Duke Nukem Forever O_O

BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Whenever i see that trailer i cry :(

me goddam also

i think if it would've been released in 2001 or 2002, it would've been revolutionary....but who knows....they may suprise us yet
ButtHoleMcGee said:

3DRealms version of Steam. I think this is what they're going to use to finally keep DNF up to date. I love their claim of being the first to use this distribution method.

They are, read it carefully. When you buy the game the ystream it to you immidietly, so you can start playing while teh dowloading of the game is still in progress, steam does not do that unfortunatly.
Just a question...how much more can be done in FPS's?? Honestly...When is the wall hit and all that's left are good stories and equally good graphics and nothing more?? How much revolutionizing can we expect from DNF??

They've put so much time into making the perfect game, but I have a feeling we'll be playing a lot less than that when this game surfaces. It will be solid, but I am expecting little more. This game should have come out in 2001/2002. Now they're taking a backseat to some highly anticipated titles that we've SEEN with a one-dimensional character whose whole persona is a robbery of Bruce Campbell's Ash particularly from Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. NOTE TO BROUSSARD: IT IS OK TO SHOW A GAME TO THE PUBLIC ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU PROMISE THE CURRENT BUILD WILL BE A RC AND A FINAL VERSION. Good luck to them. I really want this game to succeed, but I think it has fallen too far under the radar. If this game's coming out anytime soon, they need a strong marketing push and soon....E3...doubtful....when??
Grey Fox said:
They are, read it carefully. When you buy the game the ystream it to you immidietly, so you can start playing while teh dowloading of the game is still in progress, steam does not do that unfortunatly.
that could lead to all sorts of problems, downloading parts of it while playing, most of the time it simply couldn't be done as the game would need to update certain code, which it can't do while running. There will be conflicting versions if done while playing online, which would cause problems, and by making it so those conflicts don't stop an online game, it opens it up to hacked versions for cheating.

Game resources, again if something is updated its gonna change likely while your perhaps looking at it, or something you do is changed and corrupted.. eg if you pick up something or do something and the update changes that on the fly while your doing it, or just before you do it, what happens then. Perhaps your in mid jump in a really difficult part and an update changes the map layout just a little, what wouldn't have killed you suddenly does.

Steam has the better idea. 3DRealms is just trying to get noticed.
It's allredy beeing doen, GW only downlaoded a couple of minutes and I could play it, and all the while I was playing one section it was streaming the rest of the game to my harddrive.

And it can be done fairly easy, first off all you downlaod the exec files, and the first mission or level, now in that mission or level contains all the fiels you need for that, th sounds, the movies the maps, the guns for that lvl. then while you are playing that the next levelk is beeing downloaded, it is not complicated at all, you can see it like, a game with 10 levels is diveded in like 20 demos, now I assume they are not going to realease patches immidetly while you are downlaoding, now since they are making a shooter it might be hared causde most shooters are farly quick to play out, but whit sim games or strategy where you can be doing one mission for 2 or more hours it is fairly easy.