Duke Nukem 3D Mod CANCELLED

Many of you people have the wrong idea about copyrights and intellecutal propeties.

A company must enforce its copyrights and IP otherwise they run the risk of completely losing their rights to the IP/copyrights. For example, Kleenex used to be said in most TV shows and movies. However, Kleenex fought tooth and nail for people to change the name to tissues. This is because they ran the risk of losing the rights to the name Kleenex.

The same would go for every game out there. Even if 3DR wanted this mod to go to completetion, they cannot let it. If they do, any company can cite this example of the mod and may win rights to use Duke Nukem in their games. This is why most every mod based on prior intellecutal propety is doomed to fail without explicit and written authorization.
It may just be your system. I used to have stuttering, but then i upgraded my CPU (from PIII 866Mghz to 19GHz AMD 2600+) and i dont have any stuttering.
It was stupid to make a mod from an existing game without legal rights.
But they are not the only ones, look at the new mods stuff in halflif2.net, you will see a new mod base on Starwars. Lucasarts is well known for suing anyone who ever dare to use a copyrighted name form the starwars universe. They even forced fan site to close because they were only speaking about StarWars without permission.
I made a starwars mod for Half-Life that was really fun, but from the start i knew i could never realease it. I just spend thousands of houres working on it just for fun and for my friends.
But in fact the best weapon company have to preserve their copyrights on games against mod team is time and patience.
We see a lot of wonderful sites with nice graphics, a few concept art some basics models and..... nothing following.
Making a mod needs so much time, patience and work that just a very few really come to life!
With HL2, making a mod will be still more complicated and time consuming, so wait and see!!
Pesmerga said:
Well, you got be there.

By the way, can a company sue a mod developer if he does something like that? Release something with a name owned by a company? There's got to be limits on sueing people who can't afford a lawyer, right? Or does that whole free lawyer thing jump in then?

That's criminal cases you're thinking of. This is a civil case. No free lawyer. (Which is one reason the RIAA lawsuits suck so much.)

Additionally, you don't have to defend copyright to maintain it. That would be trademarks. Copyright is also automatic (so yes, the emails you write are copyrighted.)
The lesson: If you're going to use copyrighted materials in a mod or other project free over the internet, keep a low profile! (or just re-name the stuff in the mod to avoid legal threats)
I wonder who the douchebag was that reported them anyway? I hate narcs.
0mar said:
Many of you people have the wrong idea about copyrights and intellecutal propeties.

A company must enforce its copyrights and IP otherwise they run the risk of completely losing their rights to the IP/copyrights. For example, Kleenex used to be said in most TV shows and movies. However, Kleenex fought tooth and nail for people to change the name to tissues. This is because they ran the risk of losing the rights to the name Kleenex.

The same would go for every game out there. Even if 3DR wanted this mod to go to completetion, they cannot let it. If they do, any company can cite this example of the mod and may win rights to use Duke Nukem in their games. This is why most every mod based on prior intellecutal propety is doomed to fail without explicit and written authorization.


And, OH CRAP I MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE! If you are just going to attack a spelling mistake in a post and not add anything to try and counter my post or add anything to the post the kindly GTFO.
GeorgeWLucas said:
That's an odd name for a mod.

Understatement of the Week.

Oh, and Duke Nukem: Forever? More like Duke Nukem: Whenever. They announced this game when I was a freshman in high school. I've now graduated from college. Of course, it's always possible the game might come out someday.

It's also possible pigs will fly.
guess the mod team working on the Jedi mod should perhaps take notice? :p
It's not like 3D Realms is accomplishing anything useful with the license, they should just let modders go wild IMO.
ragnar said:
Sure, but why should 3drealms care? Its a 7 years old game no1 is playing anymore, other companies released the whole game after that big time (see GTA). Also, people could get more excited on DN4ever if they play the old DN with good graphics, physics and stuff.. So IF (yea IF) DN4ever is released, this could mean more ppl would buy it..

They do plan to release a Duke Nukem Forever and imagine how they would feel if a mod was much better than their game...you should have offered to work on it for them...
But if Duke Nuken 4EVER will take...errr...4EVER then I'd rather have a go with the mod. :p
Damn... I was expecting this mod while I await for Duke Nukem 4ever to be released.
ragnar said:
News from the mod's site:

Due to copyright, and requests from 3Drealms, Duke Nukem Source has been canelled. Instead the mod is changing its name to Los Angeles, California

:sniper: 3DRealms

Isnt this worth a news post on halflife2.net ?

Duke Nukem, Copyright laws, Peh!

Just change the name to Nuke and Fukem
I bet 3dRealms were just doing the same thing as these Mod-Guys and wanted to release it as Duke Nukem 4 ever :p
So the Mod had just stolen their ideas :D