Doug Lombardi Interview

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
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Gamespy has posted an interview with Valve's Doug Lombardi on the legal battles between Valve and Vivendi
GameSpy: According to the information we've seen so far, Vivendi appears to be claiming that Valve withheld information while renegotiating the initial SPA, regarding online distribution in regard to your STEAM technology. Would you be able to comment on that?[br]
[Doug Lombardi]: I believe that is part of the counterclaim they filed some 18 months after we filed the original suit. We have responded denying those claims. But it's probably best to ask them for comment on their claims.
Due to the sensitive nature of these legal disputes, not much information is actually given in the interview, but it makes worthwhile reading anyway.[br]
You can read the full interview here.[br]
Thanks to our forum member, venom1221, for originally posting the interview in this thread.
Nice read, I take it Valve won't be using Vivendi for any future titles after reading this quote:
GameSpy: Vivendi appears willing to work with Valve on a future title; between your recent partnership with Actvision and this legal bickering with Vivendi, would Valve still be interested in future products with Vivendi, or are you hoping this would set you "free" so to speak.

[Doug Lombardi]: We plan to meet the obligations of our current agreement.
Good find Chris_D :D

Switch: Let's hope Valve finds another partner for future releases. Poor Valve. What should we have done without them ?

I hope it all works out in the end. Go Valve ! :)
Silly Chris, the first gamespy link is borked. :p Doesn't seem to be any new info, but at least we know the people at Valve are still breathing (Or at least Doug is. Send your conspiracy theories on a stamped adressed postcard).
rofl VU have really ****ed valve over there. lol, i bet they did it on purpose or something...makes me think that 'can anything else go wrong for hl2'. think about it. hacking, unofficial maps releasede etc etc and now this from VU...
like Chris said...certainly not enough info to understand everything thats going on.. but considering that huge thread stating most (if not all) of VU's litigation stuff i guess this interview is better than nothing.
lol, i'd say HL2 is the most borked development in history (even surpassing vaporware DNF), it was announced near a release, delayed, hacked and leaked, delayed some more, publisher sends them a lawsuit, ect....
Reaperman said:
lol, i'd say HL2 is the most borked development in history (even surpassing vaporware DNF), it was announced near a release, delayed, hacked and leaked, delayed some more, publisher sends them a lawsuit, ect....

VALVe started it, Vivendi is going down :flame: .

One has to wonder. Why is this information coming out now?

In my opinion two very strange things have happened in the last few days regarding HL 2.

1) This came out, why?? This story is the work of Valve, they could have said "no comment" and story never would have been run. Why release it now, right after the RC? All it is going to do is upset Vivendi. Are they trying to provoke Vivendi into delaying the game?

2) The HL2 hardware survey, why do a hardware survey for a game that has already been finalized and no more performance changes can be made? Perhaps they no it will be delayed?

After all that has happened, I am very suspicious of Valve and their motives. There is something up here that Valve are not letting on.
but this wil affect the HL2 release?
cuz vivendi is the one who distribute HL2 right?
and is the problem still vivendi will not release HL2?

:sniper: :stare:
Well, IMHO, people on this board have looked at me to be a little "pessimistic". I look at it as myself being realistic.

I'm sticking with a 2005 release date, like I said back in early 2004.

[SARCASM]Hl2 - released soon - lmfao.[/SARCASM]


soon. adv soon-er, soon-est
1. In the near future
2. Before the usual or appointed time; early

I think Gabe should go back to grammar school.
very doubtful...

<RJMC> said:
but this wil affect the HL2 release?
cuz vivendi is the one who distribute HL2 right?
and is the problem still vivendi will not release HL2?

What.. Then have Valve claim for a second count of breach of contract... I don't think so. :naughty:
Stop trying to take the attention away from HL2 and release the damn game already, no one cares about this!
my thoughts exactly. it sure feels like they are preparing us for another delay by releasing the excuses first.

cherrio said:
One has to wonder. Why is this information coming out now?

In my opinion two very strange things have happened in the last few days regarding HL 2.

1) This came out, why?? This story is the work of Valve, they could have said "no comment" and story never would have been run. Why release it now, right after the RC? All it is going to do is upset Vivendi. Are they trying to provoke Vivendi into delaying the game?

2) The HL2 hardware survey, why do a hardware survey for a game that has already been finalized and no more performance changes can be made? Perhaps they no it will be delayed?

After all that has happened, I am very suspicious of Valve and their motives. There is something up here that Valve are not letting on.
zencat said:
my thoughts exactly. it sure feels like they are preparing us for another delay by releasing the excuses first.
errr... Valve and Vivendi aren't the ones who revealed this. This is a legal battle that news sites discovered, researched and then posted information about.
I think VU should be careful. If they piss Valve off too much, any future games could be through another distributer and Steam. VU is also in the recording business as well and think about how Steam technology could be used in that (and DVD) medium. Both sides are playing hardball and we're in the middle without a protective cup!
Hallucinogen said:
Stop trying to take the attention away from HL2 and release the damn game already, no one cares about this!

but if it affects the release, then you probably will care.
I'm surprised nobody posted this yet, but the Gamespy link has 4 Ws. (

Personally I think this is a ploy to get money from two groups that have none. Valve spent all their money on HL2. Sierra is just sucking in the financial department as it is. Either, it'll be a new contract, or Sierra just plain loses. It wouldn't affect the release is hearings are in march, 2005.
IX00 said:
I think VU should be careful. If they piss Valve off too much, any future games could be through another distributer and Steam. VU is also in the recording business as well and think about how Steam technology could be used in that (and DVD) medium. Both sides are playing hardball and we're in the middle without a protective cup!

Hardball hardly. In all seriousness Valve is small potatoes compared to Vivendi (they employ over 55,000 people, Valve employ about 40). People are trying to sensationalise this legal case as if it is is a win or die situation, but it really isn't. Valve are looking for some compensation for Vivendis Cybercafe antics and Vivendi are looking for a share of the steam profits.
Very well said. I believe you've hit the heart of the matter.
Microsoft was small potatoes compared to IBM at one time!
Let's hope Vivendi doesn't needlessly delay Half-Life 2 out of spite. Wouldn't that suck.
Another delay now, would probably kill the HL2 hype. Let's hope it doesn't happen. I don't think it will, but if it does ... poor valve ...
Ecthe|ioN said:
Another delay now, would probably kill the HL2 hype. Let's hope it doesn't happen. I don't think it will, but if it does ... poor valve ...

If they do delay it, it will hurt their sales like crazy and I dont care what anyone says.
yes it will, even some of the hardore uber valve fanboys have been spotted moaning about this, vampire bloodlines should be released soon, prolly before hl2 as it seems to be completed, atm hl2 in my mind is vaporware
The Mullinator said:
errr... Valve and Vivendi aren't the ones who revealed this. This is a legal battle that news sites discovered, researched and then posted information about.

Thats not quite true, this story has been known about for the last 18+ months. It is only making news now because Valve is commenting on it.

Again, Why now? What are Valves motives? They are certainly hiding something.

Only one thing useful from this news and that is that HL2 will not be going Gold before Oct. 8th at the very earliest.
cherrio said:
Thats not quite true, this story has been known about for the last 18+ months. It is only making news now because Valve is commenting on it.

Again, Why now? What are Valves motives? They are certainly hiding something.

Only one thing useful from this news and that is that HL2 will not be going Gold before Oct. 8th at the very earliest.
This particular news item is because of Valves comments, however they would not have said anything if it wasn't for what was reported two days ago:
All like to say is this, W H A T I N T H E H E L L is going on. ???????
Almost a week ago everything was fine and we is waiting word from VU that Hl2 is going gold, then this crap hits the fan

Like someone else in this thread have said there is something that Valve have not said anyhting about. Then I read the interview with Mr P.R Himself..... hehe guess he have some bloody work to do after this.

So I read this interview and in this is a date:

March 21, 2005

That VU & Valve has to be in court does this mean that Hl2 will not be released before after this date. ????

Holy crap what a mess.
alphadec said:
So I read this interview and in this is a date:

March 21, 2005

That VU & Valve has to be in court does this mean that Hl2 will not be released before after this date. ????

It's highly unlikely to cause the game to be delayed. This is a money matter between the companies. After a year delay Vivendi and their shareholders are just as keen to see the game ship as we are, albeit for different motives.

IX00 said:
Microsoft was small potatoes compared to IBM at one time!

Is there any point to this lateral reference?

Mountain Man said:
Let's hope Vivendi doesn't needlessly delay Half-Life 2 out of spite. Wouldn't that suck.

They are a multi-national company, not a kindergarden bully.

mbrithoms said:
atm hl2 in my mind is vaporware

Fortunately its about 2GB on most steam users hard drives :laugh:

cherrio said:
Again, Why now? What are Valves motives? They are certainly hiding something.

Dude, if it wasn't for those damn pesky kids at gamespot/gamespy rooting around in Valves bins no one would be any the wiser as to the court case. It's been blown up to be some big thing and subsequently people have been pressing Valve for a statement. Dougs the PR guy, it's his job to answer these sorts of questions, that is what he has done.
Kadayi Polokov said:
They are a multi-national company, not a kindergarden bully.
They fact that they're not actually kindergarden bullies hasn't stopped multi-national companies from acting like kindergarden bullies in the past. And keep in mind that one of Valve's accusations is that Vivendi needlessly delayed Condition Zero in an attempt to hurt Valve.

From the article:
Valve is countering with claims of breach of contract, refusal to pay royalties, and purposely delaying Condition Zero...
From all that I've heard so far of this legal battle it seems that the validity of either side's arguments depends on one thing. The precise extent to which Vivendi granted Valve "rights to online distribution of games". If the section of the contract detailing the extent of these rights truly relied on the phrase "certain rights", then I'd say Vivendi has no case. But I doubt that that is true.

Also, Vivendi's case seems rather weak anyway as the article detailed the manner in which Vivendi claims that Gabe and Doug made "misleading" remarks about the scope of Steam. From the way the Vivendi filing was worded, it seems as though their argument equates to "They purposefully downplayed the possible significance this could have on overall sales." If that's the case, then it probably wouldn't be very hard for Valve to establish that if Vivendi had misgivings regarding the possible success of steam back then, then it should have acted on them at that point. By letting Valve go ahead with the project at that time, knowing full-well the capabilities of the Steam technology (which they probably did know), Vivendi made their position on the matter pretty clear to Valve. And hence, Valve is most likely not in the wrong.

Here is the chain of events in simpler terms:
- Valve tells Vivendi that it is developing an online content distribution system.
- Valve also tells Vivendi that it can distribute full games through this service. (this much is true simply based off of what is presented in the various filings).
- Vivendi asks Valve what it believes the impact of this service will be on overall sales (at this point Vivendi surely knows that consumers have a choice: purchase games from stores, purchase games from Steam).
- Valve basically says it doesn't see how a distribution method as new as this could make much of a dent on the tried and true retail outlet process. (this was probably a perfectly reasonable guess on Valve's part)
- As the game's hype builds up (along with the quality of the Steam service), it becomes apparent that sales through Steam could possibly be in the same scope as retail sales.
- Vivendi makes a motion to block the release of Half-Life 2 through Steam based off an argument roughly equivalent to "Valve didn't guess correctly."

Sorry VUG, but that's not a very strong argument.
Mountain Man said:
And keep in mind that one of Valve's accusations is that Vivendi needlessly delayed Condition Zero in an attempt to hurt Valve.

Hurt Valve? I doubt it was to hurt Valve. Business is never that simple.
Methias said:
Also, Vivendi's case seems rather weak anyway as the article detailed the manner in which Vivendi claims that Gabe and Doug made "misleading" remarks about the scope of Steam. From the way the Vivendi filing was worded, it seems as though their argument equates to "They purposefully downplayed the possible significance this could have on overall sales.".

From the gamespy article:-

Among other concessions, Sierra agreed to relinquish intellectual property rights and to allow Valve certain rights to the online distribution of games. Valve did not disclose during the negotiations over the 2001 SPA that it was in the process of developing a new technology called Steam that would allow consumers who would normally purchase games from Sierra/VUG at retail to purchase those products online directly from Valve.

Full article here if you haven't read it.

Valve never even mentioned Steam when renegotiating their contract in 2001. The court merely has to conclude from the evidence available whether Valve deliberately mislead Vivendi as to their online intentions, or whether Steam was developed after the agreement was reached.

Methias said:
Vivendi makes a motion to block the release of Half-Life 2 through Steam based off an argument roughly equivalent to "Valve didn't guess correctly.

Can you please quote your source on this information? The newsite where you drew this from?
Kadayi Polokov said:
Hurt Valve? I doubt it was to hurt Valve. Business is never that simple.
What other motive would they have for delaying a ready to ship game for months?
Typically of HL2, just about everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Although i dont think this would effect the Hl2 realise.

I must say the HL2 harware survey thing was a bit of a joke, i mean why? theres no need for it?

It seems they like delaying it? i wouldnt be surprised it theres another Delay. Hopefully im wrong but still, why does this appear now?
Mountain Man said:
What other motive would they have for delaying a ready to ship game for months?

Write to their head office and find out.