Dota 2 International 2015 Interactive Compendium Released


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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As promised, the Interactive Compendium for the International 2015 Dota 2 tournament has been released. Like previous years, the virtual book stands both as a guide for the tournament and as a way for Valve to generate a larger prize pool. Available for $9.99 or £6.69, the compendium provides players a huge variety of new items that are exclusive to The International 2015 as well as opportunities to unlock even more rewards as the prize pool increases. As always, 25% of all compendium sales go to increasing The International's prize pool.

There's a ridiculous number of potential rewards available for purchasing this year's compendium, including three different Immortal Treasures containing 8 new items and a whole host of other benefits, which we'll list in the spoiler tag below. The list is definitely worth checking out as it features some totally new stretch goals unique to this year's event, including a brand new "Desert Terrain" map skin, a comic, an even a Saxxy-like community short film contest with $20,000 being offered to each winner.

Compendium Rewards
  1. $1,600,000: Compendium Coins - A new way to earn more items, you earn Compendium Coins by completing Coin Charms, finishing challenges, earning trophies, random drops, and predictions. Increase your Compendium Level to boost your earnings.
  2. $2,000,000: Cursor Pack - Point your way to victory with The International 2015 Cursor Pack.
  3. $2,500,000: All-Star Vote - Vote for who you think should battle it out at The International in the All-Star Match.
  4. $3,000,000: Immortal Treasure I - All Compendium owners get their hands on new Immortal items when they open their Immortal Treasure I. Increase your Compendium Level to earn additional Immortal Treasures.
  5. $3,500,000: Arcana Vote - Vote for which hero you think should receive the next Arcana.
  6. $4,000,000: Compendium Effigies - All Compendium owners receive their very own Effigy Block of The International. Increase your Compendium Level to receive a Reforger Pack, allowing you to rebuild an effigy, and have a chance to earn a rare Golden Effigy Block of The International.
  7. $4,500,000: Loading Screens - Peek behind the scenes of Dota 2 with the Portfolio of Heroes Envisioned, containing loading screens showing concept art for several heroes. Increase your Compendium Level to earn additional Portfolios.
  8. $5,000,000: Emoticons - Express yourself with new emoticons to use in Dota 2 chat.
  9. $5,500,000: The International HUD Skin - Celebrate The International with a new Compendium-themed HUD skin.
  10. $6,000,000: Taunt Treasure - Provoke your foe with the Manual of Fearsome Moves, containing Taunts for several heroes. These new Taunts can be used while moving, and feature all new Hero sound effects. Increase your Compendium Level to earn additional Taunt Treasures.
  11. $6,500,000: The Watcher Below Ward - Spy on your foes with new The Watcher Below ward.
  12. $7,000,000: Immortal Treasure II - Everyone receives another batch of new Immortal items with the Immortal Treasure II. Increase your Compendium Level to earn additional Immortal Treasures.
  13. $8,000,000: Dota 2 Short Film Contest - Nominees for the best videos will be selected by the community through the Steam Workshop. Winners will be chosen by Valve, showcased at The International and receive $20,000 each. Submission and entry guidelines can be found here.
  14. $9,000,000: Wyvern Hatchling Courier - Receive your very own Wyvern Hatchling courier to carry your items in battle. Increase your Compendium Level to unlock additional courier styles.
  15. $10,000,000: Immortal Treasure III - Still want more Immortal items? Unlock this goal and everyone receives the Immortal Treasure III. Increase your Compendium Level to earn additional Immortal Treasures.
  16. $11,000,000: Desert Terrain - A new look comes to Dota 2's battlefield with this new Terrain item.
  17. $12,000,000: Music Pack - Ride into battle with new music from an exclusive music pack.
  18. $13,000,000: Announcer Pack - Let the rough-and-tumble wit of Bristleback lead you to your next victory with the Bristleback Announcer and Bristleback Mega-Kills items.
  19. $14,000,000: Weather Effects - New, exclusive weather effects come to the field of battle.
  20. $15,000,000: Special Axe Immortal & Longform Comic - Join Axe on an exciting adventure in a brand new comic, then chop your enemies to pieces with his new Immortal item.

Other rewards are also available for those willing or able to increase the level of their interactive compendium, such as a custom Black Hole effect, Coin Boosters which multiple the amount of virtual currency earned for completing challenges, and "Almond the Frondillo", a new pet available to equip on a number of mostly-strength heroes. Leveling up a compendium will also provide a number of additional bonuses, such as extra Immortal Treasures, loading screens, courier styles, and virtual effects, among others.

According to the Compendium announcement page, the prize pool for The International 2015 has reached over $3,000,000 in just over 12 hours, meaning this year's event definitely has a chance of being as big as the last! That said, one question remains: Will it surpass last year's total of $10,930,698? Who knows.
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