Drunken purchases!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I feel guilty for doing it.....


By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-10-13


By cyberpitz, shot with Canon PowerShot A630 at 2007-10-13

Pst YOUR drunken purchases!!
*if you don't drink...IMPULSE BUYING SPREES!!!*
I don't pay bills. The money I have made from summer work I'm spending wisely on things that I only must have (UT3 for example).
I once bought Left Behind: Eternal Forces.
I wasn't drunk though.
I feel bad. I regret doing it.. A total waste of 30$.

Oh, and if you don't want that DS, I'll take it.
Why do you write your name, camera name & brand, and the date of the picture? Seriously are you insane?
As drunken purchases go, that's a damn good one. Get Mario Kart and Zelda before you sobre up!
I once bought Left Behind: Eternal Forces.
I wasn't drunk though.
I feel bad. I regret doing it.. A total waste of 30$.

That's ok, I bought Brute Force back when it was new... but the trailers looked so good! :(
I got Metal Gear Solid 3 on an impulse buy for full price. Played it all of twice and I was sick of it. Talk about the most unintuitive, frustrating game EVER.
I got Metal Gear Solid 3 on an impulse buy for full price. Played it all of twice and I was sick of it. Talk about the most unintuitive, frustrating game EVER.

The re-release had a much better camera system. Pretty much fixed the only problem I has with the original.
I was at this game shop and bought some Rainbow Six game for the first time, it was called like Spear head or something stupid.

****, what a waste, I returned that the next day
The re-release had a much better camera system. Pretty much fixed the only problem I has with the original.
I got the re-release specifically for that reason. Still shit.

I was at this game shop and bought some Rainbow Six game for the first time, it was called like Spear head or something stupid.

****, what a waste, I returned that the next day
You suck. FACT.
D: Starfox is fun so far. And I've played mario cart, and I didn't see Zelda when I bought it.... :( I want it though, i'm sure. But hell, so far, we already own Tetris with the other DS, so its multipayer!! I just need to get my Router to fix with WiFi.... shit.
I got the re-release specifically for that reason. Still shit.

I disagree, I quite liked it! Camo system was a bit clunky, but other than that it was true to the series.
I disagree, I quite liked it! Camo system was a bit clunky, but other than that it was true to the series.

The fact that they had to rerelease it is a sign of failure. I mean, get it right the first time, or give up.
The fact that they had to rerelease it is a sign of failure. I mean, get it right the first time, or give up.

It wasn't that bad with the first release, it was just sometimes difficult to see what was going on. The original was still fun to me the first time I played it though. There had been a re-release of MGS2 as well, so it's not like they did it JUST to fix the camera problem. They added the NES games and an online mode as well.
I bought the complete Calvin and Hobbes for $140 when I saw it on amazon. I don't regret it.
The orange box was a sort of impulse buy for me. I had decided beforehand that I couldnt afford to buy it, and would just wait for my birthday or x-mas to get it.

Then one day I just woke up, got out of bed, walked 2 feet to my computer, sat down, and pre-ordered.

I may starve the for the last week of october, but its damn worth it.
As far as drunk buying goes, that's a damn good one Pitzy. :D

Now, have a few brewskies and get Mario 64 DS.
It wasn't that bad with the first release, it was just sometimes difficult to see what was going on.
It was still difficult to see what was going on.

One word: grass.
I woke up with a pumpkin next to me this morning. No, that isn't some kind of euphemism for an obese woman, it was an actual pumpkin that I some how purchased last night.

It's either going in a pastie or being carved up early for Halloween :D
That doesn't get more exciting than ice cream, cookies, fried chicken etc etc
The only thing I've ever drunkenly ordered is fast food... lots of fast food ;)
I impulse came/bought a NIN poster with the art from the cover sleeve of Year Zero.
i bought this on impulse http://www.firstposter.com/catalog/images/einstein1.jpg
the quote reads
"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
uh, more beer? otherwise, fast food or trading random shit on festivals
I once bought Left Behind: Eternal Forces.
I wasn't drunk though.

Im trying to read the rest of this thread, but my mind is constantly pulled back to your post, Acepilot.

It will haunt my dreams.
D: i first read that as "i was drunk though" ... i guess my mind just filled in the gap in logic. have you no sense of taste whatsoever ??? , i expected more from you ace :(.
I once bought this baby for some reason, didn't know what to do with it so I put it in a closet. It's still there I guess. It made an awful amount of noise, but that stopped after about two days. I regret that purchase, waste of money.
My mom bought a $1000 Kirby vacuum by impulse. I hate her.