Dual Analog Gamepad

  • Thread starter Thread starter FireFromTheGods
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I see all these ads for Dual Analog gamepads with benefits of being used on Half Life 2, but instead of buying on I just spliced the end of an xbox controller into a standard USB adapter. I plugged it into my computer, and ofcourse I'm not the first to do it so I get drivers that will help windows recognize it as a standard dual analog pad. I have played many games on my PC successfully with it, but cannot seem to configure half life to 2 to use it.

I enable joystick and it horribly configures the left stick as look AND move (look left/right, move forward backward) which is just completely retarded. When I enable joystick look, the left joystick will look only (all directions).

Typically, left thumbstick moves forward/backward and strafes left/right.
Right thumbstick looks.

Keyboard configuration will not allow me to input a control when I push the thumbstick forward. It just doesn't respond unless I enable the joystick and use it all whack as I said above.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for not using keyboard/mouse, whatever, haha. I just want to try it since I like it in halo 2, is there any mod or anything that will allow me to configure my controller how I actually want it?
FireFromTheGods said:
I'm sure I'll get flamed for not using keyboard/mouse, whatever, haha. I just want to try it since I like it in halo 2, is there any mod or anything that will allow me to configure my controller how I actually want it?
y don j00 u53 a keybord and mose?!? \/\/5'53 1337!!!11!1!!!111 ROXXORS!!!!!

doesn't windows have a calibration thing? or maybe some driver control panel that could reconfigure the analog stick, and you could trick HL2 into using the different direction on teh analog sticks.
See, if you buy a retail joystick, you often get better drivers that allow you to actually customize the input.

You can try editting the hl2 .ini file and see if you can get it to work the way you want.
This is a piece of cake for the xbox pad. All you have to do is make your own joystick.cfg file in the same directory as config.cfg (half-life 2\hl2\cfg), and input the following...
joy_name "XBCD XBox Gamepad"
joy_advanced 1
joy_advaxisx 3
joy_advaxisy 1
joy_advaxisz 2
joy_advaxisr 0
joy_advaxisu 0
joy_advaxisv 4
//Button configuration.
//See config.cfg for commands.
//JOY1 - JOY4
bind "JOY1" "+jump"     // Button A
bind "JOY2" "+attack2"  // Button B
bind "JOY3" "+use"      // Button X
bind "JOY4" "+speed"    // Button Y
//AUX5 - AUX32
bind "AUX5" "invnext"   // Button Black
bind "AUX6" "invprev"   // Button White
bind "AUX7" "pause"     // Button Start
bind "AUX8" "phys_swap" // Button Back
bind "AUX9" "+duck"     // Left Thumbstick
bind "AUX10" "+zoom"    // Right Thumbstick
bind "AUX11" "+reload"  // Left Trigger
bind "AUX12" "+attack"  // Right Trigger
joy_sidesensitivity 1
Config the buttons in here as you see fit.

Then after that is ready to go, config the xbcd driver so that the right stick up and down is z+ and z- (or vice versa to invert the look axis)

I got this from redcloud's site. He is the guy that makes the driver.
FireFromTheGods and test_tube_tony, welcome to the forums :)
Insane said:
FireFromTheGods and test_tube_tony, welcome to the forums :)

Indeed. A very informative and 1337 first post you got there.
sinkoman said:
Indeed. A very informative and 1337 first post you got there.
ya, when most people make their first post it usally sucks
yo where did you get the drivers for the xbox controller for pc?
Whoa have a lot of new names in this thread...FirefromtheGods, test_tube_tony, and firestorm. We all welcome you to the forums (although some might not say they do, but in their hearts they say "Welcome to these forums"...or maybe not you never know with these guys)
test_tube_tony said:
This is a piece of cake for the xbox pad. All you have to do is make your own joystick.cfg file in the same directory as config.cfg (half-life 2\hl2\cfg), and input the following...
joy_name "XBCD XBox Gamepad"
joy_advanced 1
joy_advaxisx 3
joy_advaxisy 1
joy_advaxisz 2
joy_advaxisr 0
joy_advaxisu 0
joy_advaxisv 4
//Button configuration.
//See config.cfg for commands.
//JOY1 - JOY4
bind "JOY1" "+jump"     // Button A
bind "JOY2" "+attack2"  // Button B
bind "JOY3" "+use"      // Button X
bind "JOY4" "+speed"    // Button Y
//AUX5 - AUX32
bind "AUX5" "invnext"   // Button Black
bind "AUX6" "invprev"   // Button White
bind "AUX7" "pause"     // Button Start
bind "AUX8" "phys_swap" // Button Back
bind "AUX9" "+duck"     // Left Thumbstick
bind "AUX10" "+zoom"    // Right Thumbstick
bind "AUX11" "+reload"  // Left Trigger
bind "AUX12" "+attack"  // Right Trigger
joy_sidesensitivity 1
Config the buttons in here as you see fit.

Then after that is ready to go, config the xbcd driver so that the right stick up and down is z+ and z- (or vice versa to invert the look axis)

I got this from redcloud's site. He is the guy that makes the driver.

ok so how do i do this then ?
yeah i saw that but how do i make a config. my first problem is i only have a steam folder. then i go into the config. folder thats in the steam folder and the files are VDF files.
New notepad file, put that all that stuff in above as Tony gave us, then 'save as' and save the file as joystick.cfg. The .cfg bit is very important. And stick it in the right folder as said. Computer newbies! :)
gobrewers said:
yeah i saw that but how do i make a config. my first problem is i only have a steam folder. then i go into the config. folder thats in the steam folder and the files are VDF files.
It's Steam\SteamApps\your_username\half-life 2\hl2\cfg
Anything for a duel action logitech controller?
been looking and trying everything, but nadda.