Doom3=94%, what does this mean for HL2?(review wise)

Are there any games that managed to get 100% in a respectable gaming mag review?

The only one that comes to mind is Mario 64, and I certainly do not think it is a perfect game.

I have enough trust and, justifiably, high enough expectations of vALVE to expect a 100% score for HL2. If the scores will be less, that I will supect it's the magazine's fault.

Yes, I am a googly-eyed vALVE fan and proud of it. Dammit.

Stan R.
I bet my friend 2 bucks that HL2 will get best game ever on

...It better... :|
From my point of view 96% and above = Deleriously good, revolutionary omfgness.

90%-95% = AAA grade title. Quality sounds, animations, models, dialogue, story. Doesn't quite reach ethereal godliness though.
I can't believe this rating at all. This must mean that ID Software actually made something great.
Well, I only reallyreally trust over 50 Game Of The Year awards for Half-Life. It will get above 90% but I'll still have fun with it if it gets 90% or 99%. VALVe guarantees that with Half-Life 1.
God, I hope the Doom III review wasn't PCG's big scoop they were hinting at the past 2 months. What a letdown.
I think HL2 will match HL's scores in most cases. Maybe it'll get more, because in the current climate, it completely goes above and beyond. But then again, the other hot releases could show it up.
WaterMelon34 said:
I bet my friend 2 bucks that HL2 will get best game ever on

...It better... :|
pff.. HL2 topping "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" then huh.. I think you are going to loose those 2 bucks
My top 4 list is as follows:

Fallout 2
Warcraft 3

Hopefully HL2 will be added to it.
brink's said:
With PC Gamer awarding Doom3 with a 94%( or so were told), what does this mean for HL2 review wise? Many would agree the only reason Far Cry got such solid 90+ reviews was because of its incredible graphics and was the first half decent fps to come out for awhile. With that said do you think reviewers will be harder on HL2 then they were Far Cry, just cause it has 2 next gen games to compare it to.

I know in the long run it doesn't matter, but its just a thought.

Discuss :)

No one cares.
Cybernoid said:
No one cares.
Well, I think the 4 pages of people who replied( in a non-retarded manner) would disagree with you on that one. Heres a thought, why not try not posting every single negative thought that comes to your head and keep them to yourself.
brink's said:
Well, I think the 4 pages of people who replied( in a non-retarded manner) would disagree with you on that one. Heres a thought, why not try not posting every single negative thought that comes to your head and keep them to yourself.

I'm tired of these threads. It's almost as if people will refuse to buy HL2 if D3 sells more, gets better reviews or gets released earlier.
Cybernoid said:
I'm tired of these threads. It's almost as if people will refuse to buy HL2 if D3 sells more, gets better reviews or gets released earlier.

And if they do that it's entirely their decision to make. Right? Thought so. :rolleyes:
It means that we'll now have 2 great games to play this summer/fall (Delete where applicable - or where your faith tells you to)
obiwanquinobi said:
It means that we'll now have 2 great games to play this summer/fall (Delete where applicable - or where your faith tells you to)

But that's just the problem - people aren't able to play two "competing" games! No! It's either 1 or 0, not 1 AND 0. If you buy Doom 3, you can't buy Half-Life 2, and vice versa!
Cybernoid said:
But that's just the problem - people aren't able to play two "competing" games! No! It's either 1 or 0, not 1 AND 0. If you buy Doom 3, you can't buy Half-Life 2, and vice versa!
Who are these people, are they here right know? :eek:
I don't think theres a real gamer out there that wont get their games on both of these games, few gamers are that biased and no ones going to not buy 2 great games like HL2/DOOM3 just cause its competing with the other.
Lets face it though even if HL2 got a really bad score we'd all still rush out and buy it. Hell I've already paid for the damn thing so I don't have much option on that front!

Oh, and for those of you saying "well HL1 got such and such a score so HL2 must get higher"- erm, how can I put this, thats crap, HL2s score will only depend on how well it competes with its modern day competition ie. farcry and D3, so we'll just have to wait and see
smsKONG said:
Lets face it though even if HL2 got a really bad score we'd all still rush out and buy it. Hell I've already paid for the damn thing so I don't have much option on that front!

Oh, and for those of you saying "well HL1 got such and such a score so HL2 must get higher"- erm, how can I put this, thats crap, HL2s score will only depend on how well it competes with its modern day competition ie. farcry and D3, so we'll just have to wait and see

That's why i'm forced to believe that hl2 will need a score of a minimum 100%
FISKER_Q said:
That's why i'm forced to believe that hl2 will need a score of a minimum 100%

I can see where you're coming from on this since both farcry and D3 achieved mid 90s and (cant comment on D3 for obvious reasons- it isn't out yet!) you needed a high end GPU to play farcry at all(and it sucked monkey nuts!). Whereas HL2 should be OK for many to play (goto be worth something extra on the score right?). Lets just cross our toes and hope we find out reeeaaaal soon ;)
true. think hl2's release date cant come soon enough for all of us...and i hope it is better than all the hype its been put through. judging by the E3 videos tho, i cant imagine us all being dissapointed tbh ;)
Sprafa said:
DOOM 3 is out?

damn, I'm totally out of date...

nearly....... :eek:

[EDIT] then again thats what I say to everything eg:-
(MATE)-"Have you applied for that new job yet?"
(ME)-"erm, nearly"

(MY MUM)-"Have you cleaned up your act yet Mark? Not still taking drugs are you?"
(ME)-" Oh. Very nearly"

"nearly"-Works very well for most situations!!! Surprised we haven't heard it from valve more....
EVIL said:
pff.. HL2 topping "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" then huh.. I think you are going to loose those 2 bucks

Damn straight, nothing can beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
But, based on every single reporters reaction to the 2003 E3 presentation, not to mention 50 Game of the Year awards. There is a big chance of Valve winning another 50 GotY awards
You guys should know this business isn't some sort of war between the top games.
Sparta said:
Well, Far Cry got 9.2 from Gamespot, who to me, are the most reliable reviewers i know. So i'd say Doom 3 will probably get something like.....9.4 or 9.5 from Gamespot. Simply because theres going to be 10 times as much atmosphere as Far Cry in the first few levels of Doom 3

The highest score given by gamespot to a pc game is 9.4 - and that to half-life. Ut2k4 got 9.4 this year breaking half-life's six year old record- SHAME!, because gamespot was pissed at valve. I'm sure the pissed off gamespot will give half-life 2 something like 8.3 or in lower 8s.

Console games have gotten 10, but then gamespot rates them consdiering the console hadware and it's ability.

I know this as I'm the only one who bothers to e-mail gamespot about their rating system. ;)
lans said:
The highest score given by gamespot to a pc game is 9.4 - and that to half-life. Ut2k4 got 9.4 this year breaking half-life's six year old record- SHAME!, because gamespot was pissed at valve. I'm sure the pissed off gamespot will give half-life 2 something like 8.3 or in lower 8s.

Console games have gotten 10, but then gamespot rates them consdiering the console hadware and it's ability.

I know this as I'm the only one who bothers to e-mail gamespot about their rating system. ;)

Actually the reason they'd give a 10 to console games is that console are designed to run on a very specific system. Therefore no bugs. And any game that can make a console game look like a PC game, is a damn good job. Also i seriously doubt they'll give it an 8 simply because they're pissed off that it was delayed.
Since I don't read magazines anymore I couldn't care less if they give HL2 93% or 97%, as long Valve gets a dozen best game of the year awards I'm happy :)
How much did HL1 get? 97% right? HL2 will maybe get 95-98%.

PS: How do you know that D3 will get 94%? The game isn't out get, is it?
The_Monkey said:
How much did HL1 get? 97% right? HL2 will maybe get 95-98%.

PS: How do you know that D3 will get 94%? The game isn't out get, is it?
PC Gamer have reviewed it and some people have received their pre-orders already.
Sparta said:
Actually the reason they'd give a 10 to console games is that console are designed to run on a very specific system.

That's exactly what I said. ;)

Console games have gotten 10, but then gamespot rates them considering the console hadware and it's capability.

Also, gamespot has shown negativity towards HL2 since the E3. They failed to mention anything about the new gameplay videos and have made many mocking remarks such as "Newell reminded us the Counterstrike is the best online game, except didn't give us a release date for HL2". Of course, I might be exaggerating now - but they have already concluded that "HL2 might not get as high a score as it would have if it had come on september 30th 2003..."
IM betting Pc gamer will give HL2 nothing less then a %98 adn gamespot might give it a 9.5 just because its HL2, and if they dont, they have major problems
I think HL2 will get 90%....they dont care about farcry and doom3. There main comparison will be half life 1..which i dont think HL2 will live upto because HL1 got lucky, it hit when there was nothing else and it took the world by storm. HL2 wont do that i dont think, it has to many features that are either old news or have already been tried and pulled off.
I doubt that. There's alot of Half-Life 2 that we haven't seen. We've only seen what the AI is capable of on Easy/Normal and the first any of us saw those action scenes (All of the Strider clips, and the Combine scene on the cliffside) a large majority of us were completely blown away. I remember Gorgon saying "SCREW DOOM 3, HL2 IS GONNA ROCK" or something similar after he saw the E3 2004 movies for the first time.

And g0rgon is a BIG doom 3 fan. He always talks about it. Besides, they've had 6 years to IMPROVE upon what they did in the original game. I doubt it'll get 90 percent, most likely 92-97 percent

Also it looks like its going to offer lots more then Far Cry and (maybe) Doom 3. After all, Far Cry was fairly basic. Large open area's, either kill everyone stealthy or sneak around them. That was the layout for...well pretty much the whole game. The best thing about Far Cry was the AI, and from the HL2 video's, the AI looks just as good, if not, better then Far Cry's. Also HL2 is going to offer a whole different experience from Doom 3. Doom 3 is mostly dark, cramped spaces/corridors with alot of cautious sneaking about and investigating strange noises (most likely) mixed with run-and-gun style gameplay.

Also, HL2 looks as if its going to win in the multiplayer department, even if they only have CS:S for MP. But i haven't played Doom 3 MP so its just pure speculation of course
PC Gamer gave the orginal Half Life a 97% rating. So i think Half Life 2 should get around 96% - 98%
i wouldnt be surprised if the score was in the low 90s. i hope it beats doom3 as i dont think doom3 deserves to be the best game (even tho i will end up buying it :)). we cant make judgements yet, as the only play testing was done months prior to E3, so vavle have probably changed things around. However if you watch the gabe newell interview video, he says that all the negative points have been removed through random people play testing the game (lucky ****ers!), and all the positive points have been given an extra boost. If you watch any of the E3 videos as much as i have (im sad i know), u will start to notice little flaws that make all the exitement and anticipation levels drop a little...but thats just me i suppose.

I would say hl2 will get the best game rating recorded (for now), but wont be surprised if it is a slight dissapointment tbh.
I dont think we will all be as dissapointed as you might seem, remember, they still havent shown us alot of other tings in hl2, theres probably still so much more we havent seen but as you state pureball, we really cant make any judgements now until we are actually playing the game ourselves, alot of this stuff is just things weve seen from movies or read somewhere