Dumass things you've done

May 15, 2003
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Go on, share em with the whole wide web... mine probably has to be what I posted in the 'Why didn't anybody tel me' thread becuase thinking a shirt is a cat is quite stupid IMO... and it's one step too far to try and chase outta the house.... :P

the other greatest thing is making a cutting remark about a close female friend of mine's shoes.... oooo ... i had to publically apologise for that one.... that was probably the stupidest thing I've ever said :P
Cant think of any.....Im just to great to do something that a dumbass would do.

Actually i know Ive done stupid things. But I'm not lying when i say that probably for the past two years i haven't done anything stupid. I'm to careful now. Now then i do fun stuff but not dumb stuff. Like a lot of the Jackass type things are fun not dumb. Admittedly with some of the stuff its the other way round but anyway i think you know what i mean.

Theres this place called Port Marion ( don't know how to spell it) and its in wales. And i did possibly one of the dumbest things i could do there. I think i was about 8 years old and this place is like a small village over a beach, but its styled in a Spanish way. Its all weird. Anyway we used to stay in the biggest house because there was nine of us and this house was very high up. Now then we had a habit of drawing HUGE pictures on the beach to look at. We once drew out a whole battleship and helicopters. It was quite good for people who weren't even teenagers yet. However i, in my Innocent stupidity, decided to draw a whale and the letters "NUKE THE WHALES" big since i was 8 i didn't know how to spell very well and i wrote "NUKE THE WALES" This didn't go down well with the local people and suffice to say if i had been any older i probably wouldn't be here today.
Other stuff has happened there to. My brother fell off a cliff. He just came walking up the steps with a bleeding arm and a bump on his head and he said "Ive just fallen off a cliff" After getting over the initial shock of seeing him hurt we all burst out laughing because its not normally the kind of thing you just walk away from. He fell off because he was leaning over a wall to see one of the pictures we had been drawing. I think this was about 3 years ago.

Anyway now that you've got my brain thinking about it I'm sure IL think of something interesting soon.
hmmmm well ... sat in this class.. with about 50 peeps in ... a teach blabing..every thing was quiet and then...well ... me..big ass fart..need i say more ?
don't want to think about it anymore..ugh so embarrasing :)
i kinda ran in my undies for about 3-4 times at school, after the final exams :p
When talking to a female, and you didn't quite here what she just said, have you ever tried the line: "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I was staring at your chest." Here's some advice: dont't.

(true story)
When walking by a movie theater at night when alot of ghetto rapper wannabes are around is not the best time to say that rap music is crap to a bunch of your friends.

Let me just say that my friends and I learned we could run faster than we all thought.
i told the girl i loved that i hated her.
i still regret it everyday and probably will for the rest of my miserable life.
Tell someone you love them because you feel sorry for them :(
who would throw their money away like that :(
shame on you
shame shame.
hmm lets see

having a really old flinstones sex comics or something like that on the pc

and you couldnt press esc or quit out of it until in ended

now, silly me in age 13 started playing it... only for my mom to get in the room and me with a boner trying to get her out while she's asking "whats that elephant nose doing??? and shutting the door in her face.
If i actually sat down and wrote down anything for this thread i'd probably write the equivalent of the newest harry potter book.
A bee made me knocked myself out, got a very deep cut and passed out, had to get two stitches in the chin :)

They are more dangerous than you think! And no it wasnt a killer bee.
Ive never done anything stupid, nope, not me.:O
Originally posted by :>~
hmm lets see

having a really old flinstones sex comics or something like that on the pc

and you couldnt press esc or quit out of it until in ended

now, silly me in age 13 started playing it... only for my mom to get in the room and me with a boner trying to get her out while she's asking "whats that elephant nose doing??? and shutting the door in her face.

lol flinstones? Clearly teh jetsons is a much better choice here.. :cheese:

Hmmm probably the dumbest thing i have ever done was when i was like 7 or 8 I went to work with my dad, he was the manager so he stayed late, it was like 2:30 in the morning and the building was kinda dark and i was running around pretending like i was some action movie hero or something, and i ran to the payphone just playing and i dialed 911 and told the operator someone was trying to kill me lol i had no idea that if you dial 911 on payphone that you didn't actually have to pay lol so the cops came and almost arrested my dad it was horrible.
:laugh: you poor souls

When I was little I was standing on the end of a trolley in a supermarket, (which you are not supposed to do) , and of course the whole thing flipped, landed on me, the shopping went everywhere, and....and...is was all silent, everyone was looking at me ;(
We did trolley racing across a motorway footbridge. It was quite cool. Especially getting to the end where i went down in a kind of spiral. Of course we didn't know that they had recently cut back the previously soft bushes to reveal........A nice 60's concrete wall. Beautifully shaped to give he hardest landing you can imagine. Although strangely enough none of us broke anything.
Originally posted by Kitfox
If i actually sat down and wrote down anything for this thread i'd probably write the equivalent of the newest harry potter book.

lol same here ive done so much stupid stuff i cant remember most of it cos it just seems normal to me. Ok well ive tripped over a chair when walking down the class which was like way out of the way not that stupid but owell. But i do know of something my m8 told me : him and his m8s were walking through town and some chaves shouted at the "are u callin' us to**ers" of course they didnt but they just ran for it, then my m8 shouted out "haha we were lieing we did call u to**ers" and ran even faster LOL :laugh:
LMAO im not sure i should post this but ok...well this happened when i was about 14-15. It was my friends birthday and i was very drunk, i kinda passed out and my friends carried me home to my basement and dumped me there. When i woke up i was still drunk ass hell..and i could´t go up, didint want my parents to see me drunk. Well anyway i had to take a shit..so i shat in the corner of the cellar (LOL) Then some shit fell down in my underwear so i had to take them off. After this i had to go up..so i tock my underwear and headed up...the next morning my mom came to me an said that she found my shitty underwear on the porch. ROFL damn that was embaresing...from now on i will probably have another name under my nick than AntLion :)
Hm... I have a few, one was when I was like 5. I was ridin my tricycle around the back yard and my mom hollared out to me to shut the back gate, which I ignored. I rode down the back yard and lost control flyin out the back gate through 10 feet of grass to a ledge that was about 10 feet up. got launched off and went face first into the grass below.

The other. I was about 11 and playin hide and seek at someones house durring a bbq, went to tag the base which was this step next to the garage and there was a giant lip infront of it, I went flyin and put my hand through the glass window of the garage then sat there for 10 minutes looking at it waiting for the inch gash in my wrist to bleed.

Another.. friend and I were walkin downtown at like 2am, nothin to do and we sat on the curb throwin bb pellets at cars as they went by, couple came back at us lol
ok, This isnt that bad. Its just really funny and kinda unbliveable. My dad always buys me useless kids toys to try to stay on my good side and im 17. One day me and my friend pat walk in and there are those shitty dart guns. I felt so gay..... so i was like pat wtf. We got to find a way to use these cuz we were really bord. So we went into the park with them each gun had about 6 darts and we shot joggers from on our bikes. Man what was fun ****ing hell. They would get so pisted of from darts, little red rubbers.... Ok, Next day we wanted to do it again but no more darts being that we werent going to wast time to go around the park picking them all up we left them there... So we go to the dollor store. But what do we see next, But silly string. That afternoon we go though the park on bikes again and silly string the hell out of joggers. This really really pisted them off. We got chased a lot and cussed off like u wouldent belive. 2 days go by and we really wanted to do more of this so we went to the "BIG-K" and bought to big super soakers that were on sale. We wait till like about 6:30 went to the park and started to spray people. See the problem with was this was this really pisted people off and it was massivly funny. We got out of there cuz people start to case us like crazy. So that ended our weekend. You'd think we be smart to stop but no. We go into school telling everyone about our week and weekend of soaking people in the park. So my friend's adams and ryan are like weve got to go do this now!!!! So after school we go fill up the water guns and go into the park.. (Now after doing this day after day u begin to run into the same people) This day we had the camera (if you dont belive my storie IM thestaticshock on AIM and ill upload u the video) ok so where in the park and we stop are bikes turn around a soak this guy he gets super pisted cuz we got him b4 takes this mans bike and starts to come after us chasing us to about the middle of this park. He gave up then. Were like guys we better call it quits. So where on our way out of te parks riding back the way we came and we can see the exit to the park it was 20 feet away out of no where 2 HUGE guys come running out of the side of the trail and they yelling "THERE HE IS" well i gunned my bike full speed and we threw our guns down and petaled for our lifes i look back see both the huge guys chase after pat. Adam, ryan and i went left and we see 2 cop cars flying by after the 2 guys and pat. We went in to the highway constution to hide out. This worked us. As for pat heres what happend to him: Pat being chased by to huge guys and 2 cops cars found himself rideing his bike in the middle of the street faster then he was ever gone in his life. He tells me he stayed with the speed of traffic..... The guys now gave up on him seeing that they couldent do anything couse of the cops going after him. Pat turns down a block throwing te cops car off a bit.... He looks behind him to see this cop doing a 180 at like full speed try to get him. So with the cops right up pats ass he goes on the side walk and goes to to turn around (like a quick 180) His handdle bars fly off his bike and he goes crashed to ground. He was pretty much ****ed no where to run and bike now useless being tierd and out breath he just sat and wait for the cop to pull up. The cops pulls up bursting in tears from laffing so hard. The cops says says "dont let me see you in the park ever again". And we pretty much got away with it. Thats my storie i hope you liked it... Took me 35 mins to type.. ;-/
That hurt my eyes reading, pat sounds like a dumbass
i never really do stupid stuff, bur once me and my friends were walking to the pizza store. on the way back im drinking my pop and for some reason i decided to spit it on a bird that i was, so i said "hey watch this im gonna spit on this bird", i spit it out, the win blows it back, hits my friend right in his face. after about 5 minutrs of dieing of laughter on the ground, i jumped a fence and ran home, because my friend is 6'1. theres my crappy story
I've been thinking hard...

I found some milk. It smelled weird. It looked funny. I drank it and resumed playing Counter-Strike.

Ten minutes later, my stomach feels weird, goes numb. The feeling spreads to my arm. I sit back, eying my afflicted body parts. I tell all my friends that I drank strange milk, and it made my limbs numb.

I resume playing Counter-Strike.
Originally posted by mrBadger
Go on, share em with the whole wide web... mine probably has to be what I posted in the 'Why didn't anybody tel me' thread becuase thinking a shirt is a cat is quite stupid IMO... and it's one step too far to try and chase outta the house.... :P

the other greatest thing is making a cutting remark about a close female friend of mine's shoes.... oooo ... i had to publically apologise for that one.... that was probably the stupidest thing I've ever said :P
Dumbest thing I've ever done: Posting on this thread:cheers:
Originally posted by :>~
hmm lets see

having a really old flinstones sex comics or something like that on the pc

and you couldnt press esc or quit out of it until in ended

now, silly me in age 13 started playing it... only for my mom to get in the room and me with a boner trying to get her out while she's asking "whats that elephant nose doing??? and shutting the door in her face.

haha! *lol* you got a boner seeing THAT? well, you were only 13. :cheese: :p
Originally posted by h00dlum
LMAO im not sure i should post this but ok...well this happened when i was about 14-15. It was my friends birthday and i was very drunk, i kinda passed out and my friends carried me home to my basement and dumped me there. When i woke up i was still drunk ass hell..and i could´t go up, didint want my parents to see me drunk. Well anyway i had to take a shit..so i shat in the corner of the cellar (LOL) Then some shit fell down in my underwear so i had to take them off. After this i had to go up..so i tock my underwear and headed up...the next morning my mom came to me an said that she found my shitty underwear on the porch. ROFL damn that was embaresing...from now on i will probably have another name under my nick than AntLion :)

*rofl* that cracked my up dude! hahahahah!
me and a friend had this little fire going out in the middle of a paddock. we had these stink bombs. they were little glass ones and on the packet it said WARNING FLAMABLE. so we decide to throw it in the fire. like retards we decide to sit right next to the fire and watch it. first it turned blu then it swelled up then BOOM!.
it made a small crater and flung red hot coales into the dry grass all around us. but the worst thing was that all these little glass shards went every where. and we were sitting right next to the fire. ouch. tiny fragments are probably still stuck all throughout my body.

or today when i decided to grab a soldering iron by the very tip. :flame:
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
ok, This isnt that bad. Its just really funny and kinda unbliveable. My dad always buys me useless kids toys to try to stay on my good side and im 17. One day me and my friend pat walk in and there are those shitty dart guns. I felt so gay..... so i was like pat wtf. We got to find a way to use these cuz we were really bord. So we went into the park with them each gun had about 6 darts and we shot joggers from on our bikes. Man what was fun ****ing hell. They would get so pisted of from darts, little red rubbers.... Ok, Next day we wanted to do it again but no more darts being that we werent going to wast time to go around the park picking them all up we left them there... So we go to the dollor store. But what do we see next, But silly string. That afternoon we go though the park on bikes again and silly string the hell out of joggers. This really really pisted them off. We got chased a lot and cussed off like u wouldent belive. 2 days go by and we really wanted to do more of this so we went to the "BIG-K" and bought to big super soakers that were on sale. We wait till like about 6:30 went to the park and started to spray people. See the problem with was this was this really pisted people off and it was massivly funny. We got out of there cuz people start to case us like crazy. So that ended our weekend. You'd think we be smart to stop but no. We go into school telling everyone about our week and weekend of soaking people in the park. So my friend's adams and ryan are like weve got to go do this now!!!! So after school we go fill up the water guns and go into the park.. (Now after doing this day after day u begin to run into the same people) This day we had the camera (if you dont belive my storie IM thestaticshock on AIM and ill upload u the video) ok so where in the park and we stop are bikes turn around a soak this guy he gets super pisted cuz we got him b4 takes this mans bike and starts to come after us chasing us to about the middle of this park. He gave up then. Were like guys we better call it quits. So where on our way out of te parks riding back the way we came and we can see the exit to the park it was 20 feet away out of no where 2 HUGE guys come running out of the side of the trail and they yelling "THERE HE IS" well i gunned my bike full speed and we threw our guns down and petaled for our lifes i look back see both the huge guys chase after pat. Adam, ryan and i went left and we see 2 cop cars flying by after the 2 guys and pat. We went in to the highway constution to hide out. This worked us. As for pat heres what happend to him: Pat being chased by to huge guys and 2 cops cars found himself rideing his bike in the middle of the street faster then he was ever gone in his life. He tells me he stayed with the speed of traffic..... The guys now gave up on him seeing that they couldent do anything couse of the cops going after him. Pat turns down a block throwing te cops car off a bit.... He looks behind him to see this cop doing a 180 at like full speed try to get him. So with the cops right up pats ass he goes on the side walk and goes to to turn around (like a quick 180) His handdle bars fly off his bike and he goes crashed to ground. He was pretty much ****ed no where to run and bike now useless being tierd and out breath he just sat and wait for the cop to pull up. The cops pulls up bursting in tears from laffing so hard. The cops says says "dont let me see you in the park ever again". And we pretty much got away with it. Thats my storie i hope you liked it... Took me 35 mins to type.. ;-/

I want that movie! :)
or trying to go down a really steep hill backwords on a scooter.
*hey whered my scalp go*:x
i can send it to you on aim but first i have to get it off my cam give me till friday and ill get you it :D