DVD-RW problem


Jan 31, 2005
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OK, I've just formatted but I can't put half the stuff I need on my PC because my DVD-RW won't read some CDs. I had this problem last time and sorted it by installing Nero for CD-Rs but it hasn't worked this time. Tried the firmware for it but it didn't help. Anyone know why this is happening / know how to fix it?
Well, I suppose one thing that would be helpful to know is exactly what kind of "CDs" you are having trouble with. Like, did you buy them, or are they burned? What do they have on them? Stuff like that. I'm not sure if I will be able to help, but that will help others help you, at least.
DVD-RW should function as a CD-ROM automatically. I would suggest that if it will not read CD's, there is an error with it and it should be replaced.

Is it under warrenty?
It just seems random with what it won't read.

Won't read some burned CDs but will read others, won't read HL1 but will read utilities etc.

It should be under warranty will probably take it back soon.
Do you have any other drives that can read the CD's?
Got a dodgy DVD drive in too, been nackered for ages but is OK when just copying stuff.