Duke Nukem for DS and PSP

"We're shooting for a T for the DS. For the PlayStation Portable we're going for a mature rating."

Ya, I know. Now I might have to sell my DS to get a PSP. Not sure if I could ever do it though.
You suck. I want both, but all I have is my crappy DS that I've had for years.

I didn't want a PSP because the games that were out when I considered getting one weren't too good.

Now Duke Nukem is joining the PSP.

I could have Duke Nukem 3D for my n810, but aiming with a stylus is a pain in the ass.
Seeing as people still make DS games (several are released every single day on rom sites (uh, not that I would know anything about those sites though)), I don't see why they wouldn't still make PSP games.