Dr. "Kleiner's" Daughter?


Nov 16, 2004
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Hi, sorry if this has been posted before, but having played through Episode 1 a couple of times now, only one thing has bothered me more than anything else in the game -

I think it is in Urban Flight, after following the "What are you still doing here?" guy to the other resistance members (with the TV showing Kleiner's broadcast, and the "Get busy" moment) one of the members says:

"Hey, aren't you Dr. Kleiner's daughter?"

to which Alyx sarcastically replies:

"No, I'm Odessa Cubbage's" (or something like that)

The sarcastic way in which she says this implies to me that the resistance member should have said:

"Hey, aren't you Dr. Vance's daughter?"

Alyx seems to think the answer is obvious so replies in that sarcastic way.

So my question is quite simple, is this a mistake, as it doesn't really make sense?
No...she was being sarcastic because as I hope you can tell Dr. Kleiner is white and Alyx is black. She said "I'm Cubbage's" because she was making a joke, seeing as how Cubbage is also white and even British. :LOL:
Hmm, never really saw it that way before.

I suppose that works yeah. Ok, I accept!
Wow I thought it was a random resistance member who they were saying was Kleiner's daughter. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention.
Dr. Kleiner is so old and Alyx is so young. It doesn't make sense that Alyx is Kleiner's daugther. So Alyx's just make a joke of it.
No...she was being sarcastic because as I hope you can tell Dr. Kleiner is white and Alyx is black. She said "I'm Cubbage's" because she was making a joke, seeing as how Cubbage is also white and even British. :LOL:

Why does her jokes suck? I mean she is dry
She is not making a joke. She is just try to mock at rebel's stupidity.
So then a 12-year-old could be older than Eli. I didn't know that.
Awesome logic there.

He also has a bit of trouble walking, with two legs even.
I don't think Kleiner shaved his head. He just got bald early. Early and early... earlier then most people. Uh. Anyway, they're both around 50 I'd guess.
Look at Eli. He's balding as well, he speaks with a slower pace, he's already afflicted from stress and God knows what other problems. His face is much more wrinkled and weathered than Dr. Kleiner's, so unless Dr. Kleiner just ages really well and Dr. Vance has aged badly, I'd say Vance is older.

Also, Dr. Vance looks to have been in his latter thirties when Alyx was born. If we take Alyx to be maybe 26-ish now, that puts him closer to sixty than fifty. Dr. Kleiner, while prematurely bald, doesn't look to be much older than fifty-five.
She should have said her dad was Gman. That would have been funny.

...but would it have been sarcastic?!?!?!
Kleiner is older than Eli, because:

Kleiner seems to be childish. Only a child or an old man will have such a mind.
Kleiner is wearing presbyopic glasses
Since Alyx is 20+, Eli can't be older than 50+ years old. By the hair of Kleiner, he can't be that young.
The old face of Eli is because of his early life, living under the hard suppression of Combine and, live is tougher without a leg.
At the time Alyx was born, Eli was already sporting the gray sideburns. He was getting on in years, somewhere probably past 35 and close to 40.. It had nothing to do with the life he led post portal storms. If anyone should look haggard, it should be Kleiner, living right outside the trainstation in the heart of City 17. But then, perhaps it's just because Kleiner's so absent-minded he never cares about things like that, and Eli does.

But I still say that they are of an age together, and I think Eli might in fact be older.
Next time someone invades you, leave your pets (if you have any), so those men could kill it!

It is a pet to him, I am sure he wouldn't just leave it behind.
It was a joke. It had nothing to do with race as some people seem to be suggesting. You do know her mom was white yes :|.
Next time someone invades you, leave your pets (if you have any), so those men could kill it!

It is a pet to him, I am sure he wouldn't just leave it behind.

So you are going risk your life in finding a pet?

I am not cool-blooded. If I can see my pet are, or know where the pet is, of course I will carry it away with me. However, Kleiner can't find Lamarr at that moment. It may hide in a vent or behind some complex machines which it probably takes a lot of time for Kleiner to get it. The situation of Kleiner's lad is really dire (as you can see, manhack pieces are on on the desk). A normal adult will take his life as the primary concern, not Lamarr.

She is Asian, though.
So you are going risk your life in finding a pet?

I am not cool-blooded. If I can see my pet are, or know where the pet is, of course I will carry it away with me. However, Kleiner can't find Lamarr at that moment. It may hide in a vent or behind some complex machines which it probably takes a lot of time for Kleiner to get it. The situation of Kleiner's lad is really dire (as you can see, manhack pieces are on on the desk). A normal adult will take his life as the primary concern, not Lamarr.

lol, I agree. Risking your life for a pet is so childish, especially a pet that would normally change you into a zombie, but was interested in watermelons...

Basically, it is a master piece to Kleiner, changing a monster into a watermelon eating alien that gives no harm. :)
Headcrab likes no watermelon. It is just watermelon like head. And headcrab likes head.
Some people are just very attached to their pets. It isn't "childish" though.
My point is, Kleiner is doing inappropriate things in some situations. There are far more example.
The man has escaped aliens, a nuclear bomb and alien soldiers. I'd bit a little ****ing crazy too.
People don't always act sensibly in dangerous situations. Kleiner may be one of those people who don't believe the situation to be as serious as it is...

I wish they hadn't given Alyx that line, either. One more reason not to like her.
I figured she claimed that she was Cubbage's because of the anti-scientist vibe in the room.