Doug Lombardi's Estimated HL2 Release Date

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Shuzer said:
If HL2 is released September 30th, everyone and their dog will be pissed off to no end.

Don't ressurect that date, it's like spitting in gamers faces!

Not really
I mean, if we get the game Sept 30th, who cares? we have the f[udging] game now

Half-Life was delayed a year and no one cared about that. Why is everyone so frigid about it this time?
Shuzer said:
If HL2 is released September 30th, everyone and their dog will be pissed off to no end.

Don't ressurect that date, it's like spitting in gamers faces!

It would be great to release it on sept. 30. I would like that, its cool lol.
wonkers said:
That's spitting in our faces. If it comes out the 29 or 30 I will take that as an insult. Plain and simple.
Rediculous. Why people feel personally insulted by release dates and delays is beyond me. Things go wrong all the time, nobody's sitting behind a desk saying "gee, lets push the release back to september 30 just to insult that wonkers guy". Nobody's spitting in anybody's face. They're doing the best they can to get the game out the door to all the fans, and all you can do is be ungrateful and feel "insulted"?

To anyone angry with Valve about delays that have occured, or may occur, I say this: Valve haven't taken you for a ride, you've taken yourself for a ride. You only feel screwed over by delays and mishaps because you foolishly convince yourself, in fits of excitement, that nothing can possibly go wrong, and God himself will ensure you have the game exactly when the developers said you would. The reality is, if you accept that things can go wrong, and set aside your tin-foil-hat theories that these companies lie to you deliberately and maliciously to insult you (their customers), delays just won't bother you that much. Perhaps you'll even learn a valuable lesson in patience, or even realise that there are many, many useful, productive, interesting, creative, and\or neccissary things you can be doing instead of wishing away your precious time and allowing your life to be run by the development cycle of a computer game.

I want this game as badly as anyone here, but you're not going to get it any faster by feeling resentful towards the company that's trying their hardest to give you what you want.

(Incidentally, I would be quite amused at a september 30th release date :p )
For those that get emotionally upset over the release of a video game, do me a favor and never build a home.
Logic said:
Rediculous. Why people feel personally insulted by release dates and delays is beyond me. Things go wrong all the time, nobody's sitting behind a desk saying "gee, lets push the release back to september 30 just to insult that wonkers guy". Nobody's spitting in anybody's face. They're doing the best they can to get the game out the door to all the fans, and all you can do is be ungrateful and feel "insulted"?

To anyone angry with Valve about delays that have occured, or may occur, I say this: Valve haven't taken you for a ride, you've taken yourself for a ride. You only feel screwed over by delays and mishaps because you foolishly convince yourself, in fits of excitement, that nothing can possibly go wrong, and God himself will ensure you have the game exactly when the developers said you would. The reality is, if you accept that things can go wrong, and set aside your tin-foil-hat theories that these companies lie to you deliberately and maliciously to insult you (their customers), delays just won't bother you that much. Perhaps you'll even learn a valuable lesson in patience, or even realise that there are many, many useful, productive, interesting, creative, and\or neccissary things you can be doing instead of wishing away your precious time and allowing your life to be run by the development cycle of a computer game.

I want this game as badly as anyone here, but you're not going to get it any faster by feeling resentful towards the company that's trying their hardest to give you what you want.

(Incidentally, I would be quite amused at a september 30th release date :p )

OHHHHH gotcha... I knew someone like you would bite... Fish in a barrel man. fish in a barrel.

I am smiling right now.

Stay sexy you crazy lil guy.
wonkers said:
OHHHHH gotcha... I knew someone like you would bite... Fish in a barrel man. fish in a barrel.

I am smiling right now.

Stay sexy you crazy lil guy.

I felt like typing a bit of a rant, it's good stress relief.. If it wasn't in reply to your post, there would have been another :p . And don't worry, I don't actually get worked up about these things :E
Sure you don't ;)

*envisages nurses leading Logic back into his padded cell*

"Come on now Logic, visiting time is over..."

it just wouldn't be right if it wasn't released on september 30th.

(been checking boards since sept last year and only just posted :s
better late than never? unless u all hate me :( )
September 30th! thats 2 months!! agggg , oh well hopefully Doom 3 will make the wait easier
Doom III will have my attention for 5 days, then its all CS:S beta :)
oldagerocker said:
Who is Andy Hodges? do Explain you nutter. :)

I don't know the whole story. However when GamesNET was shut down, because of copyright infringement, and then moved to gamesurge.

I believe they tried to fake some channels, including the steam channel on gamesurge. To make people believe that GamesNET(now gamesurge) haven't moved at all.
I am glad I havn't been following this game since day 1, that would of been brutal. It's been hard following it from last summer.

Beh, I still need time to build my pc anyways. Especially since no one has any x800 xt's in stock.
chu said:
I am glad I havn't been following this game since day 1, that would of been brutal. It's been hard following it from last summer.

Beh, I still need time to build my pc anyways. Especially since no one has any x800 xt's in stock.

I've been following this game since day 1..
/me cries
all this talk of going RC and gold remind me of just past 9/30
Maybe it'll come out Oct!
April fo sure! 2 week rule guys!
I shouldn't but i feel good about september this time around
Silent_night said:
September 30th! thats 2 months!! agggg , oh well hopefully Doom 3 will make the wait easier

September 30th is just what everyone has been saying. Just to be ironic
Its not the actual date, but sometime in September for sure
I just hope they don't rush it to co-incide with some self appointed release date or to tie in with a major graphic hardware release.

Can anyone say "Enter the Matrix". Was so rushed to time with the release of the movie that the game was really only in the beta stage when released.

Now I am pretty confident that Valve will not let this happen. I will be content to be playing this game by christmas. Any sooner is a bonus.
"That's spitting in our faces. If it comes out the 29 or 30 I will take that as an insult. Plain and simple."

You all seem to be forgetting that Half-Life was released exactly a year late, to the day. It's happened before, it may happen again.

At some stage on hl and hl2 valve and vivendi picked a release date, now valves part in that date selection is based on development, vivendi's part in that decision is based on sales forcasts, time of year for shopping, other games releases and many other factors, many of which it's fair to say don't vary that much from year to year.

They proved with half-life that if a publisher likes a date one year, they may very well like that date the next. If it's based on the end of summer, some annual sales spike, very early xmas purchases or a little known pagan festival I wouldn't be surprised but the fact remains sept 30th 2004 won't be meant as an insult. It will be meant as a marketting decision if it happens.

If it did happen it's an extra snippet of news to pass to the general press. Last year the bbc ran a news story about hl2 being anticipated, then they ran one about the theft. They arn't that likely to run one about a release BUT a release of a previoulsy covered game coming out exactly a year to the day late, now that they will print.
Ohhhhhh theres a chance It'll come out on my birthday........Sept 14th!!!!!!
Ehh what does it mean by "gone Gold"?

Btw, whats the latest release date for the CS:S/HL2 beta?
The Mullinator said:
Considering there is no direct quote from him, and I suspect what he actually said was something along the lines of "We plan on passing HL2 to publisher Vivendi for final mastering and duplication within days for it's early August target."

If that was what was said and I suspect that is what he meant then yes of course he isn't lying. If they don't reach that date then the plan they have wasn't right however that doesn't mean Doug was lying about what the plan was.

I'm just saying that Doug's word is virtually worthless after the 'more TF2 info in the coming weeks' and 'SDK should be released soon' statements. I certainly wouldn't plan any pc upgrades based on his statements.
Will people please stop asking "what does gold mean?"

Look it up, it's been asked a thousand times.

Crownest you are just plain annoying. Both of those questions have been answered more times than I care to count.
Dragging out the release date til xmas season by gradually moving the goalposts every month and keeping you sweet. October / November, no way is it out before then - Vivendi aren't dumb enough to pass up a nice little earner like that.
CR0M said:
Dragging out the release date til xmas season by gradually moving the goalposts every month and keeping you sweet. October / November, no way is it out before then - Vivendi aren't dumb enough to pass up a nice little earner like that.

That Xmas/holiday season argument has been brought forth a number of times, but I sincerely doubt it will be wiser if they released it in December or in 2005. Look at Half-Life, it's still being sold on shelves at retailers across the world, I mean Half-Life 2 has good marketing behind it and no matter when it will be released it will sell like hot bread, infact the way I see it if it's released sooner rather than later it will have more sales in the end (long term). You see what I mean?

Edit: Oh and you get my vote for "Best Avatar on"! Did you make it? if yes, great job!
Agreed December / Jan 05 would be a bad move...

...But Oct / Nov, when MORE people are on spending sprees than at any other time of the year is a gold mine.
Releasing earlier means losses at this peak time, not gains in overall sales - that is a common misconception. See, consumers buy immediately and sales then drop off. Once the initial rush is over you start to lose sales to pirating, competition products and disinterest. It's all about timing.

edit - yes cb|para, I made it in max one bored afternoon. Shame it has to be limited to only 8 colours to keep it under 19k though, looks much nicer with 16+.
Ah I understand now, I wasn't considering those other factors. Well here's to hoping HL2 will come out soon :)
We've been waiting for so long, and now we're almost there...

selfdestruct said:
We've been waiting for so long, and now we're almost there...


Hate to P**S on your parade guys, but were we not saying this last year???


EDIT: nice Roller Mine Avatar there; CROM :E
Honestly if I was working on half life 2, I would be on my fat ass working those bugs out day and night, 5 years of waiting almost done and they're working their 9-5 shifts. Take a break when your done! They owe it us, we practically give them there paychecks, and dragging it out longer on purpose is only gonna kill more of its fans. I admit its got a good following, but if they drag it out longer till the holiday season, its gonna kill some spirits. I am hoping for an early sept. release. I knew before E3 2003 a half life 2 was coming up, I didnt know it was there, but I knew they were keeping it quiet just like TF2, they knew something we didnt, otherwise what else would they be working on... who wouldnt want a sequel to the best game ever.
Its just the waiting part... its killing me, honestly.
I am too, Hackerman, I am too...
I also knew HL2 is gonna be made some day! I've been thinking of it ever since I finished Blue Shift. It made me think, "Wow, the Half-Life universe is awesome. There is no way it can end like this, there is definately going to be a sequel.". And I was right :p
As strange as this may sound, the fact that this time last year they kept insisting sept 30th was "THE" release date, I knew it would not make it. Now here we are almost a year later and they are saying things like target early august gold date etc etc. I dont know about everyone else, but the fact that they are NOT giving an exact date makes me feel good about the game being finished VERY soon for the mere fact that there are "other" factors that signal the game is about finished.
1. Gabe has stated they are squashing the last bugs, and having playtesters give feedback for last minute changes in weapon configs etc (plz dont misunderstand)
2. Cs source is being beta tested very soon and released to cscz owners as well.
3. The game was fully playable over a month ago (reiterates #1)
4. Last but not least, I made a joke about the game being delayed a year after the leak was announced and sept 30th didnt happen.

Seriously, I'm sure it will be in everyones pretty little hands this sept, you have waited almost a year now, surely you can wait one more month o_O
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