Well im going to be getting this game very soon and i wondered if anyone else played it and liked it. I played the first DS and i found it pretty addictive. Just hoping this is one is better. What do you guys think about the game?
I've played the beta, its pretty fun. Story, graphics, and gameplay have all improved over the original. Plus its a Chris Taylor game, so it has to be good.
The voice acting sucks, hardcore in most places...
The graphics are good, excellent special effects and the like though...
The sound is topnotch...
Story is immersive...
Excellent cut scenes...
And it's violent, when you hit enemies with your melee weapons... little chunks come off of them
I just beat the demo (along with all the other side quests possible) and all I can say is, "Whoa."
I will buy this game the moment it comes out (edit: Gamestop says now shipping... hmm...)... and find spare time to play it. Voice acting is "ok" but it doesn't bother me. Only thing I hope they fix is the menu not showing for a long time on my system (ATI 9800 Pro). Other than that... storyline is great and everything else is wonderful. It's like Diablo II with 3D and better gameplay.
The save system in the demo annoyed me - it didn't save literally where I was and what I had killed, when I loaded up one area again I had to kill the same things over and over. This led to me getting bored and uninstalling the demo.
I played it to death for the first few days of owning it. Then it started to get a bit repetetive. Then I realised it was just the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over etc. I know thats kind of the whole point of hack and slash RPGs but still it was a bit much for me. Haven't touched it since.
Nice graphics though. Quite a good story also. And I loved the big cinematic scenes.
Which is why I liked the oringal Diablo.
Since levels were 100% perfectly rendomized that I never ever seen before, add in a few friends and you have a game.
Have creepy music in the background.
I played and liked the original, but it did get repetitive after a short while. I don't think I'm going to buy Dungeon Siege 2 since at the end of the day it's the same game with prettier graphics.
I'm thinking about getting this to play along side some friends. Who here has it and enjoyed it? I played the first a lot with friends until I realized ranged levels meant NOTHING. I hear there's skill trees and stuff for DS2 though so that's remedied.
How is it? Is there anybody here I could buy a copy from? I'm not sure if I wanna spend $50 on it just yet.
You can have mine if you want, and i'll pay you to take it
Seriously, I got this after playing guild wars and was amazed at how backward it is - absolutely nothing has been improved upon from the first game (which I loved, incidentally). You might not think that's so bad, but after several years of advancements in graphics, sound and gameplay in games like Guild Wars or WoW, and even NWN, this game offers nothing and just feels old and restricted and clunky.
Fixed camera limits??? come on, that just sucks badly these days - like being forced to play with a blindfold on. Horrible key setups, poor graphics, limited character setup options, a game word that is mostly inaccessible, cut scenes of blocky puppets that still amazingly talk without moving their lips, and dumb dumb AI really don't help either. edit - Add MurrayH's save game gripe to the list. That really bugged me too - yet another limitation.
Do yourself a favour and spend your money on something else - trust me, if you blow your cash on this you will be disappointed. If you want a good role playing game, get guild wars - looks great, sounds great, free to play online, and will keep you busy for months. Failing that, if you really want to pay monthly, WoW is your baby.
Graphics are good.
Sound is good.
Story is good.
Camera angles are equivalent to being diagnosed with cancer.
Warping/Saving system is terrible.
Party advancement system sucks.
It's a decent game.. I got about half way through and stopped playing it.