetje hun best doen spreken ze perfect engels, maar ze doen gewoon hun best niet. en je moet niet overal de ue en ua omdraaien ;)
Paravel said:
uh...this is addressing anyone who thinks the title is dumb...
im not saying the title is dumb
im saying you are
oh my god this forum is full of jerks. The guy mispells two words on purpose and you guys flame him.
I know, but I don't mind.

It's just people like that are dumb and apperantly don't understand that also other speaking country's have the internet.

What crawled up your ass and died, thus angering the mighty you. You remind me of the guy from deliverance, holy shit did one word every piss you off. Let's see if it works again this time.



Anyway, Joepjens, thank you for jumping aboard the "i'm an angry liberal, you're not appreciating other cultures like me because I'm perfect, my daddy who I never met but worship because he avoided vietnam told me so bandwagon".

I was talking about AMERICANS. MORON. I think it's somewhat sad that some twenty year olds have 3rd grade reading levels because their too busy watching Dragon Ball gt, eating mcdonalds food and playing final fantasy.

Chill the **** out.
Paravel said:

What crawled up your ass and died, thus angering the mighty you. You remind me of the guy from deliverance, holy shit did one word every piss you off. Let's see if it works again this time.



Anyway, Joepjens, thank you for jumping aboard the "i'm an angry liberal, you're not appreciating other cultures like me because I'm perfect, my daddy who I never met but worship because he avoided vietnam told me so bandwagon".

I was talking about AMERICANS. MORON. I think it's somewhat sad that some twenty year olds have 3rd grade reading levels because their too busy watching Dragon Ball gt, eating mcdonalds food and playing final fantasy.

Chill the **** out.

*hands him a flame-suit.

You're f*cked now buddy

*runs for the hills
To the painfully brilliant Jacen, please elaborate in your own words the lengths to which I be...Dhum
Methinks we're all going a bit off topic here. :rolleyes:

The Doom 3 engine is very pretty while Source has a number of technical enhancements (as well as the revolutionary materials system) which will carry it forward as THE engine to make games with (untill the new Unreal engine comes out and even then with further development I think it could give even that engine a run for it's money).
I'd love to see the materials system pushed further, wouldn't it be incredible if Source adopted geomod technology or if some day it could calculate the fracturing of different objects in realtime (Like tearing apart a couch realistically or shaving pieces off of a piece of wood...shooting chunks out a of brick wall)....Stuff like that is pretty exciting, and maybe just over the next hill
the current realtime render technology is farther away as u might suspect. you would need subobject materials, backsurface texturing, autocreation of texturing and particles ...
alot of work for our poor cpus and gpus ..
Another Doom 3 vs HL2 thread, but now it's an intelleligeant one! Hoozah!
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