Dwarf Fortress


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score

"Losing is fun!"

Anybody play? It's got a ridiculously steep learning curve but it's fairly addictive.

Rogue-like graphics (i.e. ASCII, basically) combined with an insanely difficult learning curve and crazy amounts of complexity. Most people'll be turned off by the (lack of) graphics but it's a surprisingly addictive game once you get into it.
Ugh, if someone will explain how to work it, I'll play, it's just I was clueless when I first played it like months ago.
I only started yesterday, so I'm equally as clueless, but www.dwarffortresswiki.net is incredibly helpful. Try the first fortress guide, build that, learn how to play, then from there you can start mucking around or whatever.

My aim is to get a community fortress going here, but atm I dun have the time.
What exactly is the objective of this game?
You build a dwarf fortress.

Thats it. You have you're dwarfs do shit, assign them jobs or whatever, but yeah. Sim City with Dwarves. Only 10 times more detailed and no annoying board members.
Meh, I might give it a try later.

Do they have a graphical version? D:
They have a basic graphical version, but tbh it's about the same as the ASCII.

There aren't any win conditions, but there are a ****-ton of lose conditions.
Been playing since it was first released in September '06, it's amazing how far they've come since then, Toady is a god amongst coders TBH.

Also, the game is very moddable, there are martial arts mods etc all kinda crazy things, there's even a W40k mod.

I myself am making a custom 'Fortress player' race that has no emotion pain etc, basically stone golems, to just build a hell of a big fortress without having to worry about food and such.
Somebody start up a round-robin game here. I bet we can write shit down ok.
Every few months someone always makes a topic and tries to start a group. Hasn't worked yet :)

You really need to be logical and be imaginative since everything is ASCII. You just need to learn the symbols and you should be set.

Take it slow, and read a lot online about it. It's complicated, but very very deep.

Personally, I couldn't get into it either.
I downloaded the mayday graphical tiles, it helps quite a lot. :3
Could you post a link to that tileset? Honestly, my biggest problem with the game is I can't tell what the **** is going on.


Nevermind, I found it on their wiki of all things. Great game, still learning the ropes.
Yeah if the whole ASCII graphical style throws you off the Tileset helps immensely with getting you into the game.

If enough people here played I'd be up for a Lets Play! type of thing with Dwarf Fortress (Handing off the save file after a year of ingame time to someone and so on until the we succeed or the fortress falls). Need to start playing again though. I haven't played in months. Knowing that, Ill probably start the game and end up ****ing everything up.
This game is frustratingly complex, even after downloading graphics and character tilesets.

I want to like this game. Convince me of its awesomeness before I delete it and never think about it again.
I have sworn it off for the next two weeks, because I have tests.

There's not much I can do to convince you of its awesomeness, save that it is extremely interesting trying to work out ways to channel water properly and in such a way that you don't end up accidentally flooding your own fortress and drowning everybody.

I've lost one fortress to starvation, one fortress to thirst (lakes froze over in winter, and I didn't find any wells), one fortress to goblins, and one to, well, flooding.

I just hit magma yesterday, too, so I'll probably stuff that up and all my guys will burn to death.
This game is frustratingly complex, even after downloading graphics and character tilesets.

I want to like this game. Convince me of its awesomeness before I delete it and never think about it again.

Eh the best I could do is link to some Lets Play! Dwarf Fortress thread over on SomethingAwful but the majority of them still use the ASCII set so if you dont know whats what you're kind of left thinking "wtf is happening".

I hated the game when I first tried I kept thinking "Who in their right mind takes the time to learn all of this shit", but after about 10 or so plays of Trial and Error I had my first Fortress going. The dwarves were expanding really quickly and just kept ****ing digging. Which I figured was good. If my fortress somehow got invaded or something , I could retreat to a lower floor where I had the armory set up to prepare for battle. Of course, this was my first successful fortress so I didn't know that my dwarves were digging too deep. Eventually they opened up some ****ing pocket to some demon plane or some shit and tons of demons started flooding into my fortress. I tried to hold them off by flooding the lower floors and just drowning the ****ers but due to poor planning my entire fortress was flooded and everyone died.
Honestly though it was Boatmurdered that got me into this.
Also magma is the worst thing ever. While if you find some its ****ing great because I used it to get rid of excess materials I couldn't put anywhere else and to power other things, but whats this? WAIT NO DON'T DIG THERE I **** WHY DID I CLI- Fortress is now a pit of magma.

Edit: I just realized all of my fortresses have failed due to either 1. A flood of water 2. A Flood of Magma. 3. A flood of Demons.
****ing hell, demons?

I'll have to try this some other time.
Yeah. See I started building pretty deep in my fortress right off the bat, which was stupid because it made it a hassle to get to the surface to do stuff I needed to do there. Anyway most first time players don't survive passed their fortress' first winter. I spent alot of the autumn stocking up and when winter hit just had the dwarves sit down there and hold it out. Eventually I got bored and figured I could dig deeper and add some more stuff and get building done.

Eventually I hit a pocket of magma, which I hadn't hit before so I started looking up stuff on what to do it with it, while cautiously digging near it because I knew one mistake and I'd have a fortress full of magma. Anyway while digging around I ended up hitting a demon pit. I didn't know the **** to react as I didn't even know the game had demons and these things were slaughtering things left and right. I tried one cheap tactic which is to lure demons near a drawbridge then pulling the lever which crushes them beneath that. I was panicking though so they got through that and then as a last resort I started flooding my lower levels. Little did I know that some demons fly, and some can survive underwater. This led to a massive retreat where every dwarf was either killed by a demon or couldn't escape the flooding and drowned.
That's why I love the game. The disaster potential.

Mind you the worst non-natural threat I've run into so far is ratbeasts, where all my dwarves just wrestled them to death. I had a chasm full of miasma for a few days, so I just sealed it off.

What happened was a hunter had wandered down there because I had forgotton to forbid the door that lead to the lair...
You guys should try creating your own Fortress race without any need for sleep, food etc, no emotions, no pain, its kinda fun just messing around.
I'm trying to work out how to make a trap room at the entrance to the fortress that I can flood with magma whenever I feel like it. I'm not sure it's actually possible at this point in time.
Tried it once but the ASCII shit well put me off.

The custom graphics look a bit better, should have probably resisted birth for a few years so I could enjoy this at the height of my child/teenage imagination but oh well.
Tried it once but the ASCII shit well put me off.

The custom graphics look a bit better, should have probably resisted birth for a few years so I could enjoy this at the height of my child/teenage imagination but oh well.
Funny most people I know that play this game are around 25+..
I'm having trouble not playing this game. I need to study for exams, damnit.
So I just flooded my fortress with magma. But since all my military dwarfs were on patrol, they were outside and got royally pissed at their friends and relations dying. So there's a big-ass royal brawl going on as the fortress floods slowly with magma.
Seriosuly, couldn't of they been able to create the game with 8bit graphics or something?
It's two guys in their bedroom. In fact I think it's one guy in his bedroom and his brother occasionally getting ideas and writing them down. And in any case they're more focused on getting the gameplay working properly and fully than in presentation. That can come later.

I started a fortress called "Helpline" and I'm documenting its progress. Might be the basis for a communit round robin.

Or might just be an interesting read.

Seriosuly, couldn't of they been able to create the game with 8bit graphics or something?

Blasphemy! Rogue-like is rogue-like. I am developing a formal theorem stating that every gameplay can be reproduced with ASCII characters in rogue-like contexts. Now all I need is a rigorous proof.
Anybody want to be a named dwarf in my Fortress? I need to name a couple of Dwarves to make the write-up more interesting.