Driver problem


Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
So I bought a Acer 5520 laptop about a month ago (DO NOT BUY THIS, UTTER CRAP LAPTOP). The comp has a AMD x2 1,8ghz processor and 7000m geforce. Well I decided to upgrade my drivers, not that anything was wrong with them. So I got the latest ones from the acer webpage and BOOOOOOOOOM in every game about 1000% performance loss, Max Payne 2 ran fine before now it runs in about 0.1fps, only game I can some what running is quake 2 but playing it with 20-30fps online ain't gonna cut it. So I decided to try the inf. modded drivers, okay thats blue screen and system restore. So finally I went back to the old drivers, boom same performance loss which it didn't have before with these drivers... How is this possible? I mean I can't even play friggin solitaire on this comp, can't run shit now. Any help?
i've got an acer laptop that was a pile of shit with vista, taking 5 or 10 minutes to start up or shut down, so i installed Xp. Now it starts up so fast, and quits so ****ing fast ... (of coursel nothing is installed yet besides the OS)

anyway, the network drivers from acer don't work. None of them.

I'm not sure what to do really. this thing needs internet access in order to install some of the software.

I might try getting drivers from somewhere else for people that had this problem. you might try that too.

BTW if you go into BIOS, like me, you might have an option to have 128MB video RAM or 64MB, but I doubt that will be useful until you fix the other problem.

BTW the bios doesn't fully work. .. stupid ****ing computer.
I got about 200fps drop in Action Quake 2. Getting 10-20 now.