

Nov 6, 2003
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I had that thing happen to me earlier, I started drifting off to sleep, and I dreamt something that made my jump in real life (I dreamt I tripped over, and I bounced outta bed, lol...

Has this ever happened to any of u guys?

Do u know what I'm, talking about? Please ask me to elaborate if it's needed, lol.
Yes and yes.

Ive had that kind of a thing quite a few times. Most of it is similar, where i trip or something. I dont think ive ever been jerked awake because i was about to die in the dream, but i did once dream i was falling and fell out of my bed.
I know what you mean. I've been asleep on the bed once, sort of on the edge... Then all of a sudden I've had a dream that I'm falling, when I'm not, and I stick my leg over the side of the bed and stamp it on the floor to break my nonexistant fall.

It does give you a fright.
One time I dreamt I was trying to climb a vertical sidewalk (yes, exactly what it sounds like), and I fell! And then I woke up see my bed come at me at high speed and I passed out when I landed in it. I think I was sleep walking trying to climb the wall :)
lol, that's messed up! I had a similar thing, but I was trying to climb my stairs, but they were impossible to climb cos they were so steep.

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Did it make you think "why the hell did I dream THAT?!"
I know what you guys are talking about, apparently there was an article released recently saying that everyone has this. I cant remember wher I saw it, i'll look into it. I always get jerked awake when I get "hit" with something. Usualy a ball.
Falling off your bed usualy means that your resting place, is either being disturbed by someone/something or you're underating it.

Most dreams are very relative anyway, so it could be 1 000 000 000 things....
there's a biological/psychological explanation for this phenomena.

I can't remember the exact explanation...but I will try to explain.

actually your not "tripping" because you dream you are, it's the other way around...you dream you're tripping because the brain fools your body/ itself...

so this expirence isn't the same as when you wake up from a bad dream, but more the kind of experience that happen when actual stuff happen around you and it gets incorporated into your dream(like when people talk to you while sleeping lightly(that has a name but I can't remember it) and you can hear them in your dream(I think most people have tried this))

anyways...it happens when you're right about drifting into/out of sleep, the brain shuts off/on or reduces the sensitivity of some of the nerves, sometimes this fools the body/brain into thinking that you're tripping.

*edit* the ligth dreamign I was talking about is called "Lucid Dreaming"
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
there's a biological/psychological explanation for this phenomena.

I can't remember the exact explanation...but I will try to explain.

actually your not "tripping" because you dream you are, it's the other way around...you dream you're tripping because the brain fools your body/ itself...

so this expirence isn't the same as when you wake up from a bad dream, but more the kind of experience that happen when actual stuff happen around you and it gets incorporated into your dream(like when people talk to you while sleeping lightly(that has a name but I can't remember it) and you can hear them in your dream(I think most people have tried this))

anyways...it happens when you're right about drifting into/out of sleep, the brain shuts off/on or reduces the sensitivity of some of the nerves, sometimes this fools the body/brain into thinking that you're tripping.

I know exactly what you mean man, things often get "incorporated" into my dreams, yeah it's the brain reacting to them.
Like when you are alseep but your eyes are open. Thats really weird, especialyl when you are just about to wake up.

Another thing, can you feel that you are waking up? Like you are sleeping and you slowly get more and more control over your thoughts and actions in your dream...its almost like a rush where suddenly you open your eyes and you think. 'Wow, i was asleep'
I just get that falling sensation when I wake up right after I had been sleeping when I wasn't technically supposed to be... :p
I once sleepwalked and took a piss on on my parents' chair...
Well, back to subject!
I once fell out of bed too, I don't remember what I dreamt, but my sister told me that I was talking in my sleep and then I rolled over and out of bed. I kept on sleeping, so it must have been one hell of a nice dream...
I have dreamt that I somehow jumped off of my bedroom window, which is on the second floor. The nasty part is that since there is a fence outside, I was going to get stabbed by the fence in my dream. Good thing I woke up before it stabbed me!
Yea thats happened to me right when I'm falling asleep. I think that I'm tripping or falling off something(skateboard, roof, etc.) and I scramble like I'm about to hit the ground then I notice I'm in my bed. I've done it in school once :/.
That happens to me sometimes, usually I dream I'm jumping off an escalator (wtf)

I think the best thing ever is when you go to sleep and you wake up without remembering sleeping, you still think its night but its morning, like you skipped time.

(edit: I remeber when I was watching bumfights2 with my friend, he started falling asleep and suddenly woke up and hit his knee on the desk and stomped his foot on the floor, I laughed.
nw909 said:
That happens to me sometimes, usually I dream I'm jumping off an escalator (wtf)

I think the best thing ever is when you go to sleep and you wake up without remembering sleeping, you still think its night but its morning, like you skipped time.

wow, I have actually had a dream about jumping off an escalator....strange :)

Isn't sleep like that for everyone? You close your eyes at midnight, and open them at 9:00 A.M., but it only feels like the blink of an eye. Isn't sleep like that all the time? It is for me.
I had a creepy dream once, true story, one of those waking up in a sweat dreams.

I was running away from a horrible clown, for what seemed like hours. It was in a run-down town that I vaguely remembered from somewhere. I thought I had made it to safety in a dark building and wouldn't die, but I started to have difficulty breathing. I didn't want to die, I was thinking of how I could try and survive, then all of a sudden I realized I could see my dead body being throttled by the clown. Then there was a big 'game over' text sitting in the center of my vision and I tried desperately to hit a reset or load key but I couldn't. The realization came that I might be stuck here forecer staring at the same static screen that would never change. I knew I would go insane. Then I woke up.
I've had dreams though where I'm like so happy because something I want is going on then I wake up and I realize what was happening was a dream and I kinda feel sad for a while because I thought it was real. The opposite has also happened to me, where I dream something I do is really bad and in my dream I'm like holy shit I just ruined my entire life by doing that. Then I wake up and I'm like thank god it was only a dream.

Edit: When I was little I used to be scared of falling down an escalator and I would have dreams where I would be riding up an escalator and it was never ending. It would just go higher and higher and the steps that I was standing on would keep getting more and more narrow then I'd fall and I'd wake up. Now I'm not afraid to fall down escalators so I don't ahve dreams like that anymore.
i think i have a fear of deep water or murky water, my dreams seem to tell me a lot about myself. my dreams are so 'out there' it makes me feel proud to have such an incredable imagination. two random dream thoughts.

oh and iv fallen out of bed but it seemed like it took minutes to fall rather than a second.
im almost asleep and i get hit with a ball or trip and i jump in real life....im like woo.....it happens to me all the times

*** if you want to expierence this....go to bed with the TV on at decent volume....and it will happen like at least once a week..i always have TV on when i go to sleep and this happens to me a lot
does anyones dream that soon as you die in your dream or at the very end your alarm goes off??? like perfect timing....and can u dreams go on forever....because they can last like an eternity cuz its not real time and your brain thinks so fast...that its really weird..
I sometimes wake up from a light dream with a sensation of falling.

The explanation for things like this (And it also helps to explain many ghost sightings and most alien abductions) is the fact that there is a little switch in our brains that doesn't work as well as it should. I forget the name... something to do with "Sleep" and "Circuit". Anyway, it usually glitches just when you are in a light sleep (Sometimes with your eyes open.)... and that's when stuff from your dream or your subconcious starts to mix with your perception of reality.
Pauly said:
does anyones dream that soon as you die in your dream or at the very end your alarm goes off??? like perfect timing....and can u dreams go on forever....because they can last like an eternity cuz its not real time and your brain thinks so fast...that its really weird..

There are two types of sleep REM and NREM. You dream in your REM and in your NREM you don't. They happen in phases throughout the night, so REM, NREM, REM, NREM, so on. At first the NREM intervals are longer, then as the night goes on the REM intervals start to grown and the NREM start to get shorter. For example, you start with a 15 minute REM phase then thats followed by a 60 minutes NREM phase after that the following REM will be lets just say 25 minutes and the following NREM will be only 50 minutes and it continues like that. A dream that was started on one REM phase can continue on the other, thus making the dream seem like its lasted the whole night. When you're feeling tired what your brain wants is REM sleep because thats what makes you feel rested and reenergized. In REM sleep your muscles are in paralysis so you can't move. NREM is when your brain organizes unimportant events and actions that have happened throughout the day. Since your muscles aren't in paralysis in this phase this is when people toss and turn and some people sleep walk. Due to the random thoughts and events passing through the brain some may make the person say something, thus this is the phase when people will talk in their sleep. REM is needed more then NREM. Thats why sometimes even if you sleep for a long time you can wake up feeling unrested this is because you didn't get very much REM sleep, it was mostly NREM.
is that where the band REM got its name from?
Thanks, Pressure, that's it: The Sleep Paralysis Circuit. It comes from a time in our when it was a very dangerous thing for a small, furry pre-primate to sleep walk. So we evolved the SPC, which is supposed to prevent it. Doesn't always work, though. And sometimes it glitches, leading to strange feelings and experiences on the edge of sleep...

And, KiNG: Yes, I do believe it is.
fizzlephox said:
I had a creepy dream once, true story, one of those waking up in a sweat dreams.

I was running away from a horrible clown, for what seemed like hours. It was in a run-down town that I vaguely remembered from somewhere. I thought I had made it to safety in a dark building and wouldn't die, but I started to have difficulty breathing. I didn't want to die, I was thinking of how I could try and survive, then all of a sudden I realized I could see my dead body being throttled by the clown. Then there was a big 'game over' text sitting in the center of my vision and I tried desperately to hit a reset or load key but I couldn't. The realization came that I might be stuck here forecer staring at the same static screen that would never change. I knew I would go insane. Then I woke up.

lol, sounds like your where in City 17, and you've barricaded the door closed from the clownbine...
Sometimes I suddenly jerk awake and jump for no reason. I can't remember dreaming, and it's horrible.

Recently I've had loads of dreams where I've been running along a corridor or something, but it's really hard to move. I'm running, but it feels like I'm running through treacle. I try to lean forward and use my hands to pull me forward but I just slip. I'm not being chased, and I don't have to get anywhere fast, I just can't run/walk easily.

I remember this one dream I had years ago which felt like that. In the dream, I came home from school, went into the living room, and in the middle of it was a giant wasp for some reason. It looked at me and started to fly after me. I run away, but I'm going sooo slowly. Then I reach the top of the stairs (we lived above a shop) and I try to reach my mum who was working downstairs, but there's the babygate in the way, which I couldn't open. So I jump headfirst down the stairs, and after a few seconds of slowmotion falling I woke up. I don't know how old I was.

Has anyone had dreams that are like a TV show? Every night you dream the next installment, and they don't stop till you reach a conclusion? I did. It was horrible.

All the dreams started like a normal day, but something slightly different would happen. Like, one time, my mum made me eat breakfast in the dining room (which we didn't really use) instead of the kitchen. Anyway, I was eating breakfast when my mum came in, but it was a disguise! She morphed into this really big guy who grabbed me and took me to this limosine, and I couldn't move. I was kidnapped in every dream the same way. I can't really remember what happened, I think he took me to different places each time, but I remember the last one of those I had. He took me into this cave place, and put me in a cage. He asked me loads of questions, which I didn't know the answer to. I then said "Why are you asking me? My mum knows this sort of stuff, not me." and then this woman came along, and said that they were after my mum, not me, and they apologised... weird, huh? I never had another dream like that again.

Oh, one time I had a dream about The Simpsons, and killer armadillo! :LOL:

It was in my old school, outside my classroom. I was walking to my classroom (which was apparently Moe's Tavern) with Lenny and Carl. Then, Homer comes along, but he's been hypnotised! I heard a voice, and there was this armadillo sitting on the wall next to me. Lenny and Carl run off, and the armadillo tells me to wake Homer up, or he'll kill me. But I couldn't wake him, so the armadillo said "So I have to kill you!". Then I woke up... that was disturbing. I think I must have been watching too much TV that day
Yeah, I've had this dream where I was just half-asleep. I drifted off and dreamt I was in a forest, then this branch snapped out and thwacked me in the head and i jumped right outta bed :D
GSW said:
lol, that's messed up! I had a similar thing, but I was trying to climb my stairs, but they were impossible to climb cos they were so steep.

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Did it make you think "why the hell did I dream THAT?!"

Half my dreams are completely random and annoying
dreaming of me and other people i know in real life situations and stuff........ suppose i didnt think of my post for long
Actually, no dream is useless.
They're just too abstract, so when you see ppl that u know in your dreams, most of the time your subconscient is using them to represent something.

Jurn, a disciple of Freud, used to follow his subconcient to lead him in real life. He just interpreted his dreams and followed their teachings. He even believed that our "premonitory dreams" about ppl close to us or very BIG tragedies were b/c our subconcients can communicate with each others (it was back in the days in wich they tried to hang Freud for saying Love wasn't a God's gift so he may have believed in telephaty and be afraid to say it). And "premonition" isn't seeing your mother dying or WW1, all dreams are abstract, so most of the times, we see a house crumbling for ppl close to u dying, and a Hell or a world full of hatred for Wars.
I'm currently trying to implement these things in my own dreams.
wow.. you guys are messed up.. i only have 1 dream ever. i have it every night, from sleep 'till wake. i dream i'm a kitten surrounded by puppies and kittens and fluffy baby chicks all frolicking in an endless field of pansies and daffodils. the sky is full of gossamer and butterflies, the sun is made of snow and it all smells just like christmas. you guys are messed up man.
Lil' Timmy said:
wow.. you guys are messed up.. i only have 1 dream ever. i have it every night, from sleep 'till wake. i dream i'm a kitten surrounded by puppies and kittens and fluffy baby chicks all frolicking in an endless field of pansies and daffodils. the sky is full of gossamer and butterflies, the sun is made of snow and it all smells just like christmas. you guys are messed up man.

you are a wonderful person....I love you :D