Dungeon Keeper MMO

Cool idea, but doubt they could pull it off.
Was the original DK big in the asian markets? If not I don't see the point in them doing this, if it's an Asian market product primarily they may as well have saved some cash and just developed their own IP.
I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.
Dungeon Keeper was originally released by Peter Molyneux's Bullfrog back in 1999.


Clearly a well researched article.

Anyway, it would appear that this monstrosity will only be inflicted on the asian markets, so no need to worry.
CR0M's amazing facts no.32:

Dungeon Keeper was built using 3D Studio 4, the predecessor to 3D max.

Why couldn't someone decent buy the licence and make the sequel that was never released.

I don't want some Chinese MMO knock-off, they can get lost! *angry face*
Does Peter Molyneux still hold the license then? Or has the asset been sold off completely?

We still have the fan remake of the original (Natural Born Keeper)