Driving lessons.


Jul 5, 2003
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So yeah, I'm 22 and I've *finally* decided I'm gonna book some *more* driving lessons (had 8 when I was 17).. now I'm nowhere near rich and it will be me booking these and paying for them with my own scrilla.

To get an idea of how much money I'll be spending on this venture in total I'm just wondering:

How many lessons did you have?

How many attempts did you take at your driving test?
hmm, like 10-12 1-hour lessons at $30 each.

Passed on the 1st attempt :)
My mum failed her test 9 times over 7 years.
I passed mine, i didnt pay for any lessons...
4 times at 1 1/2 hours each. But that was mainly for the insurance. Driving tests are easy as hell, at least here in the US.
yeah in the US stupid moron 16 year olds who don't know how to drive...can get their license and race their friends to see who can crash their car first.
They should change the age from 16 to 18. You can still get a permit at 16 but you have to wait till you're 18 to get your license. Too many bad young drivers out there.
If there is anything that pisses me off the most about US laws it's:

Military age != Drinking age != Driving age != Smoking age
LOL what a generalzation. I am 19 years old and I have a class B license and drive big trucks at my dayjob while taking classes in the afternoon. Never had one accident. (knock on wood)

On the other hand though... my friend is on his fourth car :)
If you are in the US you are wasting your money for driving classes. Like everyone said, the test is extremely easy. I passed my first time with a 95% at the age of 15.

Good Luck,
Originally posted by No Limit
If you are in the US you are wasting your money for driving classes. Like everyone said, the test is extremely easy. I passed my first time with a 95% at the age of 15.

Good Luck,

That is, unless you're taking the test in NYC, like I was.
Originally posted by chu
yeah in the US stupid moron 16 year olds who don't know how to drive...can get their license and race their friends to see who can crash their car first.

Hehe, well I'm better than most of the drivers on the road. And I have reason to believe they should keep it like it is, at least for a couple years :p .
Everyone likes to think they are better drivers than most, the ones that do usualy aren't, *wink*.
Originally posted by chu
They should change the age from 16 to 18. You can still get a permit at 16 but you have to wait till you're 18 to get your license. Too many bad young drivers out there.

I'm 16 and I haven't taken driving lessons yet... I'm not really in a hurry to start driving anyways. Most of my friends took driving lessons when they were 15 and were driving around by themselves when they turned 16... it's pretty scary to think there's so many young people driving around.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
If there is anything that pisses me off the most about US laws it's:

Military age != Drinking age != Driving age != Smoking age

Ahh Finland, I love you:
Military 18-25.
Drinking 18 (20 for over 21%, except in bar it doesn't matter).
Driving 18.
Smoking 18.
I paid £450 for 21_L with BSM and I passed from the first test.
You have to be crazy to not let 16 year olds drive. Teens cause about 10% of the accidents out there, that is nothing if you really think about that number. First of 10% is about the amount of drivers there are that are teens from the total population, so the statistics aren't higher for teens. Also, teens drive a lot more than any other age group out there, this means that they are actually safer drivers as they don't cause more wrecks. Anyone that says, "oh teens should not drive as they might hit me" are hypocrite. I was got my license at 15, that is 8 years I've been driving. I am yet to get a single ticket and have never been in an accident and actually drove safer as a teen than I do now because I knew my dad would tear my ass apart if I got a single ticket :).
Originally posted by No Limit
You have to be crazy to not let 16 year olds drive. Teens cause about 10% of the accidents out there, that is nothing if you really think about that number. First of 10% is about the amount of drivers there are that are teens from the total population, so the statistics aren't higher for teens. Also, teens drive a lot more than any other age group out there, this means that they are actually safer drivers as they don't cause more wrecks. Anyone that says, "oh teens should not drive as they might hit me" are hypocrite. I was got my license at 15, that is 8 years I've been driving. I am yet to get a single ticket and have never been in an accident and actually drove safer as a teen than I do now because I knew my dad would tear my ass apart if I got a single ticket :).

hmm... I searched a little on google and found this website:

It seems that there is some sort of truth in the story that teens do not drive well, in general..

LOL a friend of mine had a driving exam but 1 hour before the actual test he wanted to practice one more time with his instructor. When they came to a traffic sign that went orange, he wanted to stop but forgot to look in his mirror... A big F**kin' shell truck slammed the car so hard that there was no passenger space left in the back. Needless to say he failed the exam later (did get it after 3 times though):)
Teen drivers account for 7% of the driving population but 14% of all accidents and deaths
I actually heard this statistic as 9% account for the teen driving population and cause 12% of all accidents, I will have to find my source later as I am busy now. However, even if this is the case that statistic is not that alarming and most of these accidents are minor, not fatal. I bet if you look at statistics old people cause more driving accidents than teens (I am just shooting out of my ass and don't have time to back this up, will do it later). However, they will not take away the driving rights of old people because all those politicians will be old soon and they might want to drive when they hit that age. This web site doesn't tell you that because its propaganda. The reason I say anyone not wanting to allow teens to drive is a hypocrite is because they don't want to let someone drive simply because it might stop a few accidents here and there, but the best part is it won't affect you one bit because you are not a teen. This type of attitude is sad and I think its the worst type of discrimination out there. Lets face it, we all did stupid shit when we were younger, we had a right to. Teens now have the same right and these old politicians want to take it away because it simply won't affect them negatively but will basically take the youth out of this nation which is something everyone should have the right to enjoy.
From what I've seen, teenagers mostly like to show off their "manuvering capabilities" and swerve in and out all around traffic. But every once in awhile, they get too busy being proud of what they can do, and smash into someone. I've seen that happen on more than one occasion. I personally only swerve in a in out of traffic if I'm in a big hurry,...or my friend that has a Mazda 6 wants to race.... Other than that, I'm a very safe driver. But I have to admit, I've been told that I'm a very good defensive driver. I once avoided two cars that were about to run into me while I was still half asleep. And many besides that...
Originally posted by Faravid
Ahh Finland, I love you:
Military 18-25.
Drinking 18 (20 for over 21%, except in bar it doesn't matter).
Driving 18.
Smoking 18.

I like England just fine...

Army: Cadets about 15-16 i think, then at 18 the real thing.
Drinking: . . . You can only buy alcohol when you are 18, but you can drink it pretty much whenever you want.
Driving: Start lessons at 17
Smoking: 16 (I personally think that should move up to 18...Id settle for 21 though :))
Originally posted by No Limit
Lets face it, we all did stupid shit when we were younger, we had a right to.

But as long as the teens don't harm other people with this stupid shit. In my country there are a lot of stupid teens driving like crazy with their motorbikes causing a lot of accidents and deaths.

I think that each country should look carefully at it's own driving programme vs the accident statistics in the past decade (I don't know the exact numbers). The requirements for densely populated countries (such as The Netherlands) are obviously much stricter than in various states in the US.
16 year olds on the road may not have many more accidents than the rest of the population... but it doesn't stop the f*ckers annoying everyone else on the road and pehaps causing more accidents that they arn't neccesarily involved in.

I hit a curb last summer and f*cked up my front axil because some little tw*t pulled out of a side road.

And don't give me all that "Well not all of us are like that" because i'm only 21, and since i was at school and driving all my friends have calmed down one hell of a lot concerning their driving.

Unfortunatly, I can't say whether this is experience, or maturity. But i'm guessing it's not their experience...
First of 10% is about the amount of drivers there are that are teens from the total population, so the statistics aren't higher for teens. Also, teens drive a lot more than any other age group out there, this means that they are actually safer drivers as they don't cause more wrecks.
Numbers are funny things.

Did you know that 90% of accidents are caused by people who didn't drink alcohol before driving?

For the record: I paid about 1100€ for drivingschool+exams. Failed my exam the first time, got it right the second.
Sidenote:Since I was to nervous the first time, I smoked a spliff before going the second time. I was very relaxed, and it went nice and smooth.