Down with VU

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Down with VU?

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Damn VU. It's like they dont want anything from valvesoftware.
Hope they get it right this time. If it gets rejected again i will blow VU to hell and let em burn!!! :flame: :devil:
"only if they reject the game for no reason"
VU isn't the reason for HL2 to take so long! jeez get it into your heads, Valve has already sent 5 RC's and i for one think it's great VU sends them back if there are mayor bugs in it, this way we will get to play it without any crashes/bugs, i don't care if they have to send 10 RC's, as long as it's a decent game
When will people understand that at this time, VU and Valve are both working their knackers off to get Half-Life 2 in the shops?

The game hasn't gone gold yet simply because Valve haven't yet submitted a release candidate that's worthy enough for retail release. It'll be out when Valve and VU reckon it's release worthy.
It's not VU's fault - stop being so defendant of valve. You don't know the whole story.

They may not have a clear record - but most of their published games are fine.
Chris_D said:
When will people understand that at this time, VU and Valve are both working their knackers off to get Half-Life 2 in the shops?

The game hasn't gone gold yet simply because Valve haven't yet submitted a release candidate that's worthy enough for retail release. It'll be out when Valve and VU reckon it's release worthy.


Listen to this man, he speaks the truth.
VGJosh said:
Don't blame VU when you don't know the full story.

I am a big hl2 fan i want it know dont you understand!.
As cause i am a big fan i dont like Vu when they reject. Man think how many games have been rejected 5 times name them.
I believe Barbie - Mermaid adventure went though 23 release candidates.

Comments from VUG QA testers ranged from "wtf" to "this game takes the concept of 'suck' to new and exciting areas". It took a while before the QA testers just gave up and decided to ship this festering pile of goat shit.
Mr-Fusion said:
Comments from VUG QA testers ranged from "wtf" to "this game takes the concept of 'suck' to new and exciting areas". It took a while before the QA testers just gave up and decided to ship this festering pile of goat shit.
Ghoetic said:
Damn VU. It's like they dont want anything from valvesoftware.
Hope they get it right this time. If it gets rejected again i will blow VU to hell and let em burn!!! :flame: :devil:
"only if they reject the game for no reason"

Put the option 'stop whining' in the poll so I can vote for that.
Mr-Fusion said:
I believe Barbie - Mermaid adventure went though 23 release candidates.

Comments from VUG QA testers ranged from "wtf" to "this game takes the concept of 'suck' to new and exciting areas". It took a while before the QA testers just gave up and decided to ship this festering pile of goat shit.

Want to be my best man?
lans said:

Listen to this man, he speaks the truth.

Indeed. It will be gold when the game is bug free and ready for the masses.
Chris_D said:
When will people understand that at this time, VU and Valve are both working their knackers off to get Half-Life 2 in the shops?

The game hasn't gone gold yet simply because Valve haven't yet submitted a release candidate that's worthy enough for retail release. It'll be out when Valve and VU reckon it's release worthy.

Lol, i wonder how many times this has been said, but people don't seem to care :rolleyes:

(W00t 600th post ;P)
Well, I hope that's the only problem- bugs. If there's any horribly crippling flaws in the game experience as a whole ("Dude, why have you given Gordon a bratty kid as a sidekick? And what do you mean you want to swap the Manipulator for a friggin' toaster?!") they'd be far more likely to hold the game's release back.

But bugs- well, bugs are bugs. But I hope Vivendi keep in mind that Steam can helpfully patch them out- hell, if the fixes are small enough you could probably download them when you first validate your HL2 install...
lol, this is the contra-part to the upcoming poll (after hl2 release and some annoying bugs have been found) "should have vu hold back hl2 for a more immerse beta-testing".
Mr-Fusion said:
I believe Barbie - Mermaid adventure went though 23 release candidates.

Comments from VUG QA testers ranged from "wtf" to "this game takes the concept of 'suck' to new and exciting areas". It took a while before the QA testers just gave up and decided to ship this festering pile of goat shit.
Ghehehe, there's even a markup error in the windows title ^_^
"Gold soon". Wont budge me.

"gold" is like -wow only 3 weeks more.

Ill go buy Rome-Total war, to make the time go faster.
Ghoetic, does your nurse know that you're playing with computer before taking medications?

Polls like this should be closed.
Chris_D said:
When will people understand that at this time, VU and Valve are both working their knackers off to get Half-Life 2 in the shops?

The game hasn't gone gold yet simply because Valve haven't yet submitted a release candidate that's worthy enough for retail release. It'll be out when Valve and VU reckon it's release worthy.

from the latest reviews youd think the game in its current stage is more worthy than most games out there
Meh, it'll definitely be down to bugs with a few systems. If it was released now, Steam patcher or no Steam patcher, people would undoubtedly blame Valve for pushing an unfinished product out the door. Released later, and people just blame Valve period...

Swings and bloody roundabouts.