Driver: Parellel Lines

Parellel Lines? That's the lamest title I've ever read :laugh: Sounds like a game that teaches you about geometry or something.

And it's not going to be good, Driv3r was extremely bad and I really really doubt this is going to be any better.

I think I'll hold off until Driver: Congruent Triangles.
Parellel Lines? That's the lamest title I've ever read Sounds like a game that teaches you about geometry or something.

And it's not going to be good, Driv3r was extremely bad and I really really doubt this is going to be any better.

I think I'll hold off until Driver: Congruent Triangles.

Have a little bit of faith, the first two were excellent, and really brought us into the destructive car racing that we see today....

Where else can you use another car as an airbag? :)

haha, give it a shance right? Nothing to lose
jdufault said:
Have a little bit of faith, the first two were excellent, and really brought us into the destructive car racing that we see today....

Where else can you use another car as an airbag? :)

Destruction Derby, released 3-4 years prior. :P

The first one was good, the second one lost it's focus with those lame running around on foot bits. Plus it ran like crap and looked worse. oO
Driver 1 was the only good one, as far as I know.
Was awesome playing it on the PSone.
The main character is called the Kid.
I think this screams flop.

Nice one Reflections, messed up again.
Driver tried to become a GTA alternative, which was a failing from the get-go.

I highly doubt I'll touch this one.
KagePrototype said:
Destruction Derby, released 3-4 years prior. :P

I loved that game so much!

And Driver 1 is the best, i just like cruising round, the story mode is pretty good too. Didn't like the other two. Driv3r sucked anus.

BRODIEMAN2k4 said:



AWESUM GRAFIX! :afro: :farmer: :thumbs: :naughty:
Heh, you can't deny the official "screenshots" for Driv3r look sweet. Too bad the "unofficial" ones don't and the game is crap.