Doug Lombardi's Estimated HL2 Release Date

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Big Fat Duck

Jun 25, 2004
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According to recent conversations we've had with Valve's Doug Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target. The official appearance will make store shelves sometime in mid to late September.

In addition, we will be going to Valve to play test Half-Life 2 very soon. We will be broadcasting from Half-Life Radio and will provide screenshots and on-air interviews. More details on this exclusive play testing soon. Keep it tuned to Half-Life Radio.
Careful what you believe from this. They like to sugar coat their broadcasts, but that might just be me hoping it will be released before mid/late sept :frown:
Sounds pretty reasonable to me. RC1 is expected on Aug 5th, they'll go through a few iterations, RTM late Aug to early Sept.
mid september as in........SEPTEMBER 30!!!!!!!!!
If HL2 is released September 30th, everyone and their dog will be pissed off to no end.

Don't ressurect that date, it's like spitting in gamers faces!
Sounds fair enough. I'm itching to hear these on-air interviews though.
I hope they let the CS:S beta go on at least into early sept, for those of us who are dieing for a way to kill time.
Shuzer said:
If HL2 is released September 30th, everyone and their dog will be pissed off to no end.

Don't ressurect that date, it's like spitting in gamers faces!

you know that's not at all unreasonable, it might take a little longer getting the bugs out than was originally planned, or the dudes at vivendi might have a ton of fun playing the rc and totally forget that they have to admit it as gold master eventually pushing it back a week or two off of mid sept. release.
WhiteBoy said:
Careful what you believe from this. They like to surger coat their broadcasts, but that might just be me hoping it will be released before mid/late sept :frown:


But seriously, If Valve announced "Absolute Release Date: October 18!!" People would either not bellieve them, or be excited that they have a date.

I hope September will stay true.
According to recent conversations we've had with Valve's Doug Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target. The official appearance will make store shelves sometime in mid to late September.

In addition, we will be going to Valve to play test Half-Life 2 very soon. We will be broadcasting from Half-Life Radio and will provide screenshots and on-air interviews. More details on this exclusive play testing soon. Keep it tuned to Half-Life Radio.

I'll put it this way: the release date speculation is the most believable part of that little nugget.
Hopefully Cliffe will come in here, and say this is bogus :)

I want to keep believing it will come out sooner :)
WhiteBoy said:
Hopefully Cliffe will come in here, and say this is bogus :)

Why? This is good news. The game coming out in September is a realistic time frame at this point. It'd be hard pressed to come out in August, and if it did, it'd be very very late August.
I am secretly hoping it comes out late August, but I know that's impossible.
September release date (as much as it dissapoints me that it was not out earlier this "summer") sounds more reasonable. I'll buy that. But if they release it September 30th, not only will I be mad that it's late September, but because it is just kinda like "spitting in the gamers faces." Hell, it's even spitting in their own faces, "Hey, remember last year when we were supposed to release it on Sep 30th then it got stolen?"... :|
If it's released anytime before september 21'st it's still summer :O
I bloody want it to be late august or start of september. School starts on September 9th for me so a week or so of HL2 before going back would be ideal.

*wishes weal hard for valve and vivendi to relsea it at the start of september*
Final mastering and duplication within days -> Store shelves sometime in mid to late September

Doom 3 will only take three weeks from gold to being on shelves.

How come Vivendi is so slow?
Erm...first release candidate before publisher testing in a few days? >_>

They aren't going into duplication yet.
If HL2 is supposedly going gold in a few days I dont see why it would take until mid to late september to hit store shelves.
...because it isn't going gold in a few days? That's probably why.

Am I missing something? :hmph:

EDIT: Yes I was, okay, I'm stupid :p
"According to recent conversations we've had with Valve's Doug Lombardi, Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target."

If that doesn't mean going gold I don't know what does.
How come Vivendi is so slow?

According to reports (including that BANC PDF report) relations between Valve and Vivendi are a little stressed to say the least. It could be Vivendi showing them who's in charge, likewise it could be a totally innocent and plausable reason. ;) It would also give the product more breathing space from the release of Doom3 too.
Didn't it say somewhere that they were aiming for the CE to be released on the same day as the 'normal' version, if so then it could take a while to get all the goodies together and produced and so this will delay the normal version

Just adding some possibilities :p
Release Candidate isn't the same as going gold. There may be several release candidates before it's deemed as finished.
August 5 : VALVe sends RC No.1 to Vivendi

2-3 weeks : Vivendi extensive testing on various systems for bugtracking

depending on the amount of bugs found, various RC's will be sent to Vivendi

end of August: HL2 goes gold

shipping: mid - late september

so as said before, it won't go gold in a few days, that's not logical at all.
Shuzer said:
If HL2 is released September 30th, everyone and their dog will be pissed off to no end.

Don't ressurect that date, it's like spitting in gamers faces!

I comletely agree.
Half-Life 2 will be passed on to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target. The official appearance will make store shelves sometime in mid to late September.

This makes no sense. It will not be the final master and duplication will not begin within days. It will just be the first RC.

Unless of course Valve have been keeping shtum and it is about to go gold in a couple of days, and get duplicated. In which case why the hell is it going to take til September?

The stick. They have the wrong end of it.
Haha I made a good aim in another thread, my two cents for september 23 ;)
Doug Lombardi said it? Well, if he said it then it must be true. In fact I'm going to bet my farm on it! Who's with me?
jet jaguar said:
Doug Lombardi said it? Well, if he said it then it must be true. In fact I'm going to bet my farm on it! Who's with me?
Considering there is no direct quote from him, and I suspect what he actually said was something along the lines of "We plan on passing HL2 to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target."

If that was what was said and I suspect that is what he meant then yes of course he isn't lying. If they don't reach that date then the plan they have wasn't right however that doesn't mean Doug was lying about what the plan was.
If they don't reach that date then the plan they have wasn't right however that doesn't mean Doug was lying about what the plan was.

Wow, a Doug in the making ;)

When you grow up you can be marketing director at my company :D
^ i agree. it's dishonest what they are doing "we plan on a mid summer release" miss the date by 2 months, oh we said we PLAN on releasing it then, we never said that was final. they should just say we have no ****ing clue when this game will be out so don't get mad at us if it comes out sometime in 2006. if they said something along those lines last year, none of the people that got pissed about the sept 30 release delay would have been angry.
DrunkPanda said:
^ i agree. it's dishonest what they are doing "we plan on a mid summer release" miss the date by 2 months, oh we said we PLAN on releasing it then, we never said that was final. they should just say we have no ****ing clue when this game will be out so don't get mad at us if it comes out sometime in 2006. if they said something along those lines last year, none of the people that got pissed about the sept 30 release delay would have been angry.

Which was, more or less, disqualified the same day. From both him and Valve.

That mid-september to late-september looks a lot like 14th-28th september like i told almost all the time :p
I'm feeling very optimistic with the estimate release date, now Valve knows how important is a statement like this and they doesn't like all these release date speculations at the forums, so they are starting to feel sure about a solid estimate release date.

Let's hope no CS:S hack during the betatest and no big troubles fixing source bugs from reported bugs with hardware combos.
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