Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank (Talent needed for Revolutionary concept)



Team name:
Lucid Thought Productions

Project name:
Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank

Brief description:
3rd Person Epic Strategy Shooter

This game will consist primarily of restructuring the Body and HP system that's normally used (No Health bar) as well as multiple minor changes to the usual gameplay mechanics. (scroll past Talent for complete details)

Target aim:
An HL2 Mod, that is ultra-realistic and unforgiving in nature.

HL2: Source (of course)

[email protected]
AIM: samuninja1

More in-depth on design:

Bodily Structure/Pin Point Damage System:

As stated before this game won't have a Health bar, or a "100" in the corner. The health system depends on where you are shot on your body. Unlike most games, if you are shot in the foot many times, you will fall over and die. But if you are repeatedly shot on your arm and hand, you don't just die, you will be at risk of blood loss, lose of accuracy. Also, if your hand is damaged enough, you will no longer be able to use your hand until you heal it. The only way you can instantly die is if you get shot in a fatal point on your body. The brain, center of your throat, and heart are good positions :)


Point Blank / Melee system

I got sick of playing games online where people are about 2 feet away from each other, and run around in circles for a long time before one kills the other, when in reality it would have probably have been the first person to get a round off that wins at such a point blank range. For example, I'm sure everyone has snuck up behind someone, fired a gun into their back, and somehow the person you are firing at turns around and kills you. This is not realistic. So I devised the Point Blank system; when you are a certain distance away from someone, you can execute them with a normal gun shot. If you are even closer, you can disarm them, grab them as a human shield, break their neck, or perform other melee attacks depending on what melee weapon is equipped. Examples include scissors to the throat or a tire iron to the teeth. When you get near to an enemy, they will appear on your small radar, and as long as that enemy is still on the radar you can execute at will. If you get closer to perform a melee attack, the radar will show this.

This roughly shows the distance away that your player must be from your opponent in order to be to perform each move.



The style of gameplay is similar to the combination of Max Payne 2 and Splinter Cell. In essence, you can slightly sneak around, but not to the degree allowable in Splinter Cell. You can peak around and fire around corners, pop up behind counters, roll past doorways. Enemies will not charge at you, they take cover behind objects, and only move towards you when they think it is absolutely safe, and move from cover to cover. Bullets can shoot through everything they'd shoot through in real life, so be careful where you take cover, and exploit it when the enemy takes cover. Hearing footsteps is plenty helpful when trying to find enemies. Also, killing innocent’s decreases your sanity level. Avoid killing too many or else you might go insane and take your own life. :)


Guns would primarily consist of a various amount of pistols, which can be held by both hands, with only one shotgun, 2 kinds of one handed machine guns, one automatic rifle, as well as throwing knives. The pistols would range in accuracy, clip amount, rate of fire, reload speed, power, etc. Plus holding two pistols has less accuracy than just one pistol, but it LOOKS cool! The specifics are yet to be determined as we are still in the analysis phase.
Other weapons include melee weapons, such as tire iron, knives, tasers, bottles (broken), scissors, candlesticks, lamps, etc. This melee weapons can be combined with melee moves.



Its probably more complicated than it sounds, and I assure you, its not just doing missions for the mob over and over until something happens. All missions have a purpose in the grand scheme. At heart , the story is dark, not the world surrounding it. Visually, the game is as vibrant as the colors in life, if not brighter and takes place mostly during the day. I am currently reconfiguring the story to fit the levels.

You play as Virgil "the Virgin" Coltreese.


We have secured the rights to use this music in-game, as well as anything further released by them.


We are still looking for musical talent Any genre is considered.

Our highest priority is to find a PR Rep and Webmaster, some positions are filled but we are still taking all applications for consideration.

PR Representative
Advertises our product.

Duties include:
1. Recruiting talent.
2. Participating in interviews.
3. Being the link between the Media and the Team.
4. Advertising our game.
5. News poster on website.

Project Lead
Final Decision Maker.

Duties include:
1. Making sure everyone understands the vision.
2. Making crucial decisions.
3. Team Meeting Manager.
4. And more…

Lead Webmaster
Website Manager.

Duties include:
1. Original Design of website.
2. Website maintenance.
3. Manger of additional webmasters.

Assistant Lead
Secondary Decision Maker.

Duties include:

1. Evaluating the performance/progress of each lower level team.
2. Coordinates with each departmental manager.
3. Coordinates with lead writer to create the Design Document.
4. Reports status to Project Lead.

Lead Writer
Duties include:

1. Writing many of the contents of the Design Document.
2. Writing the dialogue in the game.
3. Writing the story of the game.
4. Reports status to Assistant Lead.

Design Manager
Duties include:

1. Gets goals from Assistant Lead.
2. Assigns tasks to Lead Programmer.
3. Assigns tasks to Lead Level Designer.
4. Accesses performance/progress of Programming team and Level Design team.
5. Reports progress to Assistant Lead.

Art Manager
Duties include:

1. Gets goals from Assistant Lead.
2. Assigns tasks to Lead Artist.
3. Assigns tasks to Lead Modeler.
4. Accesses performance/progress of Art team and 3D Modeling team.
5. Reports progress to Assistant Lead.

Sound Manager
Duties include:
1. Gets goals from Assistant Lead.
2. Assigns tasks to Lead Musician.
3. Assigns tasks to Lead Sound Engineer.
4. Accesses performance/progress of Sound FX team and Music team.
5. Reports progress to Assistant Lead.

Lead Programmer
Lead Level Designer.
Lead Artist.
Lead Modeler.
Lead Musician.
Lead Sound Engineer.

Duties include:
1. Acquire goals from Manager.
2. Distribute tasks to each member.
3. Lead by example.
4. Work on own Design Document sections.


"A vibrant mind with a decaying heart"

This image shows the “heart” of the story.
We look forward to hearing from you. :)

[footnote]: Just to inform the Halflife2.net community, this is not spam, we are on multiple forums in order to maximize our search capabilities
If you're really serious you'll want to get a website of some kind up soon, with a full domain (www.yourgame.com). Most mods do fail, and people are looking for a serious dedicated team if they're going to join a project. Having a full domain for your website shows that you're serious about the mod.

Secondly, I hope you don't expect to get 1 person for each of those positions you listed. The fewer people on your team the better. Fewer people are easier to manage.

Oh yeah, an this "3rd Person Epic Modern Crime Shooter" makes me think GTA clone, which is the most tired trend in gaming. If that's not what you're making, you might want to revise that.
nah, not a GTA clone, its not a clone of anything. alot of GTA's mission are really pointless to the story, just to rack in some cash, so in other words, busywork. All missions will have a point with this. heheh, i'll change the tag. I Went with "Strategy Shooter", which i think is much better. Thanks.
Cyanide said:
If you're really serious you'll want to get a website of some kind up soon, with a full domain (www.yourgame.com). Most mods do fail, and people are looking for a serious dedicated team if they're going to join a project. Having a full domain for your website shows that you're serious about the mod.

Secondly, I hope you don't expect to get 1 person for each of those positions you listed. The fewer people on your team the better. Fewer people are easier to manage.

Oh yeah, an this "3rd Person Epic Modern Crime Shooter" makes me think GTA clone, which is the most tired trend in gaming. If that's not what you're making, you might want to revise that.

Hi Cyanide. I am the assistant lead of this project. We are electing to not have a website at this time because our plan is complete a full-fledged design document before we launch. As an employee at IBM, I believe that preparation is something that can either make or break an idea. Our goal is to prepare as much as we can before we go public. We do not consider recruitment as going pubic :).

Yes, this game is similar to GTA, but what other game isn't? Our mod is more of a detective style game than a free-for-all shoot-em-up. Max Payne/Splinter Cell is what we are aiming for.
...similar to GTA, but what other game isn't?

The good ones. No offense.

Anyway, good luck. I don't really recommend trying to recruit without anything to show for it, but oh well. You've at least got a professional tone.
They have something most mods dont, a real idea for a game. Glad to see it, im so tired of all the war and zombie mods.
Fieth said:
They have something most mods dont, a real idea for a game. Glad to see it, im so tired of all the war and zombie mods.

Me too.

Damage system looks awesome too! :thumbs:

lol Mr. Happy...
just to be a dick,, I'm gonna mention that the heart is on the left, not the center of a human :p
I would hesitate to call that a "revolutionary" concept, but judging by the work you apparently already have put in, I have no hesitation in encouraging you. Good luck!
I don't think you quite comprehend how much work you'd be placing on a coder with this mod. The code for it will make or break it - you can fill up all of the other positions, but you'll fail without a decent coder.

Nice presentation, though. But "To be researched" on a hit to the lungs? Typically, you collapse and drown on blood.

-Angry Lawyer
BlindTelepath said:
I would hesitate to call that a "revolutionary" concept, but judging by the work you apparently already have put in, I have no hesitation in encouraging you. Good luck!

idk, it never has been done before in such a manner, and by revolutionary, i more mean, when this comes out we think we will be ripped-off ... :naughty:

and I never said it was going to be easy, AL... and yes, something like that in the lungs, i'd rather put TBR, than put some incorrect information down.

thanks all for your support :D
On a side note, what modding skills do you bring to your mod? Most people like to follow those that lead by example.

Locational damage has been done in different ways over the years, its not in any danger of suddenly becoming super-popular. I can't remember the name of it, but back in the days of Doom, there was an RPG style Doom-clone that had locational damage. You had to apply first aid to yourself - if you got bitten by something poisonous, you had to tourniquette the wound and suck the poison out.

-Angry Lawyer
LedKardova said:
idk, it never has been done before in such a manner, and by revolutionary, i more mean, when this comes out we think we will be ripped-off ... :naughty:

and I never said it was going to be easy, AL... and yes, something like that in the lungs, i'd rather put TBR, than put some incorrect information down.

thanks all for your support :D
imo, it's EVolutionary. Will Wright's Spore, for one, is REVolutionary. But still, neat idea.
Well looks like it will be ok.

BTW A hit in the intestines is fatal unless you can get to a hospital where they perform sugery. As is a hit in the stomach. Actually, any hit in the upper torso is gonna be fatal unless you can get to a hospital, which is why they train you to aim for the center of mass. However, if you wanted to make it more complecated, you could add mind altering drugs. When on these drugs, you would suffer less penalties from wounds immediatly, but suffer more problems later.

BTW A hit to Mr. Happy makes you go insane and kill yourself :)
Though I don't wish to bash your mod I agree with BlindTelepath. When you strip away all of the unique features (locational damage, complex story, realistic AI, sanity levels(?), etc.) how is it any different than GTA and Splinter Cell?

Anyway I really wish you luck with this, I hope you find some dedicated people to work with you.
To AL: Well, i have been designing this game for at least 2 years, not only do i have experience in video games, but I also work for a movie production company, where i function pretty much as everything, but primarily as a script supervisor and writer, but i also have done acting, lighting, camera work, photography, basically EVERYTHING. So I know cinematics very very well, and i know writing even better. I know that combining my game design with my story and the vision in my head is a perfect fit, it just has to be made. And i will exhaust every avenue, no matter how rediculas before i give up on this game.

To Blind: Well, in my mind, put all together its pretty revolutionary, but I'll take evolutionary anyday. But given, my mind is exactly normal... :p

To Kebean: Drugs are being considered, such as morphine, adrenaline, anti-depressants (sanity), and other drugs of that nature. But while heal one thing they may produce other problems too, such as sideaffects.

To Ska: if you strip away the all the "unique" features, wouldnt that make it not unique anymore? Course it's going to seem like a not too good game if you take everything out. But i think i know what you mean, and at heart of the game its suppose to be a strategic shooter, opposed most shooters where you can just have guns blazing, when really all it takes is one bullet. So, i say, what this game comes down to is one bullet. You should treat each shot as if you only had one bullet, make them count, and for godsake you dont need to hold down the mouse button for half the game :p

thanks to you all for the input :D
when really all it takes is one bullet. So, i say, what this game comes down to is one bullet.
CounterStrike anyone?

Seriously though, while it is cool to see these elements brought together, fundamentally those're just icing on a strategic shooter cake. Your mod will sink or swim on the merits of your shooter game, because it is at heart a shooter. Think of it this way: sum up the purpose the games you can think of in a verb conjunction: CounterStrike, to kill; World of WarCraft, to advance; and so forth. Yours is still just "to kill," just in a different spin. A revolutionary game brings a whole new verb to the title, eg Spore: to evolve.
actually, i'd say the game is more about, to live, than, to kill...
Terming your own idea revolutionary is a bit egotistical, especially when it's really not - you've got a few interesting innovations but it's nothing all that revolutionary.
(locational damage, complex story, realistic AI, sanity levels(?), etc.)

I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but only 1 of those is anywhere near "unique", and it's only because most games have no reason to spend the time implimenting a complex damage system.

Complex story - numerous other games. Max Payne, GTA series, etc.
Realistic AI - Half-Life2, Farcry, etc.
Sanity levels - Eternal Darkness on GameCube

Those are all good features to have, but hardly unique.
if u basically get hit anywhere in an organ in the abdominal area, ur likley to die if u dont go to the hospital. yeah......
Cyanide said:
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but only 1 of those is anywhere near "unique", and it's only because most games have no reason to spend the time implimenting a complex damage system.

Complex story - numerous other games. Max Payne, GTA series, etc.
Realistic AI - Half-Life2, Farcry, etc.
Sanity levels - Eternal Darkness on GameCube

Those are all good features to have, but hardly unique.

hehe, no one is bursting my bubble, cuz i only think the problem is that i havent explained everything yet. Hehe, and to be clear, putting Revolutionary, was mainly a way to try to pique interest, and frankly was my assitant leads idea, so feel free to chew him out. heheh, So how about we switch from this Revolutionary concept that people seem to being getting hung up on, and just have it be evolutionary?

as for those 3 features, those are just a FEW of the many things hoping to be implemented, I can list all of the things i wish to be in, but along the lines of making the game, I'm sure some will be taken out and new things put in to conform to the gameplay.

Personally, I didn't like the story of the San Andreas, and Vice City was primarily a rip-off of Scarface. And I think games can be more story engrossing then are now. I mean, I've never played a game, where the story shocked me, or i was just in awe of the story. Which might just be because I'm a writer, and i know how story structure usually plays out. But you see, in my story, the game doesn't give a damn about how you might react to this, or how you should react to that.

And its not just the story that is unique, but the situations that you'll find yourself in. 3 for example

1: You know a guy you have to interogate someone in a motel, but you don't know what room he is in, so you can camp out and wait if he comes out of his room, snoop around to find out which room he is, flat out break into every room which might spook, try knocking on the doors or hell, start a fire and see if he comes running out.

2: You are hunting down a def drug dealer in a rundown old carpetting warehouse, and to even the playing field he drops a boombox with him that he plays at full volume. So do you try to track him down or find the boombox and kill it so you can hear his footsteps and risk losing him.

and those arent even the really good ideas, and those are almost Hitman-esk.

i'm just trying to say, what i posted is just a small fraction of the ideas i have now, let alone down the road when the game takes shape.

btw, i'm stubborn, if you havent noticed, hope it doesnt come off as prickish, but i do need to defend my idea :p
We're still looking for someone capable of drawing concept art. This individual will take on the role of Lead Artist. A Lead 3d modeler position is also available. Please contact me at [email protected].

Additional information about the mod for those who are interested:
We have registered the domain name www.dreamscapemod.com. Our forums are located at www.dreamscapemod.com/forums/ . The forums are still work in progress.
Hi Guys :)

I’m Canuck and I'm the assistant lead for the project. :). I’m also an employee at IBM. My work mainly involves anything and everything to do with C/C++ compilers. And as you would probably guess, I am not satisfied with my job. My ultimate dream is to work in the game industry. Therefore, I am dedicating huge portions of my time towards a project called Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank.

Dreamscape is a Third-Person Shooter. For those of you who have played Max Payne, you will feel right at home. The game mechanics are similar. One of the differences is that we will not have a health system. Instead, we will have a realistic pin point system as explained below.


As a computer scientist, I believe that all great things come from great preparation. The approach we want to take at Lucid Thought Productions is similar to what a software engineer would refer to as the waterfall model. This approach can be understood by the following flow chart:


As a regular member of the team, you will not have to understand the details of this methodology, as most of this jargon will be handled by upper level team members.

We will work in phases. Therefore, we expect our team members to be patient. We will not begin developing until we feel it is the right time to do so.

Currently, we are at the analysis phase.


The mod, Dreamscape, is set in San Francisco, California. These are some of the features that are planned at this stage:

1. Pin Point System: Precise Damage. Head shots are automatic kills. Limb shots are not deadly, but affect your aim, speed, ability to use certain weapons and other variables. This system will be similar to the Metal Gear Solid 3 system. However, the cure system in Metal Gear Solid 3 will not be implemented in this mod. This system also applies to injuries incurred from car accidents. See feature 6.
2. Point Blank: This system is similar to Splinter Cell’s melee feature. We are planning on adding another layer to what currently exists in Splinter Cell. For example, the direction that your player breaks an NPC’s neck. This would be done via a click on the mouse and then a simple swipe to either direction. The states, death or unconsciousness, will be determined based on the velocity of the swipe.
3. Even though the current logo is somewhat dark, this game is not that much darker than Max Payne. And rest assured, it is no Manhunt.
4. This game is a third-person single-player/multi-player mod.
5. The player will be able to drive vehicles. Some of the vehicles that we are going to offer are the Dodge Viper, Ferrari, Corvette, and Mustang. These vehicles will mainly serve as transportation to the next mission. It will be as free-roaming as in GTA. A good comparison is the game Mafia.
6. We are also planning on having motorcycles in the game. As you have probably seen in GTA, motorcycles are really fun to drive! Also, if your hand has been injured (Pin Point System), motorcycle handling will be more difficult.
7. This game is more of a detective/strategy game than it is a free-for-all violent shooter.
8. Some of weapons offered will be able to shoot through walls, as in Red Faction.

There is going to be a lot more offered, but as I said, we are currently in the analysis phase.

We have acquired a webmaster and PR Representative.

Lucid Thought Productions is currently offering a Lead 3D Modeling position. A Lead 3D Artist will fit into our team as shown:


Our main priority at this point is to recruit a determined and motivated 3D Artist. We are looking for someone who is patient and willing to stay on for the long term.

These are the responsibilities of a 3D Artist:
1. Object modeling.
2. Weapon modeling.
3. Some animating.
4. Leading the 3D modeling team.
5. Work on 3D modeling portion of the Design Document.
6. And more, if the individual shows talents in other areas.

If you feel that you can perform the following responsibilities and also have fun while doing so, then send me an e-mail at [email protected].

We are also looking for a 2D Artist and Mapper.
So, you're actually going to code this, and not sit around and beg for other people to join your team to do it for you? Okay, my opinion of the mod has increased by about 10%

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer is the mod critic here, beware :farmer: - but I agree, you'll have trouble finding a dedicated coder for this. On a serious note, It's a nice idea, but what will make it work or not is the implementation. Too many people say "oh no not another zombie mod" - well ok but there currently are no (major) zombie mods out, so that's a pointless comment, what if all of the current ones don't get released? Would be great wouldn't it? Discouraging potential teams to make a great mod just because other people are already "working" on it. There aren't that much general gameplay ideas around, but there are a lot of playable games. Every genre can be improved upon.
desty said:
but I agree, you'll have trouble finding a dedicated coder for this.

Canuck said:
My work mainly involves anything and everything to do with C/C++ compilers

I believe they already have a coder. If Canuck's not willing to get his hands dirty and actually code it, nobody else will.

Also, Desty... I'm working on a Zombie Mod as a side project to Conquest: City 17, but as I actually code/do stuff without expecting other people to help, it's actually getting done. Out of all the zombie mods, I see about three of them (and my own) actually getting released.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
So, you're actually going to code this, and not sit around and beg for other people to join your team to do it for you? Okay, my opinion of the mod has increased by about 10%

-Angry Lawyer
Wow, that's pretty harsh. An actual coder made my opinion go up by at least 50%. :p
Angry Lawyer said:
So, you're actually going to code this, and not sit around and beg for other people to join your team to do it for you? Okay, my opinion of the mod has increased by about 10%

-Angry Lawyer

hehe, so overall, what are we like 11% now? :p

Our production looks good, we just got an Artist who is quite skillful :D And we are growing quite nicely :D
Surely analysis would go after the design stage? What are you analysing, you have no content? I guess you could be doing research into other mods and how to compete with them. Fair enough :).

Anyway I also find it baffling that you are recruiting when you don't actually have a design document for them to refer too. I would finish the design document between you, and then start looking for people to actually create the game you designed.

Apart from that it seems good if you can get it to work.
The analysis phase consists of the following steps:
The problem is specified along with the desired service objectives (goals)
The constraints are identified

Clearly, this has nothing to do with the design of the game. In fact, the design of the game is dependent on the analysis phase.

laeth, what we have presented to you and everyone else on this forum is as much as we want to show at this time. The design (or development) document itself currently stands at 30 pages and our goal is to have it completed in 2 months time. A rough estimate of the number of pages by that time would be between 200 and 500 pages.

We are looking for an individual who can help us in finishing the design document. This is why we are looking for "leads" at this point. The leads will work on their respective portion of the design document. Once that is done, they will work with the PR Representative to recruit mappers, programmers, etc.

laeth, you seem like a keen individual. We enjoy having team members who are both critical and smart. Do you think you could help us?
Right; but your assistant lead said that you were at the analysis stage. So I presumed you didn't have a design document.

Anyway, on your proposal. What kind of role would you require me to take up?

Actually, it'll probably be easier if you just added me to msn: [email protected]
LedKardova said:
hehe, so overall, what are we like 11% now? :p

Our production looks good, we just got an Artist who is quite skillful :D And we are growing quite nicely :D

About 31%, actually. I'm quite impressed by your use of the Development Lifecycle. I've never seen that used outside of an actual company/back when I was in school.

-Angry Lawyer
I guess you're feeling PUMPED!! Like you could FLIP OUT AND KILL PEOPLE!

It's a normal feeling associated with modding - I get it every time I step closer to a testable build of either of my two mods. Just don't get so pumped that you kick someone in the face.

-Angry Lawyer
Website: http://www.dreamscapemod.com/
Game: Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank
Looking for: Lead Modeler, 2D Graphics Artist, Concept Artist, 2D Level Designer (blueprints), Mapper, Writer

Hey guys, I'm the assistant lead at Lucid Thought Productions. We are developing the Half-Life 2 Modification Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank.


Dreamscape is a singleplayer 3rd Person shooter based on Valve's Source technology. The game has been designed to take into consideration different players preferred style of play; whether this be stealth, action or a combination of both. At the same time the design has made sure the game is fun, addictive and easy to play.

Dreamscape has a compelling story set in San Diego, California where the main character is Virgil “the Virgin” Coltreese; a former underground crime ring bodyguard previously an accountant. Virgil gets pulled back into his old life by his brother who has gotten into some serious trouble with a drug ring run by Apollo Kardova, a lowly syndicate kingpin. Apollo's son, Angelo, who isn’t exactly down to earth is more worthy of the title of Kingpin, but must wait patiently for his turn. Virgil runs into an old colleague working for the Kardovas; Job Fisk. Job's an old hitman from the ring he escaped years ago, now working as a Kardova bodyguard. Through Job, Angelo Kardova gives Virgil a chance to rectify his brother’s deeds and keep them both alive. He puts Virgil to work, but soon the Kardova family starts crumbling, all hell breaks loose and the jobs don’t seem to matter as much as staying alive.

While trying to evolve several different previously seen features; the main purpose of Dreamscape is to create an enjoyable game that players will want to keep coming back to.

# Realistic depiction of San Diego, California.
# Pin Point System - Accurate Damage model.
# Point Blank System - Close Combat fighting
# Engrossing Storyline.
# Ability to drive clones of real vehicles. - Corvette, Viper, etc
# Extensive single-player campaign that spans 15 levels.
# Control your sanity level or risk commiting suicide.
# Buy and sell drugs to make a profit. - Buy for cheap, Sell for high. Earn money to buy weapons/ammo.

HUD Plan:

July 2005 - September 2005
Design Phase.

September 2005 - Completion
Development Begins.

Currently, we are working on the design document (Design Phase). We are in need of a modeler who can help us finish the modeling portion of the design document as well as become the Lead Modeler of the modeling team.

We are also looking for a graphics artist, concept artist, 2D level designer (blueprints), and Writer.

If you feel that you can help us in any way, please visit our website at: http://www.dreamscapemod.com/ or e-mail me at: [email protected]

I'm Kyle Rowley; Senior Designer on Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank.

I'm really just here to add some extra information regarding who we are interested in recruiting, and what skills/experience you will need for us to consider you. Without trying to come across as being too arrogant; we are really only looking for skilled and experienced staff members.

Below are the needed job titles, and requirements.

Weapons Modeler

  • Must have extensive knowledge of 3D Studio Max or XSI.
  • Fine Art background preferred but not essential.
  • Bachelors Degree in relevant subject preferred but not essential.
  • Weapons knowledge preferred but not essential.
  • Previous experience on a game modification preferred but not essential.
  • Communication and organization skills essential.
  • Enthusiasm and a desire to succeed is a must.

Concept Artist

  • Must have excellent drawing skills (both organic and non organic will be considered).
  • Bachelors Degree in relevant subject preferred but not essential.
  • Communication and organization skills essential.
  • Enthusiasm and a desire to succeed is a must.


  • Excellent writing ability (Both Dialogue and Story will be considered).
  • Excellent written English.
  • Previous experience in writing for games preferred but not essential.
  • Bachelors Degree in relevant subject preferred but not essential.
  • Communication and organization skills essential.
  • Enthusiasm and a desire to succeed is a must.

All applications are voluntary based; you will not be paid, but this would be excellent experience for anyone looking to break into the games industry.

Please send all applications to:

[email protected] | with any demo work you might have. Applicants with demo work will have priority over all others.
Don't bash the project too much, ya haven't seen how it plays, so ya can't exactly say it will be the same as GTA, this concept seems cool enough to me, but as always, the execution of the gameplay elements they wish to introduce will be the deciding factor on how well it's received. I'd even consider joining the project if I wasn't incredibly new to the Source engine, hell I haven't even used the editor yet, I'm still waiting for Steam's crappy/laggy/slow distribution system to upload the damned game in it's entirety.
Don't bash the project too much, ya haven't seen how it plays, so ya can't exactly say it will be the same as GTA, this concept seems cool enough to me, but as always, the execution of the gameplay elements they wish to introduce will be the deciding factor on how well it's received. I'd even consider joining the project if I wasn't incredibly new to the Source engine, hell I haven't even used the editor yet, I'm still waiting for Steam's crappy/laggy/slow distribution system to upload the damned game in it's entirety.