
I thought it was out already. I know someone that already has it and he said its not all that great.

*EDIT* Nevermind he got it the bad way.
i gotta wait for 30th to get mine, suposedly thats the date for aussies, but im going into work today so i might get the delivery (god willing) so i can play it tonight...

yeah i heard it was buggy, but there are alot of conflicting opinions, so i'll try it for myself and make my own judgement, aslong as its as good as driver 2 ill bve happy...
Had it since Saturday, I like it. Yeah, it does have the occasional framerate slow down, but that's really the only thing I don't like about it. Many people have complained about the walking parts, but I think they're absolutely fine. Naturally, the driving is absolutely fantastic - powersliding round corners never gets tiring :D

I have it on Xbox by the way.
it simply fails to out number the number of vehicles in gta : vise city.But the power sliding has made a big come back in Driver3.Only driver 3 provides smooth vehile slide during the tough missions
Abom said:
Had it since Saturday, I like it. Yeah, it does have the occasional framerate slow down, but that's really the only thing I don't like about it. Many people have complained about the walking parts, but I think they're absolutely fine. Naturally, the driving is absolutely fantastic - powersliding round corners never gets tiring :D

I have it on Xbox by the way.

My friend say it's very similar to Driver 2, is it?
It's sort of interesting, I'm going to check it out.
My m8 says theres no blood in it :|, please tell me there is :)
lans said:
My friend say it's very similar to Driver 2, is it?
Never played Driver 2, so I can't say.

There's no blood in it, simmo, sorry.
simmo said:
My m8 says theres no blood in it :|, please tell me there is :)

It was first rated T, and in the videos there was no blood, but maybe it got a M rateing now becuase they added blood, im going to rent it tomorrow or later today so ill tell you if there is.
Epyon said:
It was first rated T, and in the videos there was no blood, but maybe it got a M rateing now becuase they added blood, im going to rent it tomorrow or later today so ill tell you if there is.
Abom said:
There's no blood in it, simmo, sorry.

Mmk? .
It got an M rating because you can run around and kill pedestrians and cops. That's enough of a reason, not like blood adds anything to that type of game anyway.

BTW - I ordered mine through "superduperclub.com" because they were selling it for $40. With shipping it came up to a total of $45, which isn't too bad. The only thing is I've never used them before, if anyone here has can they tell me if it's a reliable service?
So is this gonna make it to the pc, like the other drivers? Not initially maybe, but in the long run like in a few months??
Well, reading gamespots review....it got a 5.6 out of 10 i think. Upsetting because the game looked so sweet. Oh well, check out hte game in the link in my first post. =)
Driver 3 is full of the sorts of glitches and problems that final retail products shouldn't have. The graphical issues that are in the retail version of Driver 3 for the Xbox are the sorts of things that may make you wonder how this game even made it through Microsoft's submission and approval process and onto shelves. While the game itself isn't completely broken, it's uninspired and frequently frustrating or boring. Consider that, along with all the glitches, and it adds up to be a game that isn't worth your time or money.


glad I read reviews before buying.
I ain't buying this. Bad reviews, my firend's word on it being the same as driver 2, and the confirmation from critics, prove that Driv3r is all hype but nothing more.

Just like matrix reloaded,revolutions.
After reading a couple of reviews (magazines) and particularly the gamespot one, which hit it right on the nail - i think i'll pass...

Too bad, was really looking forward to this one :(
scribblehead said:
After reading a couple of reviews (magazines) and particularly the gamespot one, which hit it right on the nail - i think i'll pass...

Too bad, was really looking forward to this one :(

Me too, seems reflections f'd it up pretty bad. :(
How do you know the reviews hit the nail on the head? You haven't played the game. I'm still waiting on my copy to be shipped but I played the game at a friends house and it's great. The reviews are just flat out wrong, especially about the graphics - at the very least they're much better than GTA. The driving is perfect and incredibly fun. The on foot sections take some getting used to but in the end it's much better than GTA's, because you can actually aim. They're right about the on-foot AI, it's pretty bad but it works - I'd say it's about on par with GTA. The car AI however is great, they negotiate cars and obstacles very well, unlike any other game of this type, their goal is still to smack into you but they do it better than other games. I have seen a few glitch's, but mostly minor graphical stuff like a texture not loading up in time or whatever, I haven't found anything that interferes with play.

The reviews also fail to mention the awesome Director Mode or give full credit to the mini games, especially Take-A-Ride. It's filled with hidden objects, secrets, and special cars to find (the forklift kicks ass). Sure, the game is similar to the past two, it's basically a far superior version of Driver 2. But I loved Driver 2, and I love Driver 3 as well. As long as you know what to expect, you will be very pleased with Driver 3 if you liked the previous games.
smwScott said:
How do you know the reviews hit the nail on the head? You haven't played the game. I'm still waiting on my copy to be shipped but I played the game at a friends house and it's great. The reviews are just flat out wrong, especially about the graphics - at the very least they're much better than GTA. The driving is perfect and incredibly fun. The on foot sections take some getting used to but in the end it's much better than GTA's, because you can actually aim. They're right about the on-foot AI, it's pretty bad but it works - I'd say it's about on par with GTA. The car AI however is great, they negotiate cars and obstacles very well, unlike any other game of this type, their goal is still to smack into you but they do it better than other games. I have seen a few glitch's, but mostly minor graphical stuff like a texture not loading up in time or whatever, I haven't found anything that interferes with play.

The reviews also fail to mention the awesome Director Mode or give full credit to the mini games, especially Take-A-Ride. It's filled with hidden objects, secrets, and special cars to find (the forklift kicks ass). Sure, the game is similar to the past two, it's basically a far superior version of Driver 2. But I loved Driver 2, and I love Driver 3 as well. As long as you know what to expect, you will be very pleased with Driver 3 if you liked the previous games.

The IGN review (video review) mentions the director mode. I agree, the graphics were awesome compared to GTA, I don't know what the "F" gamespot and ign are talking about.I loved Driver 2, but the reviews said it's pretty much the same thing with crappy on foot missions.

you must also remember that GTA is a tad overated, I agree this game must deserve a higher score than that true crime crap - that was pathetic compared to any driver game, anyday.
I honestly believe that the people who reviewed the game just aren't Driver fans. If they were then they would know that the majority of the fun to be had in the game is with Take-A-Ride. The missions are great but once they wear out you still have Take-A-Ride, which to me is a superior version of GTA's free city. The on foot sections aren't nearly as bad as they make it out to be, they're average. It does add a lot to the replay value though.

I just played back through True Crimes a little, and I can't believe the balls these reviewers have. This game sucks. The graphics are terrible, the on foot and especially car controls are worse than Driver 3, the city is basically the same everywhere, it's just bad. The plot is stupid, it's just a bad game. That's not to mention the tons of glitch's (like getting stuck in certain areas of the city and having to wait for the game to respawn you back out). Driver 3 is better in every single way, I'm not exaggerating at all, I don't believe there's a single thing that True Crimes does better. Yet these reviewers give it scores of 9.0 and Driver 3 a 5.4.

This proves what I have always said. Reviews are useless, it's getting to the point where I'm actually intrigued by games I otherwise wouldn't care about if it gets mediocre reviews. Game reviewers used to be reliable, now they're just as snobby and pretentious as movie reviewers, dissecting the game like it's a term paper rather than conveying what it's really all about.
So your going to pass off one of the most popular driving games because a guy sat at an office doing a review of it said it was'nt good? OhhhhhKay then.

How do you know the "guy" isnt a massive GTA fan? where everything he see's in driv3r he thinks "GTA does that better so lets say ...it is boring"
Alig said:
So your going to pass off one of the most popular driving games because a guy sat at an office doing a review of it said it was'nt good? OhhhhhKay then.

How do you know the "guy" isnt a massive GTA fan? where everything he see's in driv3r he thinks "GTA does that better so lets say ...it is boring"

have YOU played it?
kidrock450 said:
just got the game..played it..returning it...

Don't!, give it to me. At half-price of course. :p

Seriously, I still can't believe that it got such a low score.
thehunter1320 said:
have YOU played it?

NO. I did'nt say i had and i dont need to off played it to know that you dont judge a game because someone that writes reviews to pay his mortgage says its sh!t

By "...most popular driving games" i meant "....most popular driving game series"
lans said:
Don't!, give it to me. At half-price of course. :p

Seriously, I still can't believe that it got such a low score.

honestly I got the game for Xbox and it deserved the score they got. It just didnt live up to my expectations. Hopefully when spiderman 2 comes out next week that wont let me down.
kidrock450 said:
honestly I got the game for Xbox and it deserved the score they got. It just didnt live up to my expectations. Hopefully when spiderman 2 comes out next week that wont let me down.

That's what I'm waiting for too :)

I always liked just swinging around in the previous spidey titles even though it was kinda lame how you just attach to nothing and how you can't get anywhere close to the ground. This new game seems to have improved on that a ton and they said that they tried making swinging fun and more interesting...and it looks like fun from the videos I've seen.
kidrock450 said:
honestly I got the game for Xbox and it deserved the score they got. It just didnt live up to my expectations. Hopefully when spiderman 2 comes out next week that wont let me down.

Supposedly the PS2 version has less bugs than the X-BOX version. I can't verify this myself as I have only played the PS2 version, but I can verify that I saw absolutely no major bugs on the PS2 version (and very few minor ones). In addition to this, I have heard most of the complaining coming from people with the X-BOX version. It is also likely that the reviewers spent the majority of the time with the X-BOX version (IGN didn't even have separate reviews). There's been a lot of misinformation spread about this game, and I've read many things from supposedly respectable sources that I can say for a fact are wrong.

It boils down to this, Driver 3 is a very good game. If you liked Driver 1/2, then you will love Driver 3. It is everything that the previous games were but more and better. If you were expecting anything different then it's your own fault, the game is what it is, and I'm very happy with it.

I figured the reviewers would blast the on foot part, IGN even gave up on and switched to the games auto aim which is just lame. But I had no idea they would insult the technical aspect of the game. It's by far the most visually appealing of it's type and I have not found any real glitch's, only a few minor graphical errors that all games of this scale have. The reviewers were also very hypocritical, citing problems in Driver 3 that exist in the exact same form in the GTA series, but failed to make it into their reviews. I'm willing to be that SA will not fix most of these, it'll be interesting to see if the things that bothererd them so much about Driver 3 will be so irritating in the new GTA game.

The message: rent it and form your own opinion.
Well im glad ill be buying it for my ps2 on friday

PS2 > xbox anyway heh regardless of the xbox's better performance, it means nothing when they only have one big xbox game, halo. Which i think sucks so meh.
I don't want to turn this into an X-BOX vs. PS2 thing, I was just stating an observation I had. Once again, I don't know this to be true, it's possible that the glitch occurs on different models of PS2 and X-BOX's. All I know for a fact is that my friends PS2 version is relatively flawless, and that the majority of the people complaining have problems with the X-BOX version. However, some people with the X-BOX version say it works fine, so who knows. It sounds to me like the distribution for the game is a little FUBAR.

If you have both an X-BOX and PS2 though, I'd recommend getting it for PS2.
Alig said:
Well im glad ill be buying it for my ps2 on friday

PS2 > xbox anyway heh regardless of the xbox's better performance, it means nothing when they only have one big xbox game, halo. Which i think sucks so meh.


xbox > Ps2


Ps2 > xbox

Fair competition. :)
ok, i just got it, i have know idea what other people are complaining about, this is an awsome game...

the ps2 version is much better, ive tried both xbox and ps2, the ps2 version is much more stable (sorry to the xbox fanboys :D) the walking parts are fine, it just takes getting used to the control system. this game deserves 9/10, not 5.5 or some other bullshit gayspot gave it (allthough they only reviewed the xbox version)... ive been looking for a game to play in the wait for HL2, this is it. ...the damage system is awsome,

the glitches that people speak of are minimal if at all noticeable, no more glitchie then gta, popup is better than gta.

as to wether its better than gta? well, there is no comparison... its not trying to be gta, its driver the games are completely different. the driver series is a car chase driving game, gta is a crime simulator with driving.
Yeah, rented it for the Xbox. It's really, really bad. The framerate literally drops to like 5 frames a second sometimes. There are about a million other graphical bugs as well. The handling of the cars just isn't my cup of tea either and I can't stand the shooting sections.

I'd probably of liked it better had I gotten it for PS2 but mine is on the fritz.
DarkStar said:
Yeah, rented it for the Xbox. It's really, really bad. The framerate literally drops to like 5 frames a second sometimes. There are about a million other graphical bugs as well. The handling of the cars just isn't my cup of tea either and I can't stand the shooting sections.

I'd probably of liked it better had I gotten it for PS2 but mine is on the fritz.

yeah, as i said, xbox version has some serious problems

ps2 version is practicly flawless in comparison .... sorry to rub it in :D

if your ps2 gets fixed, try that version, its a fantastic game. but you said you didnt like the handling... i guess you didnt like the other drivers then...
Heh, I was wondering how in the hell the reviewers got the scores they did, it was like they were playing a different game. I guess they were. It appears the X-BOX got a little bit screwed here. I have NEVER seen the game drop to 5 frames a second, even when I was trying to slow it down for the hell of it. The graphics are also very impressive, and the game is very stable. Much more polished than Vice City IMO, the glitch's in VC were much worse (ie. tripping for no reason and losing 5 health).

What must have happened is that they were developing the game primarily for PS2, and they weren't completely finished with the X-BOX version but Atari pushed for a simultaneous release.