Dosen't even ****ing matter who wins, We loose in a matter of time.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
We are out of troops as it is, our reserves are already practically always active

Half the un-civilized world hates us to the point where they will kill themselves to clense us of them

No matter who is president over-all the air quality and global warming/logging rates continue to stay at rediculous rates (no air to breathe)

We lost several allies when the "axis of evil" was created, we lost allies in our attempted coalition. We lost allies before bush being places we shouldent have been.

The U.N. wont tolerate us attacking and makeing presences in countries in which we just create more violence for much longer

I dont see the debate, I hate Bush and Kerry.. no matter what they say it's mostly lies to please people. I personally would vote Kerry but that's just because if Bush stays president for much longer we could loose even more allies and make more enemies (imo) The USA seems to be on a steady decline, no matter what figure head claims to be doing things about it. European nations are takeing steps to unite (even turkey might join) but we continue to seperate ourselves from allys and consider ourselves the center of the damned universe. We are a step-behind, we have power but no guideance or heart. All this may seem bleak but I fear for my home countries future. Together i'd like to hope Europe is stronger then the USA, I believe we lack they're since of together'ness
I'm sorry but the French were close allys, look what Bush did to us, he just pushed them back from us !
Adrien C said:
I'm sorry but the French were close allys, look what Bush did to us, he just pushed them back from us !
IMHO I dont care to much for the french as our Allys.. I would much rather have the Brits, spaniards,japanese hell even the canadians.
Adrien C said:
I'm sorry but the French were close allys, look what Bush did to us, he just pushed them back from us !

Either your really bad at sarcasm, or your really bad at posting.
(kid rock I dont think he's being serious).. or is he?
I like those to ! but remember the French saved us ! The French helped creat our Glorious United States OF America, with out them we woulden't be here !
Nothing ever lasts forever, Rome was once the greatest super power that existed and we all know what happened to it.

However I don't think the US will collapse any time soon. If other things are played out in their favour the US may in fact become more powerful than it ever has been. I know it sounds stupid but guess what? The reason Britain became so powerful was because it had a whole new frontier to explore and colonise (other continents), the US now has another frontier to explore and colonise (space).

Besides all of these recent events have been over the course of the last few years, thats nothing on a national scale. For all we know it could end up proving to be nothing but a bump in the road.
KidRock said:
IMHO I dont care to much for the french as our Allys.. I would much rather have the Brits, spaniards,japanese hell even the canadians.

With your logic you should hate spain more, they have fought less beside us, declared us totalatarian (not in those words) made economic santions against us etc. The japanese have no millitary, they just give us our gameboys and we are happy. Canadians have been our great ally forever.
Adrien C said:
I like those to ! but remember the French saved us ! The French helped creat our Glorious United States OF America, with out them we woulden't be here !

Lol pleaseeee..stop watching Mel Gibson in the patriot. There were reasons why the french helped us.. not because of our INDEPENDENCE. It was just a matter of hating the brits more then hating us.

Sh4mp00 said:
With your logic you should hate spain more, they have fought less beside us, declared us totalatarian (not in those words) made economic santions against us etc. The japanese have no millitary, they just give us our gameboys and we are happy. Canadians have been our great ally forever.

To bad canada has no army :( except for the might fighting moose division.
The Mullinator said:
Nothing ever lasts forever, Rome was once the greatest super power that existed and we all know what happened to it.

However I don't think the US will collapse any time soon. If other things are played out in their favour the US may in fact become more powerful than it ever has been. I know it sounds stupid but guess what? The reason Britain became so powerful was because it had a whole new frontier to explore and colonise (other continents), the US now has another frontier to explore and colonise (space).

Besides all of these recent events have been over the course of the last few years, thats nothing on a national scale. For all we know it could end up proving to be nothing but a bump in the road.

it's odd because in one way we are the superpower of the world but in another way un-like GB and the rest of Europe we have yet to unite and form true brotherhood with allies. We are seperate yet powerful, reminds me of germany right before hitler took power :sleep: scary.
Yes, but France gave us half of the United States, with out them, I woulde't live where I do now, ! Louisiana !
Adrien C said:
Yes, but France gave us half of the United States, with out them, I woulde't live where I do now, ! Louisiana !

They didnt GIVE it to us.. we bought it.

EDIT: the louisiana PURCHASE not the luisiana GIFT. lol
ahhh, if you knew the real story about it, I woulden't call that a good deal.
Anything named kid rock doesn't deserve to be alive. The artist himself doesn't even know what he wants to be. It's amazing how all you republicans in these forums seem to have the most negative comments possible. EG: Merc and gays.
sublidieminal said:
Anything named kid rock doesn't deserve to be alive. The artist himself doesn't even know what he wants to be. It's amazing how all you republicans in these forums seem to have the most negative comments possible. EG: Merc and gays.

hahahaha..considering you just joined the boards a few months ago..ill let it slide. you liberal piece of trash! go back to your shanty
we bailed the french out of ww2 so get your facts straight,they would be speaking german if we had not helped them.They didnt want us going into Iraq because of the money and oil they were getting from saddam. They are just a bunch of currupt chease eating bastards that cant remember how we have helped them in the past. the damn Germans to
i await the world vs america. that will be a war.

there were many causes of romes collapse, disease, mass migration, war, etc. thanks to globalism most of the causes can be checked off.

youre stuck with america whether you like it or not, losing a 10 trillion dollar buying and spending market will be disasterous for all your precious european chocolate and cheese factories.
Ahh, ok you muppets, I'l teach you some history lessos tomorow.

Good night.
Tr0n said:
I think he is talking about America > Earth thingy....
oh really. maybe i should change it to America > France.
I'm not totally sure on what I write, so don't flame me too much :P

It's my understanding that in 1803 at the time of the Louisiana Purchase, Napoleon was in a bad financial spot with an ongoing war against Britian. The French did not simply "give" Louisiana to us out of the kindness of their hearts, rather they needed the 15 million the land was bought for. I highly doubt they felt charitable and wanted to give us the land for cheap.

Was it a good deal? For the American's... hell yes! We doubled the size of the nation for 3 cents an acre, for the French... well, they didn't get the money they wanted, but they did get money to fund the country and its war.

As for the French helping us. The only time I can really remember France giving us the helping hand was during the revolution, which was, of course, a huge deal. In WW1 and WW2, its true the French did fight with us, but we (the Americans) were doing the liberating.
Skar said:
the lousiana purchase was also an effort to get on the states good side, as a war between britain and the us against france would not benefit the french. napolean wasent interested in frances crumbling colonial empire, rather with europe.
how can america be > earth? america is ON the earth. it's a part of the earth. you'd think earth > america. but you said the opposite *STEVE'S HEAD EXPLODES*
I want to point something out to everyone here.

Both of the candidates are very removed from just what life is like for most of the public. Both of the candidates have flaws, both personal and political. Both candidates are running dirty campaigns, and both candidates think the means justifies the ends.

BUT, most importantly, both of the candidates have the best interests of the country at heart. They disagree on how to make things better, but they both want to. If Bush screws things up royally in his second term, or if Kerry gets elected and turns out to be the next Carter, then the party that lost will win in 08. And things will get better. Because those people on top are indeed trying to make things better for all of us, even if it doesn't seem like it.
I just wanted to take a moment and profess my love for all of you guys

I love you all

Carry on
weeell, I'm no history expert, but didn't USSR collapse for similar reasons?
Afghanistan War .. bad economy .. turning everybody against you .. I dunno, I just think the affect of the Iraq war on America will be similar to that of the Afghanistan war on Russia.

and don't forget the economy .. plays a huge part.
hasan said:
weeell, I'm no history expert, but didn't USSR collapse for similar reasons?
Afghanistan War .. bad economy .. turning everybody against you .. I dunno, I just think the affect of the Iraq war on America will be similar to that of the Afghanistan war on Russia.

and don't forget the economy .. plays a huge part.
but you're forgetting one thing, hasan. we ROCK. *America...**** YEAH!*
lol, yeah right. that means america might fall faster ;) because .. well, when the problem is coming and you don't see it, then you're not gonna prepare for it, hence it will have double effect.