Dr. Who


May 14, 2003
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I don't doubt that there is already a thread on this, but a search for Eccleston, Piper, and tardis came up with nothing, and Dr Who is too short :p

Anyway, the new series starts in about 5 and half hours, and I have to say I'm quite looking forward to it! I've never been a fan of Dr. Who, and I may have been caught up in the hype, but it should be entertaining!

So, BBC 1 tonight at 7pm :D
I read a review on teletext saying the first few episodes arent really that impressive but it gets alot better very fast.

I like the idea for the first episode, I wont ruin it for anyone but lets just say I dont like plastic.
BBC 1; 7pm. Even if I didnt want to watch it my dad would force me.
Dr. Who? Is that the guy who did that "Whoooooo are you?" song? :p

I've never seen an episode of it, but I know a bunch of guys who like it, maybe if BBC America ever shows it I'll check it out.
The special effects are hilariously bad. Have you seen the trailer with the fire coming from the windows of the building? Kinda funny.

It's pretty cheesy.
I've never even heard about it. Then again, I'm American and I don't watch TV anyway.
I saw this when it leaked, it's amazingly cheesy, although thats not uncommon for dr.who ... its probably worth watching for the billie factor.
Heh yeah I just watched it.. it was soooo cheesy. Not bad though..
Definately watchable, the special effects seemed quite poor compared to a blockbuster film (but that was expected as this would have a smaller budget for more film time), but it was good and I can't wait till next week!
Dr Who... in name only

Ok so I've just got done watching the first episode of the new series, well I was kinda writing most of this while it was on and fresh in my mind.

Billie Piper as Rose
hmm.. Well for someone who isn't a properly trained actress, she didn't do too bad really. She does seem to have managed to shake off her early music career stereotype atleast. In all honesty she was probably the most impressive part of the first episode.

Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor
Sorry but no, I just think he was possibly a bad choice (not that its new to have bad choices in Dr casting) A lot of overacting (more than normal for a Doctor) frankly Eccleston just doesn't work as a bit of a comedy character, he would have worked a LOT better as a darker Doctor Who. Infact the whole series would have worked better had it been darker, but I'll come to that later. But yeah, this guy is clearly acting against his style, and I just don't think it works. Much the same as what happened with the guy who played the Doctor in the TV movie. I know the Doctor is supposed to be excentric but yeah, sorry it just doesn't work for me

Funny when she was searching for Dr Who on the web and only found a couple of entries hehe

The image of the doctor in a photo of when Kennedy was shot.. sorry but that photoshop job was SO BAD, it really was.

Attacking Wheeliebins lol. Sorry no, Dr Who never intentionally tried to be stupid, so wtf?

Making the first story about not very popular badguys, not clever.

Her Boyfriend is changed into a plastic dude, with bad hair... and nobody seems to notice his odd behavior. People in Aussie soaps spot a fake person quicker than these did.. He looked like a chocolate orange in a leather jacket *shrugs*

My pet peeve about the interior wall design being stolen from me is already well documented so I'll skip that. Well I'll just say **** ** **** is a ****ing twat.

So is this Dr Who? Well IMO no its not Dr Who as people will remember it, ok the FX are only slightly better, but then Dr Who was never about the FX, they were never great. But its as if someone wanted to "bring it into this century" and then did it in an afternoon. I really think Dr Who would have worked better as a darker show this time round. It's as if someone at the start thought the same, then others decided they wanted to do it their own way and somewhere along the line everyone forgot what they were doing and just throw everything in. The whole thing has more in common with Blake's 7 (original series) than a brand new upto date Dr Who. They should have remade it properly, it just came across as half arsed with bad FX thrown in cause they thought it would be cool but couldn't pay for it done correctly.

Daleks haven't been improved other than being able to get up stairs (which was a bad idea the last time it was done)

It's too tongue in cheek

First episode choice... plastic dummies that come alive.. Ok you DONT pick something thats considered poor to begin with from older series to launch a new one after nine years.

FX.. ok yeah they suck, Red Dwarf level, really piss poor for the BBC. Yeah I am being critical cause I could have done better.. alone on my PC. Infact I know a lot of artists who could have done better on their own. But then **** never was any good, which is why he stole from the rest of us. I'm sorry but this was REALLY basic stuff, I wouldn't even dream of giving 3D effects of that quality to a paid job. And I expect nothing less than WETA quality for anything thats taking itself seriously, obviously this show doesn't much care how bad things look, and how many generic flashy effects it uses. Oh yeah, someone needs to tell the BBC FX department about AA, field rendering, composition and lighting. And just about everything else that goes into FX work. It looked like they rendered out the FX to PAL.. you never do that, you render out twice up or more, resample down AFTER you've done all the composition, it removes artifacts you don't want, and helps when adding film grain and/also to match live action footage.

The format has changed, Before a single story would last for a good few weeks, cliffhangers dude! where are the cliffhangers! I know they were corny and you always knew they'd come out ok at the start of next weeks episode, just like the old saturday morning serials such as Flash Gordon and Rocketman. No matter how much Dr Who is changed you HAVE to have the cliffhangers. The whole entire Dr Who series from the start had cliffhangers atleast to a point, just as the theme kicked in, it kept you watching, kept you on the edge of your seat until next week. But what incentive is there to watch this?

It showed a clip of next weeks episode.. Showing the Earth blowing up.. NO YOU DONT DO THAT. You've got a show and you need to keep the big bangs as an impressive surprise.. But no, the BBC in its wisdom, after having removed the cliffhangers realise they need to keep people interested, show all the "fancy" FX for the next episode. Not a lot of point watching that, especially as it shows that all the major aliens are actually in that episode. But yeah, blowing up a planet has always been an issue with me. How do you top blowing up the Earth? You blow up the Universe, what then? What comes bigger than that? Well nothing, blowing up random planets is never a big deal. So a series really needs to save something like blowing up the Earth to last, or have something pretty damn big at the end that can top that, people expect something good at the end.

Oh yeah, they ****ed with the theme tune.. and not in a good way. Why the hell they couldn't do it properly I don't know, I posted ages ago (elsewhere, not on here) a version a guy I knew did, his pwns the new one. Then there's the Orbital's version.. again, far better than the new one.

Plus side Camille Coduri was in it as Rose's mother, and she's still cute after all these years :)

So yeah, to sum up.. I wasn't impressed. Billie and Camille were a nice touch and did make it watchable. But yeah, sorry, just doesn't look much good. Very poorly done.. after nine years, so many fans, so many possibilities and the BBC screws it up just like the TV movie. Heck it didn't even compare to Dalek's invasion Earth.

Dr Who vs Battlestar Galactica = Battlestar Galactica shows how you write and film a series, Dr Who shows how a student would do it wrong. Maybe the writing and work that went into BSG has spoilt it for me, but im sorry, thats just so damn well written, thats how to tell a story, how to make characters so deep you can't help but want to get into the show. Heck you knew the characters the first time they were on screen.. Dr Who hasn't got that, its got a Doctor who you don't really care about, and his assistant who's real purpose is for the Doctor to have lines explaining whats going on, for those who've likely fallen asleep.

BSG > Dr Who

I'm gonna stop now, really didn't like what I saw, its got a LONG way to go to get any better.. Alas I don't think its possible :( What a waste :((

Edit: Oh I think its very funny how the BBC shoot themselves in the foot now also.. By putting Farscape on BBC Three (not my favorite show but still far better done than this new Dr Who series) And then to top it off, they are putting Quatermass on BBC Four.. LOL, Their new show is bad enough, but putting it up against a classic like that is just sealing its fate IMO.
I loved the older episodes. I didn't watch it tonight but my parents recorded it so I'll watch it later. I walked through the living room when I got home today and got a glance at it. A guy fighting a wheely-bin... yes, well. Looked pretty cool. I may watch some older ones tonight. Spearhead from Space, Revenge of the Cybermen maybe. My faves.
It tried to be funny, but the childish banter ruined it for me (reminded me of a Nickelodeon production).

He definetly shouldve played it more seriously.
TDE ... Doctor Who is focused at the british public ... who don't really know much about anything, and most aren't goths or interested in *dark* things. Had they been targetting Dr Who at people like you, then maybe you'd have liked it more (but 90% of people wouldn't).

It's on BBC One at 7:00pm on a Saturday. Enough said, really. If they made it any more accurate and/or complicated, it'd go straight over the heads of 90% of the audience.

You say Camille is cute? She's fat and wrinkly ... whatever turns you on :thumbs: ... Billie suprised me though, she can act... amazing. Shame about the manequins :LOL: lets hope thats the last we see of them.

True, the theme music was nothing special. It sounded exactly like the old theme music ... which is probably what they wanted. The cheese is exactly the same sort of cheese as in the old ones too. Infact the whole new series is like a clone of the old ones... which is actually bad, since the old ones weren't brilliant back then, and these days there are much tougher programs to compete with. This was just the first episode though, so it may get better as it goes on. Time will tell.

I think its wrong to compare it with BSG anyway, they're in completely different catagories (one being a comedy, the other being sci-fi)
lePobz said:
TDE ... Doctor Who is focused at the british public ... who don't really know much about anything, and most aren't goths or interested in *dark* things. Had they been targetting Dr Who at people like you, then maybe you'd have liked it more (but 90% of people wouldn't).

It's on BBC One at 7:00pm on a Saturday. Enough said, really. If they made it any more accurate and/or complicated, it'd go straight over the heads of 90% of the audience.

You say Camille is cute? She's fat and wrinkly ... whatever turns you on :thumbs: ... Billie suprised me though, she can act... amazing. Shame about the manequins :LOL: lets hope thats the last we see of them.

True, the theme music was nothing special. It sounded exactly like the old theme music ... which is probably what they wanted. The cheese is exactly the same sort of cheese as in the old ones too. Infact the whole new series is like a clone of the old ones... which is actually bad, since the old ones weren't brilliant back then, and these days there are much tougher programs to compete with. This was just the first episode though, so it may get better as it goes on. Time will tell.

I think its wrong to compare it with BSG anyway, they're in completely different catagories (one being a comedy, the other being sci-fi)
Camile is sooo cute. I grew up with her on TV in good ol british movies like nuns on the run :D I think she's adorable and so cute :D

And true about the british public.. a dark version wouldn't appeal to the majority.. but I still want to see one made :D:D:D
The Dark Elf said:
Billie Piper as Rose
hmm.. Well for someone who isn't a properly trained actress, she didn't do too bad really. She does seem to have managed to shake off her early music career stereotype atleast. In all honesty she was probably the most impressive part of the first episode.

Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor
Sorry but no, I just think he was possibly a bad choice (not that its new to have bad choices in Dr casting) A lot of overacting (more than normal for a Doctor) frankly Eccleston just doesn't work as a bit of a comedy character, he would have worked a LOT better as a darker Doctor Who. Infact the whole series would have worked better had it been darker, but I'll come to that later. But yeah, this guy is clearly acting against his style, and I just don't think it works. Much the same as what happened with the guy who played the Doctor in the TV movie. I know the Doctor is supposed to be excentric but yeah, sorry it just doesn't work for me
I'm the opposite. I liked the Doctor but hated Rose. She's so common and annoying, and her voice is like a cheese grater to my brain.

The image of the doctor in a photo of when Kennedy was shot.. sorry but that photoshop job was SO BAD, it really was.
Yeah, hahaha.

The only special effect I liked was theguys hands sticking to the wheelie-bin.
It wasn't too bad- for every wince-inducing error there was a neat touch. I'm hoping the Autons were "killed off" so quickly purely because they're a) not that popular and b) an introductory plot device- but I have this feeling that the 13 episodes will be a bit too stretched. What happened to series-spanning epics centring around particular critters?

At least the Conscience didn't look just like a plastic bag anymore, heh. Bille Piper was bearable, despite her "finking", and Eccleston was a fair choice, but his more manic moments felt eye-poppingly forced, and his scientific monologues lacked, say, Baker's ability to make technobabble amusing.

So to a degree I see where you're coming from TDE- but Dr Who has always been, ultimately, a children's programme with a cult adult following. Although having a gritty, dark and nasty incarnation would be interesting- ever read some of Terrence Dicks' novels? Attempted rape and genocide and... stuff.

Although if numero two somehow manages to be incredible, I'll strike the first's flaws from the record as being a typical jittery opening number.
Edcrab said:
It wasn't too bad- for every wince-inducing error there was a neat touch. I'm hoping the Autons were "killed off" so quickly purely because they're a) not that popular and b) an introductory plot device- but I have this feeling that the 13 episodes will be a bit too stretched. What happened to series-spanning epics centring around particular critters?

At least the Conscience didn't look just like a plastic bag anymore, heh. Bille Piper was bearable, despite her "finking", and Eccleston was a fair choice, but his more manic moments felt eye-poppingly forced, and his scientific monologues lacked, say, Baker's ability to make technobabble amusing.

So to a degree I see where you're coming from TDE- but Dr Who has always been, ultimately, a children's programme with a cult adult following. Although having a gritty, dark and nasty incarnation would be interesting- ever read some of Terrence Dicks' novels? Attempted rape and genocide and... stuff.

Although if numero two somehow manages to be incredible, I'll strike the first's flaws from the record as being a typical jittery opening number.
Nope never read any of the Who books. But I'm really taken by the idea of a dark who version now :D
I can't believe people are complaining about bad FX in a "Dr. Who" episode, remember, this is the series that made blindingly obvious rubber suits popular.

Other than that, yeah, not as good as the past "Dr. Who" episodes, but it may get better.
Didn't see it but I think they should've cast Tom Baker as Dr. Who again :p
mortiz said:
I can't believe people are complaining about bad FX in a "Dr. Who" episode, remember, this is the series that made blindingly obvious rubber suits popular.

Other than that, yeah, not as good as the past "Dr. Who" episodes, but it may get better.
They had good reason back in the old days.. But with all the licence payers money they get, the BBC should be making more of an effort on such things.

Red Dwarf had shite FX too, even worse when they did the digital errr improvements heh.
LOL, cheesy, but I cryed myself laughing, can't wait for next weeks episode.

"I've had 73 surgeries"
*Dr. Who just stands there nodding and smiling*
The Dark Elf said:
Red Dwarf had shite FX too, even worse when they did the digital errr improvements heh.

The shite effects seemed to add to that show's atmosphere in a postive way though IMO :p
bliink said:
The shite effects seemed to add to that show's atmosphere in a postive way though IMO :p
Yeah, to a point, i guess. I mean don't get me wrong, the model minatures were really well made and looked great. But not the improved stuff they went on about being so cool, they looked terrible, a definite case of CG not being a good idea, and really spoilt it.
The BBC doesn't have unlimited funds to throw at "Dr. Who", I think you may be underestimating the cost of special effects, especially when other costs and time constraints are involved.
The Dark Elf said:
They had good reason back in the old days.. But with all the licence payers money they get, the BBC should be making more of an effort on such things.

Red Dwarf had shite FX too, even worse when they did the digital errr improvements heh.
Red Dwarf at least had hundreds of other redeeming features, though - the main one being the content. I watched the programme tonight, and, well, not one thing made me like it in any way. I won't go over them, as your post summed it up perfectly. The trailer they kept showing every 10 minutes made it look like this would indeed be a more serious version of the program, yet to my surprise I was asking myself "What the f*ck is this?" when it showed. I am by no means a Dr. Who fan at all, but this could have been done so much better, and in such a more original way.
You havn't seen poor special effects until you have seen a movie me and my friends made at the weekend.
I have to disagree with everything you said Dark Elf, you may be a master artist, but you know nothing about Saturday night television, so stand a side and let an expert educate you :p.

I think it was truely excellent, i absolutely loved the way the Doctor was played, Eccleston really pulled it off amazingly well. I saw something lacking in Bille Piper's acting, but nothing that would ruin it. The dummy special effects were pretty good, nothing serious like you would expect from Star Trek, but then, this isn't Star Trek.

The only things that seemed to spoil it for me are the bad photoshop jobs of Eccleston at the JFK assasination, etc, and what Dark Elf said about the boyfriend, if Billie Piper couldn't tell that her boyfriend was turned into a chocolate orange, she's completely moronic, but then she was married to Chris Evans...

I think the reason they went for a lesser, more forgotten bad guy, instead of the Daleks or the Cyber Men, because didn't want to get to stuck into anything huge too quickly, wanted to ease people into Doctor Who with simple storylines. They would have been criticised a lot more, as well, if they had one of the famous enemies in the first episode. Another thing that bothered me about it though was when the guy in the shed was showing Rose the pictures of the Doctor, shouldn't the pictures of been of the previous Doctor's appearance and not of Eccleston's doctor?

edit: does anyone know the short bbc series where Eccleston played Jesus? I saw the first episode of it but missed the second one.
I thought it was rubbish and from the preveiw of next weeks episode, it looks worse
Ok, i, the greatest television critic and who is always correct on every review of any tv show, is officially labelling Dr Who the greatest thing on television today, so great that anyone not liking it deserves to die. :dozey: :D
hasnt the guy who plays "dr who" quit?

hehe i bet the BBC bosses are furious.

EDIT: oops theres already a thread on this... :upstare:
I know what's annoying me now - the music. It seems really inappropriate at times, and it seems to play all the way through it
Murray_H said:
I know what's annoying me now - the music. It seems really inappropriate at times, and it seems to play all the way through it
It was pretty OTT this time.. This episode wasn't too bad, but still wasn't great. My pet peeve this time is the lack of reflections with the CG spiders when stood on reflective objects, not like its hard to create a standing surface to grab the reflections and add a little more realism.