Dosen't even ****ing matter who wins, We loose in a matter of time.

Well the USSR failed cause there economy sucked in the first place.It was really hard for there economy to grow because of how deep they was in there ideology.
hasan said:
lol, yeah right. that means america might fall faster ;) because .. well, when the problem is coming and you don't see it, then you're not gonna prepare for it, hence it will have double effect.
you know, i'm playin, right?
Not getting into the poltical debate, but I find it very interesting that the russian armies were wiped out by the afghanistan forces while the US army had far fewer casualties and it was an overwhelming success removing the taliban. Perhaps technological differences, I don't know... but its interesting.

I still think Russia has one of the coolest helicopters though,a mean flying beast. The Hind. I love it just as much as I love the apache.
Sh4mp00 said:
The USA seems to be on a steady decline, no matter what figure head claims to be doing things about it.

The US is beyond help. It will eventually be destroyed by its own impossibility.
Sh4mp00 said:
The japanese have no millitary, they just give us our gameboys and we are happy.

KidRock said:
To bad canada has no army :( except for the might fighting moose division.

From CIA World Factbook:

Japan: Ground Self-Defense Force (Army), Maritime Self-Defense Force (Navy), Air Self-Defense Force (Air Force), Coast Guard

Canada: Canadian Armed Forces: Land Forces Command, Maritime Command, Air Command
Spartan said:
The US is beyond help. It will eventually be destroyed by its own impossibility.
We have been through worse...we will get through this. ;)
Canada has had, and does have one of the best armies in the world.

Oh, and it was Russia doing most of the work, not the US, in WW2. I'm not saying that the US did nothing, but Russia did a hell of a lot more.

Yeah, Napoleon just couldn't keep it going, with Britain being so cool and all :D
The US, Canada, Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Poland, Spain...and the list goes on.

For best trained armies. :D
Skar said:
I'm not totally sure on what I write, so don't flame me too much :P

It's my understanding that in 1803 at the time of the Louisiana Purchase, Napoleon was in a bad financial spot with an ongoing war against Britian. The French did not simply "give" Louisiana to us out of the kindness of their hearts, rather they needed the 15 million the land was bought for. I highly doubt they felt charitable and wanted to give us the land for cheap.

Was it a good deal? For the American's... hell yes! We doubled the size of the nation for 3 cents an acre, for the French... well, they didn't get the money they wanted, but they did get money to fund the country and its war.

As for the French helping us. The only time I can really remember France giving us the helping hand was during the revolution, which was, of course, a huge deal. In WW1 and WW2, its true the French did fight with us, but we (the Americans) were doing the liberating.

Corrrc my friend, Napoleon had no idea it was such a big land.
yes Steve I know you were joking ;) but it did bring a good point, so I didn't want to just pass by.

Russia didn't just get "wiped out", they were facing gurella(sp?) warfare, pretty much like Vietnam and Iraq.
They stayed in AFghanistan for a whole 13 years before they finally pulled back.

Yes, it IS a little strange that there is not much fighting in Afghanistan .. I don't know how to compare it to the Soviet invasion because I wasn't around at that time. but I guess two things: media, and time.
maybe there's a lot of stuff that the media doesn't bother with .. everybody is focusing on Iraq.
time .. well what I mean by that is, maybe it's gonna take a couple more years for them to start fighting like they used to. Maybe they're tired of wars you know ..
Afghanistan is NOT alright yet. As far as I know, the government there doesn't even have control of the entire country.

And I just read that Afghanistan is now #1 drugsexporter of the world (it surpassed Columbia) after the Taliban was removed, it's now responsible for more than half of the export of the country, an industry worth 1,68 billion. It's mainly opium products.
there was no opium production when the taliban were in power
KidRock said:
IMHO I dont care to much for the french as our Allys.. I would much rather have the Brits, spaniards,japanese hell even the canadians.

it's Allies. And American will always have plenty of allies, afterall they have the military power (when they aren't all in iraq) and the money to persaude countries to think their way.
Yes there was Stern. They were a large exporter of opium even then.
And Japan does have a good army, not a large army compared to its size and economic power, but still recently because of korea and their missles that can hit Japan with nukes have made the japanese defense budget go up.

Europa is not so united as you might think, certainly not as much as the US states, remember we have a language barrier, and some huge cultural differences to overcome, and there is a lot of concern that because large international corporations are better at, well international things(I don't know how to put it in other words), that they are going to have to much to say in eurpa now, simply imagine you're an Italian, and now you have to influence brussels, its alot harder for ordinay citizens to influence brussels than large corporations, so there is a lot of worries about that, a lot of politicians are irging fpr europa to become more transparant as they say it, I mean just the other they the EU commision didn't get approval from the EU parliment because one Italian member had said something demeening about women and the whole commision had to resign. As for as the US breking apart or loosing its dominant position, well not very likely, yes china is growing in to a large economy and all, but remember china has no oil reserves of its own and is dependent totally on import of it,and a large part of china is not so modern and is dependent on it,and the US is in control of Iraq.

As far as why afghanistan went so much better for the US than the USSR, well simply because the US teamed up with the northeren alliance, who were hardend mujahadin, and knew the terrain good and that coupled with the force of the US gave them a great advantage, an advantage the USSR never had, furthermore there isn't that much violance in afghanistan becasue the US has left a large part of it in the control of warlords, who are as bad as the taliban,so not much has changed there, still no free speach there, in Iraq the US has to keep a larg part of the country in order, and though they can be badd asses to(look at guantanamo bay), they are not as cruel as the warlords, remember Hussain kept Iraq in control with a lot smaller force than the Us but he was a lot more brutal.
No country has allies...just only interest.
My bad, guess shouldn't mess with the guy who lives on the internets ;)
yes I like my cozy little corner of the internets warm and cozy :)
Im on internet # 3

Every super power falls just have to look at history. I reckon the next country we bash will be china and japan.
Not japan, Japan allready bashed and then had a major economic downfall, about china, well look at my post on the previouse page + you have to keep in mind china has 1.3 billion people living in it, its econmy would have to be 6 times that of the US to be relatively as powerfull+ plus chine hasn't learned from the mistakes of the Us and it self wants to act like it so that might be its downfall, my bet is on Russia, it has the knowledge and the oil, now only the stability and less coruption and it can attract major investments.