Doom3 play time: 2 hours. HL2 play time: ???

flupke said:
Why is everybody saying that DOOM3 is the same as it used to be? OFF COURSE it's the same as it used to be!! That was the whole plan, to make DOOM again, but with the next-generation technology.Geez, like everybody on the whole internet is making that mistake.

No, um, actually, ID stated that D3 takes place as DOOM 1 and 2 never happened (story-wise). But I guess you're talking about gameplay?
there are a lot of D3 fans out there that hate HL2, (omg how could you have that!!) we all know that and doom 3 is clearly a completely different game than hl2, you can't just dudge the graphics with an all interior game against an all outdoors one.

If doom 3 has dark spots and you have a flashlight in your hand, what do you ppl think you should do for heaven sake!!! I just love how they played around with the lights and made dynamic shadows and such, the lighting is just perfect for me, having to light up dark areas with the flashlight fit the gameplay just so perfectly and gave it a scary look. I bet most people that played doom 3 and didn't enjoy it was because they don't have 5.1 surround speakers, omg, if you ppl can afford one, get it and play the game, you won't regret it I can guarantee that, really. As for the gameplay, as a lot of ppl said earlier, it was a remake, not a "whole new adventure" type of game, they just remade the classic into up-to-date technology, awesome job btw.

HL2 is a completely different game, most of the time it is located outdoors (from what i've seen so far) and it has different aspects of lighting and environment, it will certainly be a great success and worth the wait. The story will be very immersive and such, but you ppl can't say that it won't be a "find keycard, open door, kill monster" game, cuz it will, they will only change the keycard to some crank or switch! The thing that makes hl2 different is the story, it immerses you and all this keycard finding thing is in it and some ppl don't get that. As for the gameplay, it will definetely be the same as hl1 except for the physics, the whole weapon firing modes and switching is just the same.

Just to finish, d3 cannot be compared to hl2 because they're totally different games, one remake and one new game. the graphics are very similar, you could only compare both if they were both outdoors or indoors, cuz the environments are not the same, I could write a lot more on d3 but I really don't want to do that right now and I know you are all bored of reading this crap over and over everywhere, I'm just making a point here. It's just that some people don't get what is the difference between 2 games that you can't compare. I'm saying, d3 is worth playing if you don't get bored fast, I like RPG games, they require patience and a lot of time to play, to fully enjoy d3 you have to treat it as one, reading the PDAs and such, not just fly through the whole game to say you finished it, if games were made to do that, developers would just make a straight hallway with tons of monsters in it for you to kill, thats no fun.

Thanks for all your patience on reading this, sorry if it was too long tho...
Antic2, I couldn't agree more. I got bored pretty quickly with the game, seems like there's not any replay value in it. I ran it about 4-5 times, and I don't have the urge to run it anymore. /me uninstalls

edit: i think this should be in general gaming, it seems to be more about D3 than HL2
"No, um, actually, ID stated that D3 takes place as DOOM 1 and 2 never happened (story-wise). But I guess you're talking about gameplay?"

That's a pretty pointless comment. Of course Doom3 happens as if 1 and 2 never occured - it's a remake. We've been saying this... how many times? If Doom1/2 occured then "Satan" would be defeated already. Sheesh.

"don't have 5.1 surround speakers, omg, if you ppl can afford one"

Oh I had surround headphones so I had no outside noises except the screams of marines and such. It started storming mid-way through the game (played it start to finish without stopping) and I didn't realize it. Just as one of the tiles on the floor popped off, lightning crashed so loud that it shook the building and I was scared to SHIT.

I bet the Doom3 haters aren't fans of good horror movies.
Yeah I got bored of doom 3 also. after 2 days of playin it tho
Dave, the only bits of the leak that looked shit was because it wasnt finished. ie no texturs on walls etc. what other bits were shit?

anyway im enjoying d3 a bit more it was really those alpha labs i thought sucked im onto the "recyling center" now :) . But from what ive seen of hl2 im going to enjoy it a whole lot more than d3. Just becuase of the variey in locations and gameplay youll get with the grav gun. :)
im so glad you started a thread discussing how you didnt like doom 3, go away
FWIW, I just finished the alpha labs last night, and once I got to the repro plant I saw a bunch of old friends and the gameplay kicked up -- LOTS of enemies and ammo. And not that much darkness in repro. I was very glad, because I had been pretty unimpressed with the gameplay (as opposed to other stuff which was like O_o).

So yeah, stick with it. It does pick up.