Doom low blows Valve. *spoiler*

god, some people are so dumb... oh no, valve couldn't possibly mean a fuel valve or something like that, we muyst assume that they're bagging valve software!!! hey let's go bash our heads against a wall! weeee, look you can see blood come out... weeee!!!

9 entries found for valve.
valve ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vlv)
Anatomy. A membranous structure in a hollow organ or passage, as in an artery or vein, that folds or closes to prevent the return flow of the body fluid passing through it.

Any of various devices that regulate the flow of gases, liquids, or loose materials through piping or through apertures by opening, closing, or obstructing ports or passageways.
The movable control element of such a device.
Music. A device in a brass wind instrument that permits change in pitch by a rapid varying of the air column in a tube.
One of the paired, hinged shells of certain mollusks and of brachiopods.
One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.
The entire, one-piece shell of a snail and certain other mollusks.
One of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits.
A lidlike covering of an anther.
Chiefly British. An electron tube or a vacuum tube.
Archaic. Either half of a double or folding door.

VALVe (Note the difference in capitalization.):
A gaming company who is known for Half-Life and its expansion packs, including the new sequel to the ever-popular, 6 years old but still good game, HALF-LIFE ²!

There is a difference. The doom 3 "easter egg" is valve. Not VALVe.

They are talking about some sort of thing you have to open to let water in. Like the Coolant tanks in Melt-down in HL¹
Anyone else fancie posting up what a valve is? I hadn't quite grasped the concept yet...
I'm with Bicka, it's getting OVERDEFINED :p !

Meh, it'd only be an easter-egg jab at VALVe if the word was written like their logo. Ie: VALVe.