dumb guy solutions 101


Oct 3, 2003
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Instead of going the way Valve want me to go i'm trying to make a jump for the jeep. It's that bridge part, has anyone successfully jumped the forcefield? I almost did. Here's what i mean.


Nice! Not to mention, very creative. I'll have to try that.
Looks from that angle like you could force-push it over :)
I need a longer ramp..hmm. The best i did was hang the buggy like in that pic. Most of the time i just spastify the run up in the last second and crash into the field. I can g-gun the buggy over but i need to get over as well.
Cool but...
I think that there would be an invisible wall right above the sheild that you wouldnt be able to go past (without nolcip anyway). Maybe the buggy can go over it, but I dont think it would let you go through...

Edit: HMmmmmmm have you actually jumped over that yet? If you have, awesome ;)
Yea i did that second time round, i was like YES I FINALLY PASSED IT... only to find another damn forcefield staring me in the ass.

the second one is easier though when you toss over some materials to use

LOL you also loaded up the jeep with supplies- i did that to find most of my stuff had fallen off way back at the start >_<

Option 1: Spend ages doing heavy lifting

Option 2: Enjoy combat and the sound of wind wooshing past your ears precariously balanced on the beams supporting a bridge.

Decisions decisions...
Mr.Wotsit said:

Option 1: Spend ages doing heavy lifting

Option 2: Enjoy combat and the sound of wind wooshing past your ears precariously balanced on the beams supporting a bridge.

Decisions decisions...

Ah but the decision is there! A lot of games don't give you that choice.
You could just use the manipulator to throw it over the field.
have you played the bit with the buggy, you cant lift it, only roll it over/push it

the forums for hl2 speed runners found a way to get over weeks ago....
rumblefish said:
have you played the bit with the buggy, you cant lift it, only roll it over/push it


You can shoot it from ununder, which makes it fly. I've not tried it myself though.
you the gate with the batterys? well i didnt realise you had to get batterys and managed to shoot the buggy over the gate with the grav gun
Another option after getting over is to park the buggy tight to the tanker car at the end of the parked train where you can climb up and run along the top of the train and jump over the second force field - you then have to do the rest of coast on foot.....DOH !

edit: if you don't park the buggy tight to the tanker, the moving train will hit it and the game actually ends (goes black screen and main menu pops back up) because you lost the buggy!
I didn't look for the batteries either but made a little ramp and nearly jumped over, then pushed the buggy with the grav gun.

And on your way to the bridge you also encounter a forcefield which you deactivate by pushing the combine car off the cliff. Well, I pushed my buggy through the side where you can walk past the forcefield and then deactivated it (but could as well leave it as I had the buggy with me already :]
Mr-Fusion said:
Yep you can jump over, i bypassed the entire bridge level by using this method. But make sure you sit on top of the forcefield and ggun the rest of the 'tools' over to the other side for the next force field.

The buggy doubles as a transport vehicle to get the required tools to the next bit instead of bringing them over one at a time!

god bless you half-life 2. this game has infinite possibilities...
I made a jump over the force shield, and it worked:) I'll post some screeenshots in a sec (I'm at an other computer now). I can say for now that there are 3 big metal plates in that area. 1)I forgot where the first came from 2) on the path under the house near the cliff, there's a BIG (larger than the other two) plate nailed at 2 wooden staves 3) if you walk down the path from the forceshield in front of the tunnel (not the one you want to jump over) you see a small place surrounded by wooden fence. There's the third one (oh and watch out for the headcrab at the one :))

3 plates instead of one makes the jump way easier to work.
ugh. It seems I can't upload right now. Imageshack.us doesn't work somehow, 250kb .jpg is too big for attachment. If i put it in a .zip, i can't make it an attachment because it gives an error. Sorry.
Did this over the forcefield at the combine APC bit (push it off cliff bit) on my second run thru the game, there was actually quite a big thread about it a week or two after release:)
I've seen a demo file of someone doing this before. Except, he would hit the buggy over then stack things to get himself over.
Dumb Dude said:
I've seen a demo file of someone doing this before. Except, he would hit the buggy over then stack things to get himself over.

Yeah, I had to do that at the 2nd forceshield. No suplies to build the ramp again. I shot the buggy over and got myself on the train, over the shield.

Btw, me a beta tester? I don't think so. I'm 15 years old, live in the netherlands and I have no idea how to subscribe for those kinda things. The only beta I ever tested was CS:s beta :p. I caught some serious bugs though.