Doom3 multiplayer owned hl2

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Doom 3 or Half-life 2.

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'Doom3 multiplayer owned hl2'
Surely you mean 'Doom3 multiplayer owned by hl2'

Without having played HL2 though it is hard to say for sure, but much as I enjoyed the D3 Single player, if I and a friend got two tin cans connected by a taut length of string and yelled 'Bang bang!' at each other through them, it would be a more satisfying multiplayer experience than was delivered by Doom 3.
Why compare doom3 to hl2? Whats the point?

Nobody who starts these discussions can ever answer that question.
You're 12, your balls haven't even dropped yet, and they have no hair on them. Theeeeerefor your opinion is not valid here.

you cant imagine how much i loled!!

BTW... no, D3 is not ONLY 4 players... anymore
someone modded a 16player [beta]... but i dont really care..
cuz doom3 is only good in SP.. a good actiongame that is..

did [ID] pormise something more??.. nope..
Don't worry if there are any good mod makers out there. They will probably put together a HL MP mod or something hopefully.

BTW D3 MP does suck.
Jesus people, get out from under that rock. There'll be a multiplayer mod, duh.
D3 mp sucked...laggy as hell with over 4 people on 1 server..also when I wanted to play COOP it's pretty much downloadin a virus so you can't play. :sniper:
Wilco said:
It's amazing, he's only 12, and still has more maturity than most people on this board.

Whats hes actually trying to say is this (possibly :) ):

When Doom3 came out nobody was expecting multiplayer, it was seen as a singleplayer only game. When people found out it had multiplayer it was seen as a bonus, people liked its inclusion and praised it.

Half-life 2has always been seen as a multiplayer focused game because of the large number of expected mods. It's multiplayer was hyped and people were expecting something new and innovative. Now its been announced that its multiplayer is only CS:S which has been known about for a long time people see it as a dissappointment and are saying that HL2 multiplayer is bad.

It seems that ID had the better strategy just not saying anything about their multiplayer and it being a pleasant surprise. Valve allowed a lot of hype about their multiplayer and fans are now dissappointed. Discuss....

Now he's only 12 and didnt make his point very well. But theres 3 fcking pages of you lot just having a go at him and not even bothering to work out what he might have been trying to say. He made a valid point if you could only be bothered to look hard enough.

Now I can see you all going "Its been discussed before, use the search button... blah blah". But I tried.

Well thanks man your understanding me =). It i so hard here why "LOL" at me? cause i am 12 years old. Well i am glad i am not so "Playing cool stuff cause i am older".
And i am not saying that i am on doom 3's side either. I Love hl2.
and for the one's saying i dont have balls and hair look at you self, And get i life "btw if you think on 12 years old balls you sick"
You should know better. and behave like you own age not a 5-year old.
Well, here's my take on things...

The HL2 engine is a bit more geared towards multiplayer than the Doom3 'chug chug' engine.

Sure, HL2 only comes with CS:S (and maybe DoD:S a little later) but the modding potential, and the potential the engine has for good multiplayer game, is there, and it is big.

Valve are largely relying on the mod community to give the longetivity HL2 should have, and are releasing dev kits and have given workshops to help the modders along. The Source engine is a solid foundation to make a multiplayer game, and it is there for the modders to exploit.
Half the people in here saying Doom 3 mp sucked probably never played it.

And the thing about "Oh someone will mod a DM mode after release" doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm not going to explain it all again, because it apparently didn't make anyone realize it yet, but it's not going to be that easy. There will be at least 3-4 different mod groups trying to make a DM mod, if not more so they can get theirs out and be the first to make it. This means we'll have multiple deathmatch mods, all incompatible with one another, and a community that's split up between them.

That is not a good thing. In fact it will be really shitty.
Doom3 was disapointing all around as im sure most people would agree.

The fact that Doom3 has limited Multiplayer(and repetative SP) makes it better than an un-released game how?
I liked both but Half-life 2 is better.