Dude strapped bazookas on a 700lb airplane and blew up tanks in WWII

Good for him. My grandparents were actually from poland

While I was born in Poland, educated in Poland and continue to live in Poland. Which is pretty shitty most of the time, though has some boons, like not having to pay for education (unless you can't make it to the top two or three hundred on the recruitment list, then it's a different matter).

As for ancestry, it's pretty much all up to the person in question. I was born in Poland and recognize my heritage in its entirety, though I also include the European legacy. Thus I define myself as both Polish and European (which is not that common). Obviously, Polish people that have been living outside Poland aren't Polish in the same way as I am (and personally, people who haven't been living in Poland for over a generation shouldn't have the right to vote in Poland).