Dr. Breen is alive, but not well.


May 15, 2004
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So one of the things most people wanted answering in Episode 1, was Breen's fate. What happened to him after the explosion that took out the entire tip of the Citadel? We destroyed his reactor, the Combine's teleporter and stopped him from escaping Earth.

So what happened to him? Well, as Valve said, they answered it. But Half-life being as cryptic as it is, it's not a case of simply listening to what people say.

Were shown a recording of his conversation with the Advisor wherein he requests to be taken away from Earth, but the destination in which he's set to arrive at is too dangerous for him. "A host body you must be joking, I can't possibly...oh all right dammit if that's what it takes. Just hurry, he's right behind me!"

And so, they carried it out. But Gordon stopped him, and as Alyx said, the last we see of him is falling down the reactor chute in his bubble.

Well, I've found him.
Wallace Breen:


I'm almost positive that's him in his host body. The whole scene sort of builds towards it, what with his recording, then the arrival of the Advisor...what's more, there is obviously more than one Advisor - a few, infact. So it wouldn't be much of a loss.

After his bubble collapsed he knew he was about to be wiped off the map, what with the reactor exploding, so he proceeded on with the plan, despite the fact that he couldn't get off Earth - and was transported into his host body.

Breen's a slug. So much for humanities representitve!
That's pretty much what I took the whole scene to mean. The stock footage of him on screen, blanking to an image of the Advisor, then the Advisor actually coming out from under the screen, then being almost symbolically crucified, being reborn as the Advisor.

All very symbolic.
It proves nothing. Yes, the timing of the recording and the Slug passing by hints at something...but remember, the same slug Breen was speaking to showed up on the moniter, and the pod passed by. Rather then Breen, it might've been the slug itself. And really, Breen might really be alive...but all you have to go on is the timing of a particular scene.
I totally agree with you except for one thing. I do not think he survived the fall, I think his human body died. All of his 'information' was most likely already uploaded into a host body, the one we see passing below us. I find it hard to believe that he made it out of that situation and I dont know how they would go about "transporting" him into THAT.

That slug-like thing is what the Combine look like and my definition of a combine has always been that they take all the information from their victims and sort of 'upload' the informatiion into themselves, thus "combining" their existing mind with their new victims. I dont think they just took Breen and turned him into a giant slug Combine.

I believe Breen's only way out of this mess was to forget about his original body and live through a host body. He did, whether he truly believed it or not, feel that the Combine was the next step in evolving the human species.
Laff said:
It proves nothing. Yes, the timing of the recording and the Slug passing by hints at something...but remember, the same slug Breen was speaking to showed up on the moniter, and the pod passed by. Rather then Breen, it might've been the slug itself. And really, Breen might really be alive...but all you have to go on is the timing of a particular scene.

And the fact that Valve promised we'd find out what had happened to him.

enthused said:
I totally agree with you except for one thing. I do not think he survived the fall, I think his human body died.

He didn't exactly fall though, he glided. And when he 'hits' the bottom he's still standing upright. The Combine aren't happy with Breen, so I doubt they'd go out of their way.
Samon said:
And the fact that Valve promised we'd find out what had happened to him.
Was that before or after they announced this was going to be in Episodes? My point is, we will find out what happened to Breen...just not now. They obviously broke what they had planned for Aftermath into three separate parts. So we might find out in episode 2 or 3.
True, we never really see what happens to his body. If his only escape was to become a "host body" it doesnt really matter if he died or not. The old Breen is most likely not coming back, unless they kept his body preserved and plan on re-uploading his information back.

The main reason they chose to use Breen was because of the fact that he was human and the citizens listened to him. You even hear some audio from the rebels in Ep1 "I know this sounds crazy, but I miss Doctor Breen." They knew what was happening to their world was bad, but he was a human face among a bunch of alien forces.

Who knows, maybe the Combine want to keep "human Breen" around for more puppet shows, as I really don't think he is of any more value than that.
Laff said:
Was that before or after they announced this was going to be in Episodes? My point is, we will find out what happened to Breen...just not now. They obviously broke what they had planned for Aftermath into three separate parts. So we might find out in episode 2 or 3.

They actually announced it when they launched the site a few weeks ago. Infact it's on there now.

Aftermath was always Episode 1, it was only a name change.
Laff said:
Was that before or after they announced this was going to be in Episodes? My point is, we will find out what happened to Breen...just not now. They obviously broke what they had planned for Aftermath into three separate parts. So we might find out in episode 2 or 3.

No they didn't. And Episode One is Aftermath.

But why does Breen need a host body again? He isn’t going to be teleported to the Combine world or something. And why does he need a host body to escape the Citadel?

The Combine aren't happy with Breen, so why would they give him a host body?
So, Dr. Breen is alive, but as a slug. :D

Kinda removes the interesting human element of his character though. I am surprised Valve did it, simply because of the fact that in his human body, Breen's facial expressions and voice were the most realistic in the whole game in terms of emotion, except for perhaps Alyx. :O

But who knows, now this means that Gordon might be able to have a fight with Breen-slug now! :D
Wow, that actually makes a lot of sense... I never made that connection- I just figured it was a random Advisor. Very ace deduction :D
Samon said:
They actually announced it when they launched the site a few weeks ago. Infact it's on there now.

Aftermath was always Episode 1, it was only a name change.
Do you REALLY think they would add such a subtle hint in there? Subtle enough that most people playing the game wouldn't really catch it? Breen isn't in the game AT ALL. Yes, it hints that Breen really did escape in the host body, but what I'm trying to say that it WASN'T Breen in that pod. Despite the hints it's entirely possible something else happened to him. Death? No. Remember, there are forces powerful enough in the HL universe to manipulate even people in slow teleport (Alyx and Gordon in the missing week, Vortigaunts jumping in to save Alyx and Gordon the exact moment he gets saved from the explosion). for all we know, the combine advisor used his powers to manipulate the orb and to get Breen out of it at the last moment.
VortigauntLover said:
So, Dr. Breen is alive, but as a slug. :D

Kinda removes the interesting human element of his character though. I am surprised Valve did it, simply because of the fact that in his human body, Breen's facial expressions and voice were the most realistic in the whole game in terms of emotion, except for perhaps Alyx. :O

But who knows, now this means that Gordon might be able to have a fight with Breen-slug now! :D

I dont think that is the last we will see of human Breen. I think there is a good possiblity that Breen will be 're-uploaded' into his original body and make a return.
JNightshade said:
Wow, that actually makes a lot of sense... I never made that connection- I just figured it was a random Advisor. Very ace deduction :D
It wasn't a random Advisor, and it wasn't Breen, it was the Advisor, Breen was arguing with to rescue him out of the Citadel.
You know the Red Flash? Before that, Alyx and Gordon encountered the very same slug who Breen was talking to. The very SAME slug who seems to be tracking you throughout the entire game.
Don't double post and do you have any proof it is the same advisor?
Samon said:
I explained it in my post :)

Did you?
In Half-Life 2 Breen requests to be taken away from Earth. But the destination in which he's set to arrive at is too dangerous for him. To survive in this environment he needs a host body.
But Freeman destroyed the teleporter and stopped him from escaping Earth. So he doesn’t need a host body anymore.
The thing in the 'Advisor Pod' is the Advisor, the being and suposedly the original combine that Breen was speaking to. Breen died as the 'last boss' of Half-Life 2 after you blew up the upper half of the Citadel by destroying the teleporter. Unless G-Man saved Breen or the Vortigaunts saved Breen, it is most likely he is dead.
Half-life is created in such a way that the hints are far from subtle. There are so many things in HL2 people failed to pick up on because they were so discreet. So yes, I really do - that is how Half-life works.
I'm positive it's Breen in that pod.

What's more, the Combine wouldn't bother saving him. He's failed.
When you first enter that scene it was a weird experience due to the music. It was like HL2 version of Halloween music. Kinda like the music that they used when a crazy scientist was creating Frankenstein. So cue in Frankenstein music>a recording to refresh you memory of Breen and him talking about a host body>the advisor>then finally Breen in a host body. I think they wanted to make you feel like Breen was like some Combine version of Frankenstein.
AHA-Lambda said:
Don't double post and do you have any proof it is the same advisor?
Do I need any proof? You saw the same scene where Breen was talking to the giant slug near the end of HL2. When you come across the moniter, You see the very same scene from the slug's point of view. Then he comes on, cancels Alyx out of the console, and probably had the pod rise out of the chamber, where he TRIES to speak, attack, or do SOMETHING to Alyx and Gordon.

From then on, throughout the game you see the very same Slug, in the very same background staring at you, tracking you down throughout the entire game. Who locked Alyx out of the console when she got the message? The Slug. Who ordered the reactor to explode? The Slug. Who sends those camera thingies after you? The Slug. Who's picture do you see on the moniter at random combine strongholds? The Slug. What causes the red flashes as the Citadel collapses? Several Slugs, perhaps trying to communicate with you as they flee the Citadel.
Laff said:
It wasn't a random Advisor, and it wasn't Breen, it was the Advisor, Breen was arguing with to rescue him out of the Citadel.

There is more than one Advisor.

And besides, even if that section did nothing, it showed us the actual size of an Advisor.
Reginald said:
There is more than one Advisor.

And besides, even if that section did nothing, it showed us the actual size of an Advisor.
There's nothing to suggest it was a different Advisor. In fact, what if there's just ONE Advisor, and the others serve under him?
Laff said:
There's nothing to suggest it was a different Advisor. In fact, what if there's just ONE Advisor, and the others serve under him?

You mean the Advisor that did something did Gordon in the Citadel? The Breen Advisor? Or are we talking about the one that attacked Gordon and Alyx in the train when it's escape pod flew past. Or, was it the second? Oh wait, it could have been the third.

The Advisor that was on the screen in the Core - which was actually in the escape pod. It didn't look as though it was in the escape pod.

There's more than one, and one of them is most likely Breen.

xirow said:
Did you?
In Half-Life 2 Breen requests to be taken away from Earth. But the destination in which he's set to arrive at is too dangerous for him. To survive in this environment he needs a host body.
But Freeman destroyed the teleporter and stopped him from escaping Earth. So he doesn’t need a host body anymore.

Samon said:
After his bubble collapsed he knew he was about to be wiped off the map, what with the reactor exploding, so he proceeded on with the plan, despite the fact that he couldn't get off Earth - and was transported into his host body.
Laff said:
Do you REALLY think they would add such a subtle hint in there? Subtle enough that most people playing the game wouldn't really catch it? Breen isn't in the game AT ALL. Yes, it hints that Breen really did escape in the host body, but what I'm trying to say that it WASN'T Breen in that pod. Despite the hints it's entirely possible something else happened to him. Death? No. Remember, there are forces powerful enough in the HL universe to manipulate even people in slow teleport (Alyx and Gordon in the missing week, Vortigaunts jumping in to save Alyx and Gordon the exact moment he gets saved from the explosion). for all we know, the combine advisor used his powers to manipulate the orb and to get Breen out of it at the last moment.

Oh, you mean like the hidden vortigant speech and the graffiti in HL2 or understanding all the stuff Nihilanth says in HL1? Yeah, I think Valve puts in plenty of subtle storytelling that most people don't catch.
Samon said:
You mean the Advisor that did something did Gordon in the Citadel? The Breen Advisor? Or are we talking about the one that attacked Gordon and Alyx in the train when it's escape pod flew past. Or, was it the second? Oh wait, it could have been the third.

The Advisor that was on the screen in the Core - which was actually in the escape pod. It didn't look as though it was in the escape pod.

There's more than one, and one of them is most likely Breen.

That post really didn't make sense. :LOL:
Reginald said:
That post really didn't make sense. :LOL:
Yeah...uh Samon could you rephrase that for me?

From what I'm THINKING you just said, I'll just let that other post answer for me.

"You saw the same scene where Breen was talking to the giant slug near the end of HL2. When you come across the moniter, You see the very same scene from the slug's point of view. Then he comes on, cancels Alyx out of the console, and probably had the pod rise out of the chamber, where he TRIES to speak, attack, or do SOMETHING to Alyx and Gordon.

From then on, throughout the game you see the very same Slug, in the very same background staring at you, tracking you down throughout the entire game. Who locked Alyx out of the console when she got the message? The Slug. Who ordered the reactor to explode? The Slug. Who sends those camera thingies after you? The Slug. Who's picture do you see on the moniter at random combine strongholds? The Slug. What causes the red flashes as the Citadel collapses? Several Slugs, perhaps trying to communicate with you as they flee the Citadel."

Look at the model of the slug if you don't believe. Somehow I doubt all the slugs look the same.
Reginald said:
That post really didn't make sense. :LOL:

Err, of course it did. I wrote it to sound confusing, because he's saying there's only one Advisor, when quite clearly were shown 3 in the final sequence. What's more, we see it on the Core monitors - it does not look as though it's in an escape pod.

Laff said:
Look at the model of the slug if you don't believe. Somehow I doubt all the slugs look the same.

Somehow, I do. That's not their original form, that's just how they've been built up with the technology.
My speculation is Combine Advisors, Stay in the Citadel to make sure everything is in working order..
Samon said:
Err, of course it did. I wrote it to sound confusing, because he's saying there's only one Advisor, when quite clearly were shown 3 in the final sequence. What's more, we see it on the Core monitors - it does not look as though it's in an escape pod.

I understood what you were saying. Just less the wording you used. :|
Samon said:
Err, of course it did. I wrote it to sound confusing, because he's saying there's only one Advisor, when quite clearly were shown 3 in the final sequence. What's more, we see it on the Core monitors - it does not look as though it's in an escape pod.
Still confusing. :)

We don't know whether they follow the same ranks as us. What if there's only ONE advisor, one that's running the show through Breen, and the others are subordinates? As for the Pod, escape Pod or whatever, it's still dosen't show it's Breen.

Samon said:
Somehow, I do. That's not their original form, that's just how they've been built up with the technology.
What do you mean? Aside from the Mask that probably helps them breathe, there's nothing to show they're cyborgs or something.
It reminds me a theory I heard about the Combine a long time ago...how they were some deceitful alien race that pit one race against another, and when one or both of them they would get weak, they'd take control. that's how they became universe conquering monsters, and probably why G-Man and his employers are against them.
Laff said:
What do you mean? Aside from the Mask that probably helps them breathe, there's nothing to show they're cyborgs or something.
It reminds me a theory I heard about the Combine a long time ago...how they were some deceitful alien race that pit one race against another, and when one or both of them they would get weak, they'd take control. that's how they became universe conquering monsters, and probably why G-Man and his employers are against them.

Raising the bar explains it as a species not unlike humans, who began to depend on the technology it created to live, and it devoured them. The Advisor is the only example of that - it's now a slug, everything you see on it helps it survive.

Reginald said:
I understood what you were saying. Just less the wording you used. :|

Well then, it worked.

Laff: the entire scene sets it up as Breen...honestly, check the EP1 website. His fate was set to be revealed, and in a rather subtle scene, it was.
During HL2, G-man never mentions his employers anymore, so It's safe to say, G-man no longer works with them.

Plus I doubt we see a Natural Combine.. Since they are so dependant on Technogly
Samon said:
Raising the bar explains it as a species not unlike humans, who began to depend on the technology it created to live, and it devoured them. The Advisor is the only example of that - it's now a slug, everything you see on it helps it survive.

Well then, it worked.

Laff: the entire scene sets it up as Breen...honestly, check the EP1 website. His fate was set to be revealed, and in a rather subtle scene, it was.
Okay, so I thought about it, and what if the Advisor brought up Breen in the pod? Bah. Forget it. Until more details come out proving it ISN'T Breen or is, I'm arguing for nothing. Gosh, I'm bored.

Sufferin-rebel said:
During HL2, G-man never mentions his employers anymore, so It's safe to say, G-man no longer works with them.
No it's not.
We'll see in Episode 2, I'm sure.

I also doubt G-man has any employers at all.
It seems quite obvious that the reason for this argument is that Laff doesn't want to believe Breen is no longer in human body form. He has an emotional attachment, therefore suspending all logic.