Draw Draw Draw


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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So started a new job today which is cool but I now have the pleasure of 3 hours of my hard earned time being wasted on the train each day :( As not to let it go to waste I thought it would be worth spending that time trying to improve my drawing to a half decent level rather then the snot that currently falls off of my pen!

I'm hoping to keep updating and posting over time in hope to see some improvement :S

If anyone has any good tips/tricks/exercises that think could help please share :)





Very good use of your time, dude. I'm liking the skulls and the shading on the bottom objects.
Damn though, 3 hours on a train! That's an insane commute.
That's better than snot :p although I'm a terrible artist so I don't have any critique.

Where'd you get a new job? Is it one of those companies that formed after Black Rock laid everyone off?
And can I have a job there?

I'm a shit 2D artist, but I know that when practicing drawing human anatomy, doing it without reference is not good, and could lead you into forming habits of drawing something incorrectly without realizing its wrong. I went to school with someone who could draw people pretty well, but then a teacher pointed out how he was drawing a muscle backwards, and his head exploded.
Yeah, use some sort of reference as often as possible, because it truly develops bad habits. Like, sometimes you'll see someone who is near professional in their style and then you'll look at their proportions and you'll be like "whatttttt". I think everyone falls into that at some point, myself included, but some people are very stubborn about it.
Thanks fella's there is a long long way to go, really hope I can keep it up :) But like I say there is nothing else to do other then listen to folk on there mobile phones :(

Now working for Climax in portsmouth, they did used to have ties with black rock some time ago but not anymore. I hope at some point one of these startup companys gets bigger and starts doing some AAA titles, then try to jump on board with them!

Pics of today!
More from today :o


Not much to show today :( Spent most of the journy reading an Andrew Loomis book doh! Also finding it rather had drawing on my lap as the train bounces around on the track which is a royal pain in the butt!

The second pic was more of a doodle really but It was done using ArtRage on the asus EP121, it really ran rather smoothly and was pretty fun to use. Will give it a go again in the future for sure!

Sorry they are not much to look at just more balls. I'm planning on doing some more drawing from life. I have a plastic skill from a scott eaton course I did a wile back with work (great course btw "Portraiture & Facial Anatomy for Artists") so it should make a great subject. Will try to get some done over the weekend!


Few pics from today/weekend and the bottom two are from the scott eaton face portraiture class from towards the end of last year. Been reading some of "drawing from the right side of the brain" and bridman "the human machine" too





Some nice stuff here. Keep it up! :D

Also congrats on the new job! :)
Ahg! I've had to give up on this for a few days as something important has come up. Its an art test for a games studio I really want to work for :) I hope I get it but Climax will be pissed at me because i have only been there 2 weeks :S

Progress so far. I have been tasked with creating 512m2 of terrain, some trees/bushes and rocks. Then Taking 3 renders of the scene.

Final shots - just need to get this all on the website now! ahhg



Do you mind showing how you did the textures for it? Its not all one massive texture file right?
More shots


The texture is bascily just a big ass colour map with some AO bakes from high detail terrain out of world machine and shadows form the objects on top. Then there are 2 detail passes being multiplyed over the top just to fake a higher resolution :)
I could almost see this being a random encounter area for Jagged Alliance 2: Reloaded.
Man, nice work. Gunna have to look into World Machine.

Vegeta, I had a similar thought, only mine was "That could be an awesome Flames of War board if it were real."
Thanks guys. Really hope I hear back from the folk at creative assembly. Would love to work on the total war games!

Also with all these new 3D Printers about I'd like to try and model up some terrain in zbrush/max and get it printed out to use with 40k or any other board game just out of intrest. Would be great to do commisions for folk to create buildings/bunkers etc for there games.