Download Flatout Demo!


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Flatout is a high-paced, non stop fun racer for not only the PC, but for the Playstation 2 and XBox. Within the Flatout Demo, you have three different locations to play in, including a level where you have to use your nitro to through your player out of the vehicle to obtain air ( Which is a real treat to see your player squirm through the air ^-^). The demo is quite limiting, as it only lets you use one vehicle that is fair in all the regions, but atleast one more vehicle would of been great. The graphics are great, and if you have a decent computer, you can play with all settings maxed out, with 4x antialiasing , triple buffering, and antistropic maxed out, and still get constant 60 fps ( I have 2800 AMD+, 1 GIG Dual Channel RAM ( 2700 ), and 6600 GT and I never noticed a slow down except when you slowed the camera down, but that is natural ). GO AND DOWNLOAD IT! This game is a bunch of fun :)

EDIT : My appologies, what was I thinking! You can download the demo here : chose where you live. The demo should be on the right hand side once the mainsite pops up :)
not to be rude or anything but why didnt you just post a link to a website were we could download it?
Someone else is on the vivendi mailing list then? :p

The demo is fun, even my grandad enjoyed it when he was a boy (;))
HA! HAHAHA! That was funnay murray! HA! So was that!

I sleep now :sleep:
You guys have no hearts.
BlindTelepath : Pronounced Got-hax?
Murrah_H : Just because I have fun with a demo, it doesnt mean I'm on their mailing list, although I could easily get my name on one ;)