Drug threads.

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The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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After the influx of drug threads we had about six months ago, the site staff enacted a ban on threads that discuss or relate to (generally illegal) psychoactive substances.

I am wondering if this ban is still in effect. Psychoactive substances fascinate me, and I'd love to have a calm, mature, and reasonable discussion on legality, experiences, and health of various psychoactives, both illegal and not.

Is there a possibility for this? I'd prefer to discuss it here rather than on drug-centric forums because 1) those are generally chock full of idiots who've completely wasted their life with pot and can't even spell their own name right and 2) there's not a whole lot to discuss there.

If we can keep hostility to a minimum, is a drug thread possible?
I am in favor of a serious drug thread, I have a few things I could talk about. For one My father was a Marijuana Martyr and served jail sentences for the advocacy of it. He tried to fight the court system by pleading the 1st amendment of freedom of religion because he started a church called "New Genisis Congregation" my dad was the reverend. The church use marijuana as a religious sacrament. Theres alot to this so I'm stoping there for now.

edit: btw ennui, nice sig. very true.
Ennui said:
I'd love to have a calm, mature, and reasonable discussion


Stop it, you're killing me.
Pi Mu Rho said:

Stop it, you're killing me.

Very childish of you.
AntiAnto said:
Very childish of you.

My apologies. I shall straight away rectify my behaviour to bring it into line with your standards of maturity.

Or maybe it was just a joke.
Come on, Pi.

I'd like a chance to see the different perspectives people here have on drugs and a little debate would be nice. I always have fun helping people see through a lot of the government propaganda around drug use and let them see the hard facts, positive or negative.
It's an admin call, that one. Personally, I don't really see what has changed that will lead to a discussion staying civil and reasonable where it hasn't before. We've lost a few of the more abrasive members, but there's still plenty of others.
Pi Mu Rho said:
My apologies. I shall straight away rectify my behaviour to bring it into line with your standards of maturity.

It's already better :)

Your name sounds funny Ennui!

silly erestheux. your name is even funnier?

I'd like an admin in here to make the decision :S
Ennui said:
silly erestheux. your name is even funnier?

I'd like an admin in here to make the decision :S

I am admin-man, I liek u.


lol druqcks.

Ennui said:
Stop derailing this damn it.
That's just what the admins want so they can close this and nobody will speak about it ever again.
I'm determined to keep it on track until I get a clear response from an admin.
Quick answer nope.

I know full well there are a couple of people at least who would be able to make it an actual proper discussion but outwieghed by the nubbins. So sorry but no.
sure look at the threads and responses popping up at the moment...Not a chance you'll get a proper conversation or debate going. It will be like that "Red vs Blue" sketch where it shows Real Life vs The Internet and different scenarios. <love that sketch>

Drugs Suck, wtf is the point in throwing your life away over them?
People go from having everything to nothing just because of "drugs", in my opinion i wouldnt go anywhere near them, they just look manky.....u ever seen hash? it looks like a bit of muck, every drug or everything drugs are associated with is just........Yuck man! the same with cigarettes..............get a life, people only smoke to look cool, or because they've got nothing else to please them! Personally i hate Cigarettes because im am unfortunite enough to have experienced a great loss(a person in my family....not saying who) over them, and the disease they cause!
Speaking as someone who's experimented quite a bit.. I'd say that this forum is unsuited for mature drug discussion, those who like to conduct a reasonable controlled debate are in a minority on these forums. I'm afraid, like Hot Soup says, the rule remains.
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