Draino + Bottle + Tin Foil = Death

Those leaves are dead alright.

Not nearly as scary as being forced to drink drano though... which is a scary, scary thought that people have suffered through. :(
neat. I expect incidents of tin foil bombs to spike dramatically since the publication of this article however here we are in june and this is the first I hear of it.perhaps posting this on a gaming site will help spread the word

you can make a chemical gas bomb with chlorine and muratic acid; both common products sold at whirlpool/pool stores

in the rigfht concentration it'll melt your eyes and face. all you need to do to get a reaction is mix the two
Wow my dad used to do this like... well... 15 years ago? Maybe a few more..

You could prolly do the same with just about any mild chemical reaction that produces gasses. Baking soda and vinegar would prolly be sufficient... or mentos and diet coke?

Always fun to watch explosions though.
ya but mentos wont melt your face off and kill you ..at best you might get a mentos in the eye and while that stings it doesnt compare to melting eyeballs
I once posted a photo of me in terrorist garb brandishing a kukri ...no really, I was on my way to the cave in the mountains. wish I could find it; it'd make a great avatar
God, I used to make tons of these back in the day. These things are not just powerful, but LOUD as all hell.
Those leaves are dead alright.

Not nearly as scary as being forced to drink drano though... which is a scary, scary thought that people have suffered through. :(

I went on a 911 call for the same thing, only it wasn't forced. He decided suicide by taking drano was a good choice. We get there, and already he's in obvious, traumatic pain. We put him in the back of the ambulance and haul ass, during the ride he asks if he's going to be okay.

He was literally throwing up chunks of his esophagus right onto the ambulance floor, he was also voiding blood and parts of his intestines. We get him to the hospital where obviously doctors can't do anything but give him pain management. Drano is some crazy stuff, in the video it looked like acid rain.
I went on a 911 call for the same thing, only it wasn't forced. He decided suicide by taking drano was a good choice. We get there, and already he's in obvious, traumatic pain. We put him in the back of the ambulance and haul ass, during the ride he asks if he's going to be okay.

He was literally throwing up chunks of his esophagus right onto the ambulance floor, he was also voiding blood and parts of his intestines. We get him to the hospital where obviously doctors can't do anything but give him pain management. Drano is some crazy stuff, in the video it looked like acid rain.

That's absolutely terrible.

I don't know how you do it man.
That's pretty awful. Reminds me of a news story I saw about someone pouring acid on slides in public playgrounds.

Also, the drinking Drano story reminds me of a story from a chemistry prof about a grad student who committed suicide by drinking cyanide. Apparently it eats up your insides also and by the time they found his body it looked pretty disgusting. The "better" way to suicide is supposedly to inhale hydrogen cyanide gas, then go lie outside where someone can find you. (Which the same chemistry prof actually did for real, except accidentally, not suicidally. He was having a hard time closing the gas tank).
What the fuuuuuuuuuuu*k. Why do I keep coming back into this thread.
It's the shockwaves of air (that we can't even see because it moves much too fast) that rips people to shreds.

Also, this thread is ****ing shitholes. Who the **** puts acid on a children's slide. What is your ****ing gain you f*cking f*ck.
Two teenage boys have been arrested in the chemical burning of a toddler last weekend at a Baltimore County playground, but the youngsters are not facing adult charges. The boys, both 16 and from the Essex area, were charged as juveniles after police consulted with the county state's attorney's office, a police spokesman said. The boys poured caustic drain cleaner on a slide, experimenting to see whether the chemical would burn the plastic, but seeing that it did not, they left with the chemical still on the slide, police said.

:| char
Ah yes that seems to be what I was thinking of. Misremembered it as acid, but the gist of the story was horrible enough that I still remember it. I guess it's a good thing it was just idiocy rather than bad intentions, but it's still pretty bad.
I guess when the packaging says to not get it on your hands, in your eyes, and not to ingest it... it's telling the truth.
during a raging fire, we used to tape 3 cheap cans of spray paint together and throw them in. much larger explosion and much more fun. of course we hid behind some turned over benches but it caught a tree on fire and the tree burned down to almost nothing in about 2 mins. my neighbors would always shout but my friends dad did nothing to stop us. he thought it was cool too. ****ing little mushroom clouds and heat waves are sick

edit: this is someone elses video, and its only 1 can. think of the explosion times 3 and a much larger fireball. i'm gunna look for some better ones


here is one very close to what ours used to look like:

Like this moron?

that kid is an idiot, we were always like 15-20 feet back behind cover. a lot of times we'd pitch the cans in from like 10 feet back and we'd run back under the table or bench.
I went on a 911 call for the same thing, only it wasn't forced. He decided suicide by taking drano was a good choice. We get there, and already he's in obvious, traumatic pain. We put him in the back of the ambulance and haul ass, during the ride he asks if he's going to be okay.

He was literally throwing up chunks of his esophagus right onto the ambulance floor, he was also voiding blood and parts of his intestines. We get him to the hospital where obviously doctors can't do anything but give him pain management. Drano is some crazy stuff, in the video it looked like acid rain.

shit, i guess he didn't make it?
I went on a 911 call for the same thing, only it wasn't forced. He decided suicide by taking drano was a good choice. We get there, and already he's in obvious, traumatic pain. We put him in the back of the ambulance and haul ass, during the ride he asks if he's going to be okay.

He was literally throwing up chunks of his esophagus right onto the ambulance floor, he was also voiding blood and parts of his intestines. We get him to the hospital where obviously doctors can't do anything but give him pain management. Drano is some crazy stuff, in the video it looked like acid rain.

Jesus Christ. How is this a consumer product?
The things a godsend for drain's man. Pour a little bit in every time you see it start draining kinda slow, and poof, all better! :D
you could drown someone in a tiny bit of water, I think we should ban water too!
you could drown someone in a tiny bit of water, I think we should ban water too!

Yes, but water doesn't make you puke your insides out, and melt your frakking membranes right off.
Yes, but water doesn't make you puke your insides out, and melt your frakking membranes right off.
But battery acid does. Lithium watch batteries get swallowed by children and it eats their insides. We aren't about to ban batteries.
The thing is, mishandling of Draino as seen here has been done by adults or teenagers, knowing full well of the dangers of it. It's got a secure child-proof cap, along with prominent warning labels and a skull and crossbones illustration. :x

There are lots of things that are dangerous when handled improperly. FIRE for example. :p
Well, I suppose you're right.

I love handling fire improperly. :p