Down to This


Dec 22, 2003
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I wrote a little something, I wouldn't call it fanfiction, just a story concept I felt compelled to write about. If there is interest, I might write more about this. It is a short, dramatic piece. Comments are welcome!.

“Down to This”

“So, it has finally come down to this, Dr. Freeman?. An alien invasion roars above us, while we wait to send each other into oblivion. This seems somewhat anticlimactic after your chaotic rampage, almost nonsensical to your character. You must be a small man, Dr. Freeman, to refuse to die. What fortifications of narcissism have led you all the way here?, unscathed and enamored for this final confrontation. What disturbs me more is the symbolism with which the citizens of City 17 have empowered you with, that also refuses to die. There has never been a more tainted immortality. When your bones have disintegrated, and your stagnant mind has succumbed to the silent wisp of the ages, the followers of the One Free Man will carry on,” Dr. Breen paused before speaking one last time.

“Well, I suppose the time for words is at an end. They are passing through the canyon of your endless synapses, I will create one more gap. It will have significance, however, as it will remind you of your humanity. Farewell, Dr. Freeman, don’t forget to say hello to your oblivion. Cherish your immortality for a moment because after this, in one way or another, you won’t cherish anything ever again,” Dr. Breen’s words ended abruptly.

Freeman’s reflexes peaked, and he fired his shotgun at the exact moment Breen fired his own gun. It was like some concert of death rehearsed a thousand times over to the point of perfection. A blinding white flash was the only adoration he received.
Hehe. Cool.

Breen with a gun, though? How... weird.
At first I thought it was the Gman, till it said it was breen.
Cool concept, but I can't help feeling you were going out of your way to be verbose and not always getting the right words.