Dr. Kleiner


Aug 27, 2008
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Something's been nagging me for the last few months, ever since I went back and looked at the last few minutes of Ep. 2...

How is Dr. Kleiner going to react to Eli's death?

I've seen a lot of conflicting evidence. On one hand, we see that Kleiner isn't comfortable with combat, as evidenced by the way he handles the shotgun in the post-Nova Prospect scene. On the other hand, he openly disparages the Combine at several points (I WISH I could cite the relevant scenes, but my memory's a bit fuzzy) (also of note: I'm ignoring Half-Life, due to the fact that the Kleiner character was... everywhere). So how is Kleiner going to react when he finds out that Eli, his long-time colleague is dead at the hands of a combine advisor? We're looking at a very large emotional outburst. This is going to be especially jarring due to HL2's real-time no-cutscene format.

The opening moments of Episode 3 are going to be some of the best ever.


(PS: Sorry if this is the wrong place, I was unsure whether or not spoliers were allowed in the EP 3 forum)
At this point spoilers are allowed i believe.

As to your question, I'm really unsure as to how he would react. he doesn't seem that emotional to me. I can sort of imagine him sitting on a couch with his hands over his head, on the verge of crying.

Dr. Magnusson on the other hand would, I have no idea.

ps. Welcome to the forums! :thumbs:
Heh, i would like to see Magnusson worrying about bloodstains on his pants.
Kliener might be shocked, but I can't really imagine him holding him in his arms and crying like a baby.
But Magnusson? he'll probably be like "Meh"
But it will be interesting to see how it turns out.
This could easily be very cliched, too melodramatic or, at its worst, not effective in conveying the fallout felt by his death.

Valve will need to hit the player in the gut a few times in those opening scenes to really drive it home. Hell, perhaps another attack on White Forest might suffice.

I don't think individually conveying each characters feeling at the beginning of the episode (or just having a lengthy post mortem for Eli) will be good pacing wise.
I'm sure we'll just be treated to some sort of radio conversation if there is indeed a chopper scene. As for Magnusson, I'm sure he'll be hit just as hard as everyone else. The only thing we know about the man is that he puts on a tough exterior, he's not a monster.
That is very true, since that one point when you come back from destroying the striders and everything, he acts tough but you know really he wants to say something good about you.
But still I can't imagine him blubbering about it.
Lamarr holding a crowbar.

Lamarr's in space.

There's a good shot that when we start Ep3, everyone will already be told of the news of Eli's death, so we won't see Kleiner's and Magnusson's initial reaction.
I reckon the starting to MGS four would fit here. Doctor Kleiner in the field next to the grave and gordon and Alyx arriving by helicopter.

Urgh! That's put an image in my head that I'd rather not have! Cheers, Lefty!
STOP GOING ON ABOUT IT!!! I've already got a very bad image in my head and I don't need that adding to it! I'm not going to say what it is though becuase the only person who'd understand it is me.
I'm sure you're not the only person who understands masturbation.
No, not that, the other thing. Although don't stop talking about masturbation I will have to kill you.

Stay on topic.
This is the utter destiny of all Half-Life 2 threads. Derailment and necromancy.
Back on topic, though, I think Magnusson and Kleiner will react similarly. Kleiner will probably be a little more speechless at first, but then both with force themselves to deal with how to consolidate for one less member on their team. Plunging yourself into work is the best defense mechanism, after all.

And Kleiner will probably hug Alyx and comfort her a bit because he's like that.

Whoaaa, I wonder how badly Mossman will flip out...
Perhaps Kleiner will go with Alyx and Gordon to revenge Eli's death?
Hey i was only guessing.

I don't critisize it, while it was a joke i do think he'd want VENGEANCE! But of course in the Episode 1 Commentary it was stated that VALVe was going to have Alyx furious with the Combine after getting on the stalker cart, but decided that it was too out of character and turned it down to a simmering hatred. I'd imagine the same thing happening with Dr. Kleiner.