Drivable vehicles




I'm a bit of a newbie but am building a HL2 DM map.

It's based around a racing track and as such i've put in a drivable buggy.

However, when the map starts it just goes into reverse until an object stops it. I can enter the buggy, and the engine sound kicks in but i cant drive it. And more than i can't get out again.

Has anybody had much luck with drivable vehicles?

Thanks in advance.
Has nobody else attempted this?

There must be someone out there...
I havent'. But there's plenty of maps online with driveable vehicles. However, they are all crappy. The code for online vehicles must suck, cuz when using them it's horribly laggy, and you run into all kinds of bugs. Just wait for them to fix the code.
I am creating a map that has a lot of buggies, and all of mine work fine..
Send me a message on AIM if you have any questions or anything.

sn = "blasted"
I'm sorry i don't use AIM.

Could you please post here a step - by - step guide as to how to place a working buggy on a map.

As i said, mine is not drivable and just moves backwards on map start.

Heh, I made a drivable apc just had to change the view to up top. anyways is this for hl2dm?

- oops looks like it is.
Pennington said:
I havent'. But there's plenty of maps online with driveable vehicles. However, they are all crappy. The code for online vehicles must suck, cuz when using them it's horribly laggy, and you run into all kinds of bugs. Just wait for them to fix the code.

i wouldn't count on them 'fixing' the code because its not broken in the first place, they obviously just didnt' intend for vehicles to be in MP. sad but true
If you when them in you gotta mod it yourself.

And the buggy might not look like its lagging or got any problems for you, but play in a server with someone else, and you'll see some obvious problems. Like there not being any player model in the drivers seat. And the fact that it will lag like crazy.
yeh, what's the fckin point of them adding vehicles? Cuz they weren't that good in sp (fanboat was okay, buggy sucked, and they were the ONLY TWO). I figured they were just place holders to get the code in for mp vehicles.