Dumbledore is gay! D:


Already a thread.
We all believe it.
Use search.
Troll hasn't been banned yet? Wtf.
I can't wait for the date rape book to be released.
Hopefully Sulkdodds will attempt to merge these threads, I wanna see how he does this time.
Threads merged flawlessly thank you.
Hopefully Sulkdodds will attempt to merge these threads, I wanna see how he does this time.
The resulting bastard child will be forever lost in the cracks of VBulletin like the unwanted crack baby it is.
This time Ennui has thwarted my experiments. THIS TIME.
It only requires one **** up before you understand how to merge threads properly.

I almost deleted a megathread with mine though D:
(the original image dump thread i think)

I had a rather nasty dream last night involving gay sex. Thankfully I wasn't part of it, but was more an observer.
Was Dumbledore in your dream?

Also, I want to know what happened to Luna. WHY didn't anyone ask her about Luna?
Wait... So the reason Dumbledore was so close to Grindelwald in his youth was because he was in love with him?
why would she make him gay? It doesnt exactly change anything in the plot.
sure it will feel weird when he ask harry to see his magic wand or whatever whit the wand