Dr. Kleiner mentioned in the original Half-life game READ


Jul 17, 2003
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I just fully played through Half-life for the eighth time...or around there...and I was looking for things I have not seen before.

I noticed the "Newell" reference in one part of the game...but then I was looking for my Blue Shift disc with OP4 on it too when I came across my original Half-life instruction manual. In the beginning of the manual, there is a letter to Gordon from the Office of the Administrator. I started fully typing the letter, but luckily two English websites were the only ones to have it up on the entire Internet. Here is the letter in its full form including references to Kleiner:


There is a lot of stuff that could have to do with Half-life 2...Dr. Kleiner was a professor at MIT...does Gordon go there in HL2?

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i think it has been mentioned a long time ago, but thanks for posting a link so i can read. Looks like Gordon and Dr. Kleiner have a bit of history together
Damn, married and without dependants... Poor Gordon. He better get married (not the stupid religious way, I mean a formal wedding) to Aylx (sp?) in HL2 :D
ya i know...i read it and it felt like a prequel...
If any of you have the PS2 version of Half-Life - read the manual for that. 'Tis a good read.
The scary thing i remember about that, i bout the game on May 5th 1999 :eek:
Does anyone know where Alex's dad is mentioned? When i replayed HL a month or so ago i didn't find any mention of him. I know that his model for HL2 is based on the black scientist but i don't see were he comes into the original games plot.

edit: i remembered something about that letter when i was replaying HL and checked it in the manual but it was before i was a member of these forums so never commented on it.
Originally posted by d8cam
I just fully played through Half-life for the eighth time...or around there...and I was looking for things I have not seen before.

I noticed the "Newell" reference in one part of the game...but then I was looking for my Blue Shift disc with OP4 on it too when I came across my original Half-life instruction manual. In the beginning of the manual, there is a letter to Gordon from the Office of the Administrator. I started fully typing the letter, but luckily two English websites were the only ones to have it up on the entire Internet. Here is the letter in its full form including references to Kleiner:


There is a lot of stuff that could have to do with Half-life 2...Dr. Kleiner was a professor at MIT...does Gordon go there in HL2?

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uhh, pretty sure gordon went to MIT before HL1, hence why he knows Dr. Kleiner and got his job most likely...
in that intro letter it says Gordon was at the university of Innsbruck, Austria. Is it totally impossible thats where HL2 is taking place? i remember people mentioning it could be in romania but i never heard any confirmation.
Married and without dependants? Then who is in the picture in gordon's locker in the first level of HL1? It looked like his daughter or something. A young girl, perhaps even 2 people in the picture. Or am I remembering things that have never been?

Another thing: is there really a Technikerstrasse isomewhere in Innsbruck? That would be so cool :)
Originally posted by Ro@cH
Married and without dependants? Then who is in the picture in gordon's locker in the first level of HL1? It looked like his daughter or something. A young girl, perhaps even 2 people in the picture. Or am I remembering things that have never been?

Another thing: is there really a Technikerstrasse isomewhere in Innsbruck? That would be so cool :)
Gah nice :) VALVe surely gets their details correct!!
Another nifty thing: It's generally assumed that the "administrator" everyone talks about in the game is the G-Man.

In the instruction booklet the administrator signs gordon's employment
letter as:


What could this stand for?
Large Man?
linguini meat?
larry martingdale?
L man?
. . .
Originally posted by Sniper
Damn, married and without dependants... Poor Gordon. He better get married (not the stupid religious way, I mean a formal wedding) to Aylx (sp?) in HL2 :D

yeah we need a wedding simulation mod.
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
Another nifty thing: It's generally assumed that the "administrator" everyone talks about in the game is the G-Man.

In the instruction booklet the administrator signs gordon's employment
letter as:


What could this stand for?

yeah, i was wondering that myself. i mean it could always be some name without significance like Larry....Mo..und..iv..ger..bal.....or er.....well i dunno.
I love little tidbits like this letter. It makes the story so much more immersive, and the characters more real.
mad_ejit... the black scientist in HL1 IS Eli Vance, Alyx's father. This was confirmed very early on by Valve. I mean in the first ever previews. I think you actually see him escape in Blue Shift, but you don't really talk to him or neither does he play a big part in the story line.

If anyone has the HL1 PS2 version, then please show us what it says in there! Great thread. I knew there was a Dr. Kleiner reference in the manual, but I hadn't looked for it yet.

L-Man idea is good... it's maybe like in Men In Black, L-Man, G-Man...
Thanks Chris_D.

I thought that he was just the generic name for the black scientist (like barney and otis are generic names for the guard model) but because of this thing about Dr. Kleiner i thought he might have been mentioned somewhere.

Maybe LM are the initials of G-Mans real name, i really doubt his parents decided name him that. Or if he is part of an alien race maybe it is the intials of the alien race, but maybe he isn't administrater.

I'm sure we will find out iin a month, or maybe in another 5 years when HL3 is released :)

L-Man idea is good... it's maybe like in Men In Black, L-Man, G-Man...
Quite obviously the L-Man holds 5 ranks of superiority over the G-Man.

The Black Scientist who escaped with Dr Rosenberg in Blue Shift was called "Simmons". Although, it could've just been Dr Rosenberg's nickname for him.
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
I thought that he was just the generic name for the black scientist (like barney and otis are generic names for the guard model) but because of this thing about Dr. Kleiner i thought he might have been mentioned somewhere.
The generic names can be found in the Half-life SDk. They are:
monster_gman (comment reads "GMan - misunderstood servant of the people")
monster_scientist (with subtypes "Random", "Glasses", "Einstein", "Luther" and "Slick").

"Glasses" is the new Dr. Kleiner, and "Luther" has become Eli Vance.
About wat LM Stands for... OTM is the author of the letter (office of the Administrator)

"lm" is the typist. This is the standard way of ending correspondance in the real world.

I wonder who that is a picture of in Gordon's locker.. **cough**pedophile**cough** :p
Originally posted by Dalamari
I wonder who that is a picture of in Gordon's locker.. **cough**pedophile**cough** :p

Little Sister, niece?

Gordon as a baby?

Also, have you noticed the books by Marc Laidlaw in his Locker?
Dependent: "Relying on or requiring the aid of another for support: e.g. dependent children. "
Goons, it could have been anyone, probably one of the developers daughters and in game it could have been gordons niece, or his dead daughter etc.
Some people need to get a life. And stop coming to these forums every day. The game will be out in 30 days. What else do you want>??