Druvianism - Revoultionary Government

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Druvianism Government Structure Outline


The Reason​

What if the Democracy that we once knew to be true was no more? It is a very plausible question. I believe that Democracy is the same in almost every aspect to Communism, except for the two being opposite ends of the spectrum. They both are very ideal in theory but not realistic in practice. It takes much control and force to make it work. This is evident by the crash of the stock market in 1929. After the Stock Market Crash the American Bureaucracy grew like a wildfire. With the increasing control of bureaucracies in Americans’ life, comes the deep corruption.

The political parties are one of America’s greatest problems. They are doing more damage than they are doing good. When you group people under a set of ideas you have a problem. You end up with an entire mass of people conforming to one set of views, and you leave them open for manipulation. Our greatest president and also the only unbiased president ever in the history of America, George Washington, warned the new country against political parties. No matter how strong the president may be in his beliefs, he will always become biased by the parties’ views. After all it is the party who nominates him to begin with. Why would they choose someone who does not support the party’s views?

Europe’s problem with political parties is the opposite of America’s problem. There are just too many in Europe. In fact there are so many political parties in Europe that they have to form coalitions just to get someone elected. Quite probably the biggest problem with political parties is that once a president gets into officer supporting that particular party, he is basically telling the rest of the country that supports other parties to bug off.

Democracy should be a system where you choose someone for who they are, not for what party they belong to. The political parties are able to increase their grip of power on America more by the fact that every single party outside of Democrats or Republicans does not stand a chance at becoming president.

Along with that and many other things, George Washington warned us of a strong military, becoming involved with situations that do not directly concern America. Nearly every single thing that George Washington advised, America has done the direct opposite.

George Washington is quite probably the single most glorified character in American history, for just reasons. If America will not listen to this man, then who will America listen to?

Politicians are not what we need running the country. Every politician lies. That is the only way they will get into office. They tell the people exactly what they want to hear, then drop them the second they enter office. Just about every politician will promise tax reduction and never deliver. Because once they enter office it really does not matter what the people think. To get them out, it would take an act of congress, literally.

Corruption, the American government is becoming more and more soaked in it every day. And with everyday, the rights of man become more and more limited. The basic freedoms do state that we are free to speech, press, protest, petition and religion. But it never said that those freedoms could not be restricted upon. For years American politicians have found loopholes in our systems. For years these loopholes were ways that oppression could survive, and still continues to. It took the courageous protesters of the Civil Rights movement to end years of social oppression to the black race. If our government really stood for what it is suppose to then the Civil Rights movement would be null in history.

This is only just one of many examples of the Hypocrisy that is our Democracy. The most pitiful thing is that so few people actually care. It is our own fault that we have allowed politicians and bureaucrats to take over the country. Because with every year the majority gets less and less involved with politics. Allowing them more breathing room to do whatever they please. Few know who their local representatives are. What good is a representative if they are not representing the people?

Political parties; they run our country. There are two and every so year they swap control of the country. Nullifying nearly everything the party before them accomplished thus creating a never-ending cycle where nothing gets accomplished. Besides the vast political tools that this country uses to keep the few interested in government out of the real problems. Like abortion, it would be a great accomplishment for a president to persuade an entire already stubborn congress one way or the other. So what is the point of voting for someone just because he says that he will end abortion or support it? If anyone would think about how our government works, then you would realize that a president has no known right to create a law.

I believe that the people should have a stronger say in corporations. Because as of now corporations are taking advantage of the consumer’s weaknesses. The drug industry, food industry, both industries that we are virtually dependent upon. We as the consumer, have little to no say in what decisions they make, and whatever they do we have to go along with. The drug industry can make drugs that keep us sick, the food industry can make products to keep us hungry. All for the one goal of making more money.

Currency, the final major flaw of the American government. We are allowing money to run our lives. We go to work for years and years for what, to make money to live. Let’s face it, without money you are dead. The economy is the lifeline of the country, those with it survive while those without perish. We allow money to warp ourselves to a point where we will do anything for it, not matter what. Ethics is decreasing everywhere, as corporations get larger their primary focus becomes making more money.

The problem with pure capitalism is that the society becomes so competitive that it does not matter who you hurt or what you are doing wrong, as long as you come out on top. That is what the American Dream really is. Screw over everyone you can until you are number one. Where has morality gone. The point of equality is that everyone has an equal chance of succeeding. But it is a proven fact that your environment has a massive influence on your development. How is this fair to those who are raised in lower class neighborhoods where crime is profuse. Or those who go to lower rated high schools. In the land of equality and abundance why are so there so many who have nothing and are treated as lower class citizens.

Crime is another consequence of currency, nine out of ten crimes are at the direct or indirect cause of money. So with all of these faults, why do we continue to use currency? Because it is the best method? With technology at it’s peak of human culture, and communication faster than ever before in history, we have the power to create something better than such a primitive system.

The Government​

Take Democracy and Communism, you take the best of both and mix it together with feudalistic ideals. Communism has failed and Democracy is failing, there must be a better way. Well there is. Druvianism is a new political and governmental movement to better our society.

In it every single job is a class, and these classes have rankings and this gives you the individual person who ranks on a massive economical structure. His or her place on this economic structure determines his or her life. Isn’t this basically the same as what we have now? Yes, the only difference is there is no middle men. Take out the middlemen and you take out corruption. We have no need for bureaucrats and politicians. We have the power to run our lives, and we should.

So you have a Doctor, a doctor by good reason should be above a Janitor economically. But both should have equal rights. Now you have a doctor who has been working for 20 years, and a doctor who is fresh out of school. If the doctor who has been working for 20 years has been hard working for that time he or she should have a better standard of living than that of the one out of school.

This is the basic concepts of the Druvian Economical Structure. Every single known job is a class. When you go to school you choose which class you want to enter. From there you learn everything you need to know for that class. When you are done with schooling you enter society with that class. You will start out at level 1 merit, however if you work hard for that year you can move up to level 2; which would increase your standard of living.

You need to simplify economy. There are two major parts of the Druvian Economy. You have Necessity items and Luxury items. Necessity items are free to all, while your amount of luxury items is based on a percentage. Your choice of necessity items will broaden as your rise on the economy structure, as will your luxury percentage. For example a level 5 Doctor would have a broader range of houses to choose from than a Janitor, and would have a much higher luxury percentage. However no matter how low you are on the economy structure, all can receive the basic necessities to live.

Think of an employment system where no one is unemployed for an excessive amount of time. When you become unemployed, a business leader would see your name come up. With that your entire employment history, your skills etc. Anywhere in the society you could be hired. Businesses are regulated with employee numbers so if anyone becomes unemployed by sheer probability there is a business that needs to hire someone.

Think of the entire society as one large corporation. Where every company is just a team of individuals looking to create a new product. Or are mining a certain resource. There is someone from the business leader class, a few from the engineering class etc, all who work together to find the best way to do whatever their mission is to do. The president of the corporation would be the people.

Best put, this society is a totalitarian state with the dictator being the people. There is a council but these council members simply argue all day about what the society’s problems are and how we should solve these problems. They have no power what so ever, they are elected as representatives of their class and are elected by that specific class. The people then begin a vote, and make their educated vote based on from what their representatives advise.

Our judicial system needs reform. What is the point of sticking someone in a cell all day, while it accomplishes nothing except putting a drain on our resources just to have criminals coming out twice as angry as they went in. Therapists are the jail keepers of the future. When someone is accused of a crime, they go to Psychological Treatment Facilities. Where he or she will be counseled in his or her cell. This will allow the therapists to find what is wrong mentally with the criminal and then can put a new person back into society.

Guns should not be allowed in cities anywhere. It only invites violence. Civil protection should be performed by use of nightsticks and other neutralizing weapons. There will be designated gun zones in which guns are strictly monitored that they do not leave these zones with metal detectors etc. These gun zones would mostly be hunting grounds, the only place guns are truly needed.

This sounds all fine and dandy, but how would one actually apply such a system? Like I mentioned earlier, we are at our technological peak of humanity, we should use this ability to our full potential. We would be able to create a network of supercomputers to monitor and calculate this government. Anything is possible, the only boundaries that truly exist are those that we create in our minds.

The Revolution​

This society should be implemented gradually. Think of the Druvian Revolution as a peaceful transition to the future. Start by ridding our nations of political parties, and politicians. Then move into the future economy. Introduce a credit system in which each person is given an amount of credits per month for all luxury items based by their position on the economical structure.

I believe that Europe would be the best place to begin this transition. Europe is already more open minded, and has more socialistic views than the extreme anti-communistic America.

It will begin with the Druvian political parties. The Druvian Party will gain huge popularity in France, Germany, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. Once the Druvian Party is in control of these five countries, then will begin the formation of the Druvian Union. This would be very similar to the current European Union. Where the nations do not loose their identities but merely are a loose confederation of nations with similar ideals.

Then the pentagon nations - France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. Begin by throwing out the old constitution and begin implementing the new ideals. From there, will begin the final phase. There will be a council of elected members who will write the rules and limits of the voting processes of the people. Simple rules that would just keep things in order, so that the people would never be able to put a Doctor, who has extensive schooling, above a Janitor who requires very little schooling. Think of these rules like gravity, we need it for our world but it does not hurt us. A world without gravity would be chaotic and disorderly.

After that other nations will join in and eventually it will be all of Europe. More and more nations will enter and eventually America will join in. The goal will be to have all western democracies join together. Because together we will be able to accomplish anything.

Europe will lead the world to a brighter future, under this government Europe can show the world true human potential. We can accomplish things otherwise thought impossible. Colonize the moon, cure cancer, cure aids, anything is open as a possibility. Where we will go is up to the people, the possibilities are endless.
JellyWorld said:
I think the same would apply to your vision.

Agreed. While it sounds pretty good, I can't see it being implemented. Capitalism is the most powerful force on the planet, and I think in order to make the world a better place we should guide the current system to achieve our ends, as opposed to rejecting it outright.
You mention cutting out the 'middlemen' - however how much administration would it take to run all the systems you propose?

The society proposed is too deterministic for my liking personally.
Communism hasn;t failed, it's just never actually been allowed to happen.
That is going to **** up a lot of things. The guys in power won't take kindly to 'being rid of'.
Well thats why this system can't and wont happen all at once. We are talking over maybe hundreds of years. This right now is just the begining stages.

It is like every age of man kind. Once we thought the earth was flat and that was the end of it. People thought otherwise and they had to wait a few hundred years before people accepeted this new thought.
That seems very like a very dystopian world (in my point of view, anyway. some might say overtly utopian). Going against our nature of greediness and social order that has been around for millenia.

The way humanity has developed, I'd say that that was impossible. Although I like the idea of being a single machine, and individuals as components in said machine, what is this disturbing idea of nessecities being given to you? Very red, it seems.
Nope, Socialist Revolutionaries will prevail.
Solaris said:
Nope, Socialist Revolutionaries will prevail.

No they wont. Capitalist countries have all the big guns.
I believe that Democracy is the same in almost every aspect to Communism, except for the two being opposite ends of the spectrum.
why would anyone take the article seriously after this.
Grey Fox said:
why would anyone take the article seriously after this.
Some would argue that you can't have one without the other.
i still maintain that its better to be dead than red.

Anyhow your druvian idea has its good ideas. However it seems to be a little overly rigid. Better than communism anyway. Level up FTW!!!
Makes me think of a caste system, which isn't good.

I still stand by my claims that we should adopt Technocracy. The most intelligent guys who know the most about science should be put into power. That way, loads of funding goes into science, and really awesome things happen. Sure, you'll lose a few rights, like that of voting, but everybody knows that Scientists know what's best for the nation.


-Angry Lawyer
Solaris said:
Some would argue that you can't have one without the other.
I have no idea what you mean by that. Communism isn't the opposite of democracy, dictatorship is the opposite of democracy, communism is the opposite of capitalism. The person who wrote that obviously doesn't know what he is talking about.
I mostly agree with "The Reason" section. But I am very wary about your Druvian government.

Technocracy gets my stamp of approval!
Grey Fox said:
I have no idea what you mean by that. Communism isn't the opposite of democracy, dictatorship is the opposite of democracy, communism is the opposite of capitalism. The person who wrote that obviously doesn't know what he is talking about.
Lol your I fool, I was saying you can't have democracy without communism, anything else is just poor imitations and shall be taken to a small claims court.
Its sounds like an okay idea, but you ruined it with your claim at the end that we can do anything once we have accepted this society. This simply isn't true, we won't suddenly lose the restrictions of our natural resources and environment. We can't and won't colonize the moon because we don't have the rescources, its not just democracy standing in the way of it.
Angry Lawyer said:
Makes me think of a caste system, which isn't good.

I still stand by my claims that we should adopt Technocracy. The most intelligent guys who know the most about science should be put into power. That way, loads of funding goes into science, and really awesome things happen. Sure, you'll lose a few rights, like that of voting, but everybody knows that Scientists know what's best for the nation.


-Angry Lawyer

Um..... would military sciences be part of science in which you mentioned?
RakuraiTenjin said:
Democratic Republic is the best system of government.

Perhaps, but you have to admit that it slows down quite a lot of things.
15357 said:
Perhaps, but you have to admit that it slows down quite a lot of things.
Ours has worked through trial and tribulation for over 200 years.
shadow6899 said:
^ thats not that long :/

He's right you know. As much as I think that a democratic republic is the best system we can realistically hope for, 200 years really isnt very long. Compared to, say, monarchies (which have existed since the dawn of civilisation) 200 years is really just a flash in the pan....
gick said:
He's right you know. As much as I think that a democratic republic is the best system we can realistically hope for, 200 years really isnt very long. Compared to, say, monarchies (which have existed since the dawn of civilisation) 200 years is really just a flash in the pan....

Well there have been other republics you know, the Roman Republic for instance which lasted over 400 years. Which still may not be long but at least twice as long as ours so far.
Thats the way things work. Nothing lasts forever.

Trying to design a government that lasts forever is impossible. You just have to design it to be reasonably stable and hope for the best.

Personally though i like captialist democracies, and if not a democracy then a meritocracy, where one's worth is determined by one's contributions and actions.
K e r b e r o s said:
Well, im with George Washington on this one: Political Parties screw things up.

For once I agree with you. Party Politics FTL.
This sounds like some serious crack-pipe ranting from somebody who plays too many MMORPGS and doesn't spend enough time dealing with the real world.

Every single job is a class? So we have a class of window washers?

Talk about a recipe for class warfare...