Ive heard that if you preloaded you will be able to play the game afew days (one day ?) before it hits the shelves. I dont think that really is confirmed..
Basicly, The game will be released at a certain date worldwide. lets say Oct 1st. At exactly 12am the game will be released on steam. Now it depends on were you live, and what kind of stores are available to you,that will be the decideing factor, on weather you get the game before retail. Most stores usualy dont carry games at their time of release. Here in Houston its usualy about a 4 day delay. So if your in my situation than yes, Steam will get you the game before retail stores.
And even if a store were to carrie the game at the point of release, i doubt they will be opend at 12am. So steam will most likely allow you to play the game the second its available.