Dual Monitor Wallpaper?


Aug 7, 2004
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Does anyone know a good site to get some nice dual monitor wallpapers? You know, the kind that stretch to both monitors?
Widescreen you mean? No, I don't. I just felt like commenting on that. :)
Shamrock said:
Widescreen you mean? No, I don't. I just felt like commenting on that. :)

Yes, widescreen. If that is the correct term. :cheese:
But, dont you want 5 monitors? c'mon...

I wouldnt mind dual monitors, is it possible to game/film in one and irc/msn in the other? :)

Edit : Oh hazar, you do make me laugh :laugh:
oldagerocker said:
But, dont you want 5 monitors? c'mon...

I wouldnt mind dual monitors, is it possible to game/film in one and irc/msn in the other? :)

Edit : Oh hazar, you do make me laugh :laugh:

Sure, provided you have the right software and a damn good computer (that can multitask). Once you go from one monitor to two (or more I guess) computing is never the same. I'm sure Asus will agree. :cheese:

Asus said:

Im not sure whether to get a second 17" tft, a dell 21" one or a x800XT... im saving up :)

Asus in your sig desktop linky, you're task bar is only on one screen, is this you're own setting or a windows problem? Can't it stretch over?
By default it's 1 screen but with ultramon or nvidia's control panel i think you can make it go over the next screen.

I forget why right now, but I don't like it over both screens.
heheheheh, you know you love my widescreen goodness....

(now I just need 4 more monitors.....)

Asus said:
By default it's 1 screen but with ultramon or nvidia's control panel i think you can make it go over the next screen.

I forget why right now, but I don't like it over both screens.

Ultramon = teh sexeh.
Asus said:
I forget why right now, but I don't like it over both screens.
I remember now. I have my task bar on the right monitor with the left monitor completely clear for full screen viewing. That way I can still get to the start bar. That's all.
If you had something going on fullscreen (say a game) on that left monitor, would the mouse be stuck over there.. would you still have to alt-tab out to get to your start menu? or do you just slide over?
If it's a game that uses full-screen mode then your mouse would be locked. You would have to Alt-tab with the game being minimized. But for example, WoW which I run in window mode and I am able to multitask very easy. Or if I have a photo program I can maximize that in one screen, move all the toolbars to the left edge of other monitor. Then that does not cover up my photo and still gives me tons of space on that second monitor.