Dude, where's my badge?


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
I was playing with kamikaze in bf2 and we owned, and I got an anti tank badge. It's been 3 days since then and I do not have the badge in my bfhq. Why ea why!?!
yea i remember that, you still have got that damn badge? hmmm, that has happened to me before but it came after like 3 or 4 days
Sometimes the awards just don't come. Might as well try for it again, and hopefully you'll get it this time.

I got the Armored Service ribbon three times, in three different servers, but it's never shown up for me...
It took me 3 tries to get the Distinguished Service Ribbon. Luckily it's a simple one to get once you have the time requirements fulfilled (Only need 15 teamwork points in a round :P).
yeah so many bugs in this game
i still havent received my airborne badge :(
I got my basic ressuply badge about a month ago, and just noticed it wasn't in my profile.

I never realized I got a silver star. I just found out this second. :|